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On the Breath of the Wind - Wind Waker Project - Breaking News: SkyRiderX Co-Director!!!!

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School has been dragging me down, but don't worry I'm still working on the ending theme lyrics. Had to change gears from doing the intro to the ending, but once I have them complete I'll send a copy to you and the people that are helping me on this.

  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, i've been fairly useless about chasing the missing WIPs.

That'll change next week; I'm about to start putting together a package of what we have to determine where we are with this thing. Some tracks will probably become available again unless people get in touch soon.

Anyone out there interested please get in touch.


You know I have a WIP sorted... so I'm all good right?

Yes, your good. Anyone who has shown me anything to proove commitment is good.

I just want to check people are prepared to work on tracks, otherwise I want to reopen them up for anyone else out there who might be interested. I'm just waiting on one more WIP which has been promised to be delivered this week before I do a head count.

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to drag this topic back up again but I want to let everyone know that Kyle has very kindly agreed to host project discussions at the KNGI board.


So yeah, set up an account, let me know about it, and i'll see you all there. :-D

And for anyone who wants to know, tracks are still available! Check out my intro post and get in touch - we want remixers, experienced or not, i'd love to hear your take on the Wind Waker.

  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry to drag this topic back up again but I want to let everyone know that Kyle has very kindly agreed to host project discussions at the KNGI board.


So yeah, set up an account, let me know about it, and i'll see you all there. :-D

And for anyone who wants to know, tracks are still available! Check out my intro post and get in touch - we want remixers, experienced or not, i'd love to hear your take on the Wind Waker.

Can any project use this website? Could I get my Majora's Mask Musical up on there?

Can any project use this website? Could I get my Majora's Mask Musical up on there?

You can always ask. ;-)

In all seriousness, he's hosted several projects, so... probably?

Sorry to drag this topic back up again but I want to let everyone know that Kyle has very kindly agreed to host project discussions at the KNGI board.

Exciting! Can't wait to hear what y'all churn out.


Update! The first finished WIP is on it's way.

Recruiting Artists

As well as musicians, does anyone skilled in the visual arts fancy getting involved?

The artwork below was something I knocked up in half an hour to drum up interest in the project. If you think you can do better send me a PM and get in touch; i'm not looking for cover art for the album and some incidental art as well.


It's only a rough sketch not a working product.

If there's anyone out there with an artistic bent who could offer their services get in touch and let me know what you can do. We could do with some original pictures of scenes from the game as well as cover art so even if it's not front material we could still use you.

Posted (edited)

Whipping something up as we speak.

I think it'll provide a nice visual backdrop. Perhaps the back of the album. I don't see it being front of the album material.

P.S. May have something up for Grandma. Possibly. Don't quote me on that. Or do. Whatever.

Edited by PixelPanic
Posted (edited)

Yo Swift, what's the font you used for that one promo? I like it and I want to put it in what I'm doin.

EDIT: Here's something I made in about 2+ hours


Gonna keep workin, but I like where it's goin

Edited by PixelPanic

You can download several Legend of Zelda fonts from this site: http://www.zeldalegends.net/index.php?n=fonts

Ooh, it's sweet. I like it :-D; but your right, it isn't album cover art material.

I have been toying with the idea of creating a pdf file that goes through the album from start to finish. IF (and it's a big if but IF) we meet OCR standards I need to have a list of all the lyrics to hand anyway and I thought making something akin to an album booklet would be a good idea.

And if we went down that route it would mean a lot of small pictures from various points in the game :razz:

We'll see. That's the king of thing I really need to be thinking about in six months time AFTER the music is ready.

I spent about three hours today putting an automated drum track on one song, went away, had a drink, came back and just deleted it all because it was awful :-|.

I don't get on with drum programming at all... I'd rather just sit on the kit and play it myself. Only that really restricts the type of noises I can make. Good for the acoustic feel but not much else...

And something for Grandma?

I'm intruiged...

And lyrics for the staff credits song: yes please, really want to get moving on that because it's a brilliant idea.

  • 2 weeks later...

But in all seriousness, I think with my workload I'll only be able to handle one track, so no Grandma :(

Okay, sorry to hear that.

The latest WIP I did see though was cool; much more expanded than the previous version :mrgreen:

Quick update for anyone listening: We currently have 11 songs with solid WIPS!

The next deadline will be 1st July 2012!

There are a few people i've let off from sending WIPS in as they've been busy but I will have to ask them to get something to me by the end of July or release the track back to the public :sad:

Also if there's anyone out there who wants a track It looks like Princess Zelda's theme probably wont be happening now; so that's free again.

Also Grandma, Forsaken Fortress, ALL OF THE BOSS THEMES and, SHOCK HORROR DRAGON ROOST ISLAND are unclaimed. seriously; thats possibly the most popular song in the game... although perhaps the quality of the remixes already out there might make it daunting to do something completely different.

Proove theme wrong :lol:

  • 2 weeks later...

I've decided to postpone this WIP until 1st of July (it was 1st June) for 2 reasons:

1) A couple of people have asked me for more time

2) I promised some people vocal samples that I recorded the other weekend and I've not got them out yet


3) I'm knee deep right now in preparing for my own project, the website Distant Spires, which will be releasing its first project 'Monsters' this June. Until that is sucesfully through the door I'm not going to have the time required to dedicate 100% to this, especially as I'm also hitting a load of deadlines at work at the same time.

So, people, remember! Next deadline 1st July.

And people waiting on me for one reason or another, I promise I will sort myself out soon. Sorry :sad:

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Also, as the KNGI forums claim, Happy Birthday!

Edited by PixelPanic

Yeah, we still need a cover. And grandma would be awesome :)

Thanks for the birthday message; had a good time.

My attention between now and mid June is firmly fixed to the realease of Distant Spires; making final adjustment and waiting on a friend for final edits to his music... :-D

I'm going to have a trailer to share with everyone soon regards to that.

The moment it is DONE i'll be back on this full time.

Also; collab stats:

Mangaman sent me the first verse lyrics wise; I suggested some edits and I haven't heard back from him.


I might have a whistling part i'd love you to do; album intro with the sound of seashore, a drum solo and a lone whistler? :-D

If your interested once the drums are recorded i'll get back in touch.

  • 3 weeks later...

I recorded a test drum track over the weekend; i'll have a sample for you soon.

I've a new computer arriving over the weekend so I can actually master these tracks properly.

In other news: July is deadline month.

Could anyone with tracks claimed get a new WIP to me as soon as possible.

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