GSO Posted November 5, 2011 Posted November 5, 2011 Here is my WIP for Liberi Fatali: (my friend played the piano here, mostly cuz she has mad piano skillz) Quote
Paladin Posted November 9, 2011 Posted November 9, 2011 Epic. Your friend's really rocking that electric piano. I feel like the strings could be brought up in volume to match the piano and bass. Also, it would be cool to hear some variation in the string part, maybe some runs or tremello stuff to add interest. In one of my WIPs I had a similar long held note in the strings and someone suggested changing notes every so often, so I'll pass on that wisdom. xD Hope some of that was helpful! Quote
GSO Posted November 9, 2011 Author Posted November 9, 2011 thanks for the tips here is the improved(I hope) Version 4: (I added some variant horns over the held strings. I also switched back to the Orchestra theme I had going before.) I have no Idea what I'm doing as far as mixing/mastering goes. if you can recommend a remixer who can help, I'd appreciate it Quote
Paladin Posted November 10, 2011 Posted November 10, 2011 I like the brass. I would suggest maybe putting the notes up an octave and seeing how that sounds though, as the trumpets are playing very low. Or you could maybe layer a higher octave on top of the lower one you already have? I think that could work. I do miss the electric piano. It reminded me of Emerson, Lake & Palmer. The standard piano does make it sound more orchestral though and probably does work better well with the brass you've added, so I'll forgive you. xD I think the piano might benefit from a bit more reverb on it, as if its being played in a concert hall. I think that would sound cool. What software are you using? Love the update, nice work! Quote
GSO Posted November 10, 2011 Author Posted November 10, 2011 Here's version 5(still haven't quite figured out how to balance the individual instrument levels. if anyone could give me advice on that, it'd be much appreciated:smile:: Quote
elementc Posted November 11, 2011 Posted November 11, 2011 I'm not trying to be cruel here. The only thing I really like is the piano. The brass sounds extremely fake, dull, and repetitive. The brass and drums just suck out all of the excitement of the original. It goes way beyond stuff like "adjust the dynamics so it's more interesting" or "get yourself some better samples." The arrangement itself is just not at all interesting or exciting (except for the piano parts). Quote
Paladin Posted November 11, 2011 Posted November 11, 2011 I think the brass would sound more realistic if you add some reverb on it. Maybe stick another note in there to make a chord as well, that could work quite nicely. In terms of balance I think you can afford a lot more strings. Possibly slightly less brass. Hope this was helpful. Quote
GSO Posted November 17, 2011 Author Posted November 17, 2011 VERSION 7(I think I've got it this time): Quote
Monobrow Posted November 22, 2011 Posted November 22, 2011 My advice to you. Don't use any other instrument other than your piano. Right now it sounds like 3 songs playing at once. You even switch keys w/ the piano... but your violin or w/e is playing in the original key? Right now listening makes me feel like a crazy person, maybe try to keep your accompany in the same key, and keep up w/ the piano chord structure? I think maybe though that the piano needs to be by itself... It is played like a solo piece, so maybe adding anything to it would take away in general. Quote
GSO Posted November 28, 2011 Author Posted November 28, 2011 thanks monobrow. I took your advice for this version: Quote
Magnetic Ether Posted December 9, 2011 Posted December 9, 2011 Hey there, just some observations: - The violin at the beginning is a little unnecessary. It just cuts out and never comes back in. I know in the previous versions you had the violin playing along with the piano, but now that you've taken it out, there isn't really any reason for it to be there. - I think the piano is panned a little bit too much. It's like I'm only hearing the left hand with my left ear, and only the right hand with my right. I think it would make more sense to have them closer to the middle. - At 0:17 the waves cut out for a second and then start to repeat. It happens at the end too. - When the left hand of the piano comes in it starts out a little bit fast and then slows down to the songs tempo. It would be nice if it started at the same speed as the rest of the song. - The left hand is a bit too simple for me. Adding in some more chords would make it that much better I think. Hope this helps Quote
CJthemusicdude Posted December 14, 2011 Posted December 14, 2011 I love me some FF8 mixes so I thought I'd take a listen to this. My thoughts: The good: Arrangment is very thorough and I enjoyed listening to some of the neat little changes to the melodies you did. Piano playing was a bit spotty at moments but was very nice throughout with plenty of dynamics. The not so good: I agree with Kuo on two points. The first being that violin the beginning. Since you don't use it in the rest of the mix, it's probably better to just get rid of it. It doesn't really add to anything. Also I agree that the piano panning is awkward. I get that idea that the lower notes on the left and the higher on the right, but it feels now like the piano is a mile wide. Maybe you could skooch the parts closer to the middle. Looking forward to hearing how this turns out Quote
WillRock Posted December 15, 2011 Posted December 15, 2011 You've marked this for mod review so here goes: Mod Review First thing i'm going to say is the source. Holy fuck its good. Its not usual that you hear someone remix a source like this so props on the ambition. Opens up with a violin that sounds out of place compared to the rest of the song. I'd consider dropping that part, it doesn't fit with the rest of the song. The piano sample itself isn't all that great tbh i've heard much more convincing piano samples before, this sounds like a toy in comparison. I'd consider trying to either 1: get your hands on better samples through someone else helping you - or getting someone to play this with their own samples for you, there are plenty of people on OCR who can get the sort of quality that would be needed here. The arrangement from what I can tell is pretty neat, altho it could use some work in execution. The writing seems cool but i'm not hearing much dynamic range throughout (interesting the person below me said he could hear dynamic range - i'm not hearing nearly as much as i'd like) and you could really go all out on a piece like this and make it incredibly dynamic. The panning of the piano is off-putting as well - like the others have said, the two hands need to be centered, atm, it sounds like you've got two pianos, one on either side of you, one playing left hand and one playing right. Center the piano parts. The playing while ok, every now and then seems to go slightly out of time, you need to work on your tightness when playing but that isn't a main concern for me. So to recap everything: Violin part needs removing, Needs more realistic piano sample, needs more dynamic range, center your panning, try to tighten up performance. Sorry if I seem like i'm giving you a fuckload of negatives - I'm just trying to tell you what you need to do to realize this tracks full potential, and right now, you've got a fair bit of work cut out for you before this hits OCR standard. Keep working at it tho! Quote
Orangedragan Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 I like where the mix is going, but I feel where the above poster is coming from about separate songs. Quite honestly, the rhythms just plain don't match. It feels like the instruments are stuttering, as if there are several conductors each trying to conduct a different section of instruments. I don't know how else to put it besides that. Edit: This thread is moving way too fast, so I'm not below the person I originally saw. Just ditto what the mod said. XD Quote
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