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Welcome, Usa! Perhaps we need a side project for Mario Paint remixes. :P

Soraya: Yeah, the songs that needed to be on the Symphonia part were much more obvious, and choosing for the Phantasia part wasn't easy. But, I think we managed a well-rounded selection that most people can be happy with. (Unless people are still just making their murder plans... :P)


I can't get my emulator running right with the mouse. Mouse movement works, but mouse clicking doesn't :(

And my real SNES is a thousand kilometres away from here... Let's hope someone else does a decent MP remix :)

Oh yeah, and I can guarantee that not all the remixes will be crazy death metal screaming tracks *lol* At least mine will be a solo piano arrangement.

Oh yeah, and btw. if anyone of you needs piano in their mixes, please contact me, and I see what I can do for you. I already have some collab experience so it should not be a big problem :)

Are there plans for organizing any sort of album flow? Of course, the tracks can be arranged in any way later on, but it would make for an awkward album if all of us happened to make, say, crazy death metal screaming songs. XD

Actually, that is something that's being discussed (in fact, that's part of the reason why we're going to be reorganizing the tracks before the release of the project), and we have a few ideas of how to do it. More will be revealed as we figure out the exact details. ;) And of course, if anyone has any ideas, don't be afraid to toss 'em out there. We're considering everything.

Usa, you should try the Mario Paint clone: http://www.8-bit.jp/file/MarioSeqE.zip


Wow, that Mario Paint version is just hilarious! Sadly I can't use the fake Mario Paint app you gave me, because I own Macs and on Virtual PC it runs too stuttery, at least with my version. I know the newer versions are much better, but I will try to run the actual Mario Paint on my old PowerMac G3. I could run it with full mouse control on a self-made SNES9X version there! *lol* This thread is almost more about Mario Paint than the actual project by now!


Alright, alright, let's not get too distracted now. :P Even though there's not much else to do, except wait and see if more people express their interest in joining this thing...

EDIT and *bump*: Not much to update on, except for I've been discussing this project with Ashane, and he should hopefully have a song (or maybe songs, but who knows) chosen tomorrow. Zyko man, if you catch this thread, let me know what you want to pick up, too.

Otherwise, not a lot of news on this front. I've received one WIP so far, and it's looking good. If anybody wants to recruit a remixer or two for this project, don't be afraid to tell them about it. It will be greatly appreciated. :)


I put a bump in your mom last night...

Eh, what we need are button banners to help spread the project around; that way the people can put them in their sig to help support the project.

Then again, I come up with the most insane ideas :?

I put a bump in your mom last night...

Eh, what we need are button banners to help spread the project around; that way the people can put them in their sig to help support the project.

Then again, I come up with the most insane ideas :?

Actually, I've thought of that... We'll probably do something like that soon.

And now I got my G3 to work with an older version of the emulator, and here it is.

Sadly, Mario Paint doesn't allow me to do the full song because of its length restriction :(

How about doing a bit of song on an MSF and then peacing it all together in a Wave editing program?

Just wondering, if we don't know how the tracks are going to be arranged on the final product, how are we going to make track cross-fades possible?

PS: I'll definitely put the project banner in my signature when it's available!

Just wondering, if we don't know how the tracks are going to be arranged on the final product, how are we going to make track cross-fades possible?

PS: I'll definitely put the project banner in my signature when it's available!

Okay, track cross-fades: If you have an idea of whose song you want to fade into/out of, let me know, and I will put you in contact with the remixer of the other song (I thought I explained this in the first post :P).

When it comes time to order this thing, we'll make sure that the songs that are fading into each other stay together. Since it's being sort of a controversial topic right now, we might possibly just order the tracks before hand, instead of waiting. But for now, this is how it'll work.

EDIT: Okay, I think I've got a decent game plan for the order of the Symphonia part. Go check it out on the first page and let me know if there's any problems with it. Gonna work on ordering the Phantasia part right now.


Updated the Phantasia track listing. This is now pretty much how the final project will be organized, as far as track order. Of course, I'm open to any suggestions, so if you have any qualms, please let me know.

Also, Hemophliac and OverCoat are teaming up on Mid Galds, so the Phantasia part of the project is really shaping up. Keep those WIPs coming!


Ah, I didn't really mean to ask about what was already answered, I just found some sort of technical problem with how it would work that I can't remember now. XD

The mixers should make some sort of private forum in which to discuss what one another are doing. I think the overall quality of the project will increase if everyone is on the same 'wavelength'. (I know I might be getting ahead of things, here. :wink: )

Ah, I didn't really mean to ask about what was already answered, I just found some sort of technical problem with how it would work that I can't remember now. XD

The mixers should make some sort of private forum in which to discuss what one another are doing. I think the overall quality of the project will increase if everyone is on the same 'wavelength'. (I know I might be getting ahead of things, here. :wink: )

Hehe, well, I think most of those forums die eventually, but it's an idea worth considering. Let's get a little further into the project first before we get a forum up, though. ;)

EDIT and *ka-bump*: Rubbler is now officially on the project, with Sheena's theme from Tales of Symphonia. Be sure to check out his stuff if you haven't heard it.


Of course I can change the name in the banner, it's just a string after all :) But what is the project's current name? Just "Tales of Phantasia/Symphonia ReMix Project"? I guess that's a really lame name, and way too long. Lots of people I know call it the "Tales Project" but that doesn't state it's about VGM and ReMixes. But I think that doesn't matter for now, I will use that expression until someone comes up with something better :)

Any better ideas?

Of course I can change the name in the banner, it's just a string after all :) But what is the project's current name? Just "Tales of Phantasia/Symphonia ReMix Project"? I guess that's a really lame name, and way too long. Lots of people I know call it the "Tales Project" but that doesn't state it's about VGM and ReMixes. But I think that doesn't matter for now, I will use that expression until someone comes up with something better :)

Any better ideas?

Hey Usa, I thank you for your offer, but Lea is going to play the official graphics artist for the project, since she's good with that kind of stuff ;). We've decided on a project name (will be unveiled after the graphics are done) and all of that, so just be patient for a little bit, and we'll have something cool for you all!

Otherwise, keep tossing your ideas out there, folks! If you have any qualms, let us know, and also be sure to jump onto the project if you're a remixer who's interested. We could use your support. :)

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