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Nice stuff. Very neat. I love the lyrics. And he said: tananananannananaaaaa tanana tanana!

The only thing, is the snare. I think is pretty hidden. Maybe that's just me cauz this is not my kind of stuff. But I really love the production.

Someone to back me up?


I think the judge would find the mix pretty empty. The synth are cool but some part seems empty.


Thank you for transporting my ears to the late 1980s.

The idea of using that *sound* as a substitute for human speech with words- is a great one! It's been used in other genres, and now someone's brought it over to the world of video game remixes. Props.

Synth you have at 0:23 got me hooked.


Totally reminds me of the old school cartoon shows. Back when they were good.

Love the lyrics.

Only part that kinda doesn't click for me is the off-tune part. Seems like you meant to do it since the other parts are in tune.

Just wondering what kind of effect you wanted to have there?

Edit: Listened to the source. I see what you're doing there haha =]. Srry, I never played it before xD

But other than great stuff. I'd like to hear more =]


I think you'd need a short section that doesn't sound quite like the rest in order to keep the repetitiveness down, make this a little longer, and add something new to the arrangement beside the vocals (which are nice, btw).

I get the idea you want the part that starts at 0:23 to be really fat, but it's not. All that reverb makes this lose fatness. You could try compressing this a bit, but you'd probably lose the 80's touch to it. Light distortion on the bass would be interesting. The verses are pretty nice, with the short squares, the bass (which is a weee bit loud here) and the drums, and then the vibraphone coming in just before the chorus, but the chorus itself is too weak, it needs to stand out more.


This is great! Hilarious lyrics. Love it that everybody who doesn't have ice has no real explanation. just TANANANANANNANANANANA, LOL!

The production here is also pretty solid, it feels like it just needs a little more polish at places, and a good breakdown section would be alright. I feel it also needs a little bit more of an ending, but I'm assuming you're probably not done yet, as this is a not a not WIP...

Double Negative? Wha!?


Updated the mix, added some breakdown, variation etc. All that's left to add is the final verse and ending.

Thanks for all the feedback so far :D I'll be workin on polishing this as best as I can. I updated the snare in most parts so it's a little more noticeable and punchy. I EQ'd the bass a little more properly in the chorus and verse sections. I'm not sure how I'm gonna treat the "chorus synth" aka: the "nanana" one. I want it to be fat, since there's no real high range information at that part but I don't want it to be overbearing, especially when the voices come in. Maybe I'll automate the reverb during those parts, because that "Synth" is made up of like, 5 bass synths.


As always, crit is welcome :D


I like the addition you made, but the fatness is still lacking, and the old ending was a lot better than the new one. Try putting the new section earlier in the song so it begins and ends in the same style - adding the new section to the end like you did now makes it feel like two different songs playing in sequence. The vocals are really the best element in this remix, and the effects on them are just right, I think.

EDIT: Ok, so the ending and final verse isn't there yet, I didn't read your last reply properly. Oops.


Okay. I really liked the interlude that starts at about 1:50. The arp bass is heavy, but maybe needs a bit more thumping. Loved the synth leads as well. Drums at the beginning sound way to mechanical. But I admire the simplicity of the arrangement--it has a vary spartan quality with industrial overtones to it. The vocals are crisp, clear and fantastic. Normally I don't like vocals in my music as a general rule, but it honestly sounds like a Weird Al parody. Over all, lovin' the vibes.


So I'm gonna record the last verse vocals on monday as well as smooth over some of the elements. I am gonna work on the drums at the beginning so they aren't so mechanical, also gonna mix up the drums a little overall.

I'll probably try and tweak the bass at 1:50 by adding perhaps a sub and some slight EQ and compression.

And of course an ending.will be done by then. :P


Aaaah CJ vocals! Great retro feel to this one, firmly tongue-in-cheek lyrics work with the style, nice cohesive sound to it and good arrangement. I'll have a listen on headphones later to see if there's anything production wise, but overall I like it a lot. Definitely got a Weird Al type thing going on!

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