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And don't get me wrong, I've played through all the games I mentioned, and I admit those are great games which have good soundtracks, but that's it, they're only "good". They don't deserve their current praise.

Someone is a Koji Kondo hater. Die, heretic.


JACKIECHANMEME JACKIECHANMEME!! You teach me much, Benjamin Briggz.


I gave up remixing anything from a game I haven't played a fair time ago. My nights/dkc/megaman/xenogears mixes are all aight but they don't really mean anything to me at their core, only as musical challenges.

In otherwords, prepare to suffer an onslaught of shameless final fantasy prog.

I gave up remixing anything from a game I haven't played a fair time ago. My nights/dkc/megaman/xenogears mixes are all aight but they don't really mean anything to me at their core, only as musical challenges.

In otherwords, prepare to suffer an onslaught of shameless final fantasy prog.

Are you talking that one track from the FF9 album that's ridiculously long, or are there more coming? ;D

I dont see a lot of newer soundtracks being remixed. And i have to admit i understand that. They're a hell of a lot harder to i'd think

Easier to get the OST. But take a song like 'Lets Dance Boys' (Bayonetta) and try to remix that into something OCR quality.

I've seen only like 2-3 modern songs. One halo one GT 3. Might be some N64 ones

But i've seen nil from PS2 or later. Its a shame really. I hope someone actually can soon. I'd love someone to dare to take on the Normandy Reborn from ME 2.

Unfortunately, a lot of new soundtracks are moving further and further away from melody, tonal hooks, or chordal complexity and more and more toward that (stupid) "epic" feeling; the listener won't take anything away from it, and the tunes won't get stuck in your head like they did when we were playing Pitfall or Tekken 2 or Mega Man X. That's why you don't see any Call of Duty mixes up here. I won't say that there's no new music worth remixing, that's not what I'm getting at, but a huge portion of it wouldn't really produce anything memorable, imo. But then again, I'm a melody addict.

Anyway, I'm trying to stay away from sources (and games) that have been remixed to oblivion for the time being. My plan is to bring to light all the games that I grew up on that've been passed over thus far (I'd give examples, but I can't have anyone stealing my mix ideas now can I ;P )

Unfortunately, a lot of new soundtracks are moving further and further away from melody, tonal hooks, or chordal complexity and more and more toward that (stupid) "epic" feeling; the listener won't take anything away from it, and the tunes won't get stuck in your head like they did when we were playing Pitfall or Tekken 2 or Mega Man X. That's why you don't see any Call of Duty mixes up here. I won't say that there's no new music worth remixing, that's not what I'm getting at, but a huge portion of it wouldn't really produce anything memorable, imo. But then again, I'm a melody addict.


I'm probably alone in this, but more and more, it's the music that inspires me to play a game, not the other way around. I played Chrono Trigger because I loved the soundtrack. The only reason I ever even touched Seiken Densetsu 3 was because I heard so many good remixes here. I really dislike the Halo series, but Martin O'Donnell's soundtrack is brilliant.

Personally, I remix based on what songs I like, not what games I like, or even what games I have played. For me it's more of an exercise in honoring brilliant pieces of music that most people don't give a second thought. If you consider where video game music lies in the grand scheme of music appreciation, there is not a single soundtrack that is overrated... in fact, our most overrated soundtracks are still underrated in the big picture.


I bought chrono cross solely because I loved the soundtrack, I also got into silent hill pretty much because of akira yamaoka. I generally won't play games I dislike just because I like the music but in that sense it definitely has inspired me to play games before

and I agree, no matter how overrated you might think the soundtracks of final fantasy or zelda are, they're underrated compared to...pretty much everything outside of video games.

This. So very much this. I wonder how many people still associate vgm with just the 8-bit music of old and thus don't rate it as a "real" or serious form of music.

I told a guy at school that my favorite music is VGM and that I like to remix it. He told me (and prefaced it with "I'm kinda embarrassed to admit it, but...") that he and his sister bought the DKC1 soundtrack as kids and listened to it all the time. AND I WAS LIKE DUDE, THAT IS NOTHING TO BE EMBARRASSED ABOUT!!!

It's kinda sad that so many things associated with video games, especially retro games, are immediately minimized in significance just because most players rarely care to experience the medium beyond the gameplay. Bleh.

As soon as this guy heard the first notes of one of my Zelda remixes, he smiled. That's the magic of VGM -- unparalleled nostalgia.

And it's such a shame xD

I'm 100% certain though that VGM (and anything video game related, in fact) will someday get all the praise it deserves.

Ahhh, maybe. But someone earlier in the thread mentioned that VGM these days is mostly "epic" tripe (sorry, just my opinion). I can see that becoming mainstream a la film music, but my favorite themes from the past will probably remain under the radar.


Oooooohhhhhhhhhnnnmvbm!!!!!!!! 10 rupees.

someone earlier in the thread mentioned that VGM these days is mostly "epic"

I am are teh contribyoot 8)

With any luck, I'll be changing this from the inside in a few years. My ultimate goal is to write for video games, and I guarantee I'd do my best to make sure none of this forgettable junk would be coming from me. We need more memorable themes. Newer technology doesn't mean melody has to die...


While we're on the tangent, there's an old Extra Credits episode that addresses the topic of old/new VGM and good melodies versus "epic trite" extremely well. One of their best episodes, in my opinion.

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