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Eh, decent animation. Personally I've seen better on DA and SA... =P

But big time flash people like legendaryfrog are just assholes who never talk to anyone =P So screw them. Stick with the small time guys who actually care about what people think and will make gifts for ya.


*cough* computer is still messed up since i don't have a CD key for this copy of windows which my uncle installed from a copy he had laying around at work *cough cough cough*

But now that I think about it, I could hijack Joe's PC since I also gave him a copy of flash and make something... ::shrugs:: Dunno about that though since his comp is sucky like mine.


Whoo. Played a bunch of games last night with clan members and assorted friends list peoples. We had some really fun games, including a round of shotgun KOTH that I particularly enjoyed.


Check teh kills. Think I was host? :P

Hope to see you guys online tonight, at least 'till Midnight EST-anime time on Adult Swim (<3)


woo... I start SOME of my school things today with graphic arts at the career center at around 11ish... fun times -.- everyday I just goto school, then up to there. I may not be AS active as I once was, but theres always friday and saturday nights that I could possibly stay up a bit later and play with yas all.


simple work. listen to the guy talk awhile, then draw two crappy pictures that i will make prettyful tomorrow =P wow.


omg i'm alive! sry i've been gone, been busy and school started the 15th so that made thigns worse, plus my xbox was kinda unplugged and i was too lazy to plug it back in :wink:

i should get to bed soon but i'll try to force myself online tomorrow


2 things I don't like about my graphic arts class:


2) We use Adobe Photoshop. See number 1 for a detail. UGH! IT SUCKS! I WANT MY FIREWORKS BACK!


I'll try to be on tomorrow or this weekend...


Today I finally get a break from work. For the past while I have been driving across the greater Phoenix area to various companies and doing a total of 10 minutes' work when I get there. I had better get paid for that road time. In addition, college is ...just .. BAH!!

Anywho, today was different in that I did no crazy driving, so I picked up a copy of kirby!

I was going to be on tonight, but kirby is just ... so ...oooOOoOoo, colors...*drool*


Tomorrow I have no work, so I do believe I will be on then.

Until then, remember kids, lava is bad! Look what i[t] did to kirby!

Today I finally get a break from work. For the past while I have been driving across the greater Phoenix area to various companies and doing a total of 10 minutes' work when I get there. I had better get paid for that road time. In addition, college is ...just .. BAH!!

Anywho, today was different in that I did no crazy driving, so I picked up a copy of kirby!

I was going to be on tonight, but kirby is just ... so ...oooOOoOoo, colors...*drool*


Tomorrow I have no work, so I do believe I will be on then.

Until then, remember kids, lava is bad! Look what i[t] did to kirby!

I'm still getting the feel of that... ::wants meta knight to kill everything!::

PS. Is there a way to block certain users on the same PC from this site? I wish they could do that to my brother because of all the complaining he does about this site =P

Today I finally get a break from work. For the past while I have been driving across the greater Phoenix area to various companies and doing a total of 10 minutes' work when I get there. I had better get paid for that road time. In addition, college is ...just .. BAH!!

Anywho, today was different in that I did no crazy driving, so I picked up a copy of kirby!

I was going to be on tonight, but kirby is just ... so ...oooOOoOoo, colors...*drool*


Tomorrow I have no work, so I do believe I will be on then.

Until then, remember kids, lava is bad! Look what i[t] did to kirby!

i saw that comic a while ago and loved it XD poor kirby

i might get on right now unless i make a sad attempt at modifying the google logo...

meh, i'll just get on


I'd just like to say something.

I was playing a game with Deimos and Sonic, and started singing The Music of My Groin.

I'm ashamed to say, they had NO idea what I was talking about, and thought I was mildly insane.

So now, as a public service announcement to the clan, I present the following link.

The Music of My Groin

I'm ashamed of you Deimos and Sonic. Ashamed.

Has i been playing with Red or Deej, or most other clan members for that matter, they'd have started singing along. But you, no.


I'd just like to say something.

I was playing a game with Deimos and Sonic, and started singing The Music of My Groin.

I'm ashamed to say, they had NO idea what I was talking about, and thought I was mildly insane.

So now, as a public service announcement to the clan, I present the following link.

The Music of My Groin

I'm ashamed of you Deimos and Sonic. Ashamed.

Has i been playing with Red or Deej, or most other clan members for that matter, they'd have started singing along. But you, no.


gasp! both of em hadn't heard it?!? that's disturbing...

on the subject of disturbing songs, i went to the wingless's site a while ago and made my way to his music section and dled all that i could see. twas all great, cept for one song. for some reason Zelda -- Eutopia Pegasi was some strange song about some guy who was cheated out of his girlfriend by spiderman o.o

i just checked the site and the song seems to be a zelda song now but what was he thinking when he put that up there?



Make clan shirts then mail them to you guys once I recieve payment for materials and shipping...

Thought about that today while making a Tails based scratchpad for a project. Easy even though I used photoshop WHICH IS STILL GAY!

Not to sound mean or anything... But can you speak the english tongue? Emoticons are ruining the language...

I must get you people to help avenge the Ghost of the English Language! O_O;; after taking orders for shirts, notepads, and what have you...


Make clan shirts then mail them to you guys once I recieve payment for materials and shipping...

Thought about that today while making a Tails based scratchpad for a project. Easy even though I used photoshop WHICH IS STILL GAY!

Heh, that sounds awesome, as long as you don't STEAL OUR MONEY AND RUN OFF TO MEXICO. Or..something.


10 more days until I go back to school and am able to go on Live again.

you can't get on live til after you've started school again?!? O.o that's wierd...


deej that'd be a cool idea but me parents would never consent to me giving someone i met online money for a shirt ;_;

maybe if i word it to make it sound like i'm getting it from an online retailer...

on a slightly related note: when i first read your post i thought it said "clean" shirts not clan shirts XD the hunger must be getting to me



i want to get on halo 2 but google talk, my first dip into the pool of adding skins and extensions to firefox, and some anime mp3s i just got are keeping me away ;_;

what should i do?

should i stay on the computer, play halo 2, or go and read eldest? such hard choices ;_; someone else make them for me

edit: gonna get on halo 2

Heh, that sounds awesome, as long as you don't STEAL OUR MONEY AND RUN OFF TO MEXICO. Or..something.


Well, my brother got off his ass and fixed IE so thats one problem but DLL's still wont work so flash=down still. Uncle will be back with CD key meaning I can reinstall windows and fix this...

One quick FYI:

Legendary is easy in co-op, even if your partner can't shoot worth crap and has no reflexes. The second angle helps greatly, and although ring-around-the-hunter is not reccomended, it works, if my partner could aim better! [though at that point, I suppose he could blame the lack of sleep; even my aim was off at 5:15 yesterday morning]

Also, Valen, if you're gonna make shirts, what is going to be on them? If its our little badge, I still have the original, which is bigger and higher quality.

If fate allows, I'll be on tonight, legendary was too easy and I need victim-uhh, challengers.

Also, Valen, if you're gonna make shirts, what is going to be on them? If its our little badge, I still have the original, which is bigger and higher quality.
I was thinking of doing that, or making shirts with gamertags on them, or both... Or something. I don't know. Prolly only 1 color though to help reduce the amount of screens I'd have to use (since we're only allowed so many at a time due to 20ish people and so many screens available). If ya don't know about shirt-screening, then here's a quick runthrough.

Each screen is for a different graphic/color on the shirt. Sorta like layers in Fireworks, Flash, whathaveyou. So to make a green & white bunny head I'd first have to make the 2 screens, then set up the shirt and screen, roll out the rubbery shirt color stuff onto it, apply the other screen, and repeat until all of it is finished. THEN, send it through the pass through oven to bake it onto it and presto, its done.

Lots more than that though... That's a simple detail of it. So I'd prolly just do an outline of the legendary graphic with headphones in white on black/dark shirts.

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