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well i can do the writing part easier than i can do the art part because i just lack the software to do it at the moment. But do you still need a writer?

Oh and that e-book by Kwarp is awsome great jorb!


Any song that already hasn't been claimed. That song hasn't, so it is all yours.

EDIT: No, I don't need any more writers. That team is beyond full, if that is technically possible. Anyhow, sorry bout that, but I really would not want any more writers on that team. :?

DOUBLE EDIT: WOOOOPS! Didn't notice that you already were on the writer team. Ya, you can still be on it. I am not taking ANY MORE though :)

DOUBLE EDIT: Refelos, that poster is completely awesome. KWarp, what is wrong with it. With the idea I have for it, I believe it will serve its purpose perfectly. Nice job again Refelos.

Don't mind me. I'm just nitpicking. It really is an awesome poster, I just have a hard time complementing people. <(^_^; )>

DOUBLE EDIT: WOOOOPS! Didn't notice that you already were on the writer team. Ya, you can still be on it. I am not taking ANY MORE though.

Ha I missed that too. :P

Yeah, anyway I'm going to drop by deviant art and see what kind of Kirby fanbase they have.


Yea, I suppose its easy to foget about me. I was not only one of the first to join up, I haven't said much on either boards. I have ideas for the story, but I have been holding them until the writers get together to brainstorm.


I browsed through DeviantArt for a couple hours and so far found 5 talented artists. I saw so much insane art browsing through the site that I'm kinda afriad to dive back in there again. 8O


OK, this is the last post I make from Switzerland. I will be on vacation in Germany for a little bit more than three weeks now, so I am not able to work on my mixes in that time. I have internet there, though, and will check out the forums when I got the time :)

My train will depart in a few hours and I need some rest, so CU l8er!


I'm leaving on vacation to Africa and Israel on Sunday for 5 weeks. Internet access will be extremely limited (dial-up at best) so if you need to contact me, catch me by email at KWarp11(at)gmail(dot)com. I'll be back on the 27th of August if the wild animals/terrorists/criminals/weather doesn't kill me first.

Arek, CC, don't break anything. :P


Alright, it seems as though it is appropriate to label this project on "down time". Remixers, however, are not off the hook :wink: . I will be posting deadlines soon, so be prepared.

The only thing going on besides the WIP's is that art cover "contest". Good luck to the artists on that.

Well, that is it for now.

This should be moved any day now, so don't think that this topic got deleted if you can't find it in gendisc :)

http://oltri.vze.com/temp/Kirby%20Hotbeat%202.mp3 WIP. I know, it sucks. and has blank space at the end.

*sigh* well, helpful comments appreciated. I don't know how to use fruity loops well, ...

Okay...I just listened to this for a few minutes, and my first comment is that your samples are pretty bad. Most of them sound like high quality midi to me. This makes your song lack a lot of depth, and I really couldn't get into it. I can feel your "style", but as for the sample quality, it really isn't good, and that takes away from your song. I also remember the original version of this song to be very exciting and adventurous, and so far, yours has a very flat and shallow feel to it. (especially your percussion and bass) I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but I think that if someone says something now, and heads this off from the beginning, it would save you a lot of wasted time and energy. I know my WIP needs a lot of work as well, so I don't think I'm perfect or anything, but the sample quality was really irking me.

So I suggest you look on the net for some nice high quality samples, try hammersound, or sf2midi.com, or darkesword's site, etc. You can also try searching google for .sf2, etc. Get some decent soundfonts.

For now, that's the best tip I can give you. You just need to make your WIP feel more dynamic, and better samples (or at least trying to make the ones you have have more range) would be a good way to begin. It has potential, which is why I felt the need to comment :D


I hope LAOS doesn't mind, but I quickly put together some sheet music of the Time to Learn/Training song and performed it.


The melody itself is really quite easy. I didn't even need to put 5 minutes of practice to achieve the result above (that should be very evident :P). If LAOS (or any of the other remixers) are interested in having a live Cello performance in their remix, I'm more than up for it. The easier the part, the better I'll play it. :)


Well, I was itchin' for something to do on this project, so I figured I'd get a head start on it... what do you think?


I guess I'll be covering Halfmoon then. ^^;;;

(BTW, the size I used is 150% of 300x400 so it ended up being 450x600)


I love that Ninja Kirby stance! Thats wicked sweet!

You should have added Biospark though (the Ninja sidekick... thats my favorite). I also like how you did the RPG bosses, it would be fun to fight them all at once like that!

That also reminds me how hard it is going to be when we have to write that battle with the RPG boss...

"Kirby uses Knife Attack. Dragon takes 30 points of damage. Kirby uses pokeball.... Dragon caught! A new pokedex page has been added!" :lol:


I have a solution to that actually. We could randomly generate set phrases for that part of the story. It's as simple as assigning the phrases to variables and randomly printing them out on screen.

And yes, that is wicked art. :D In fact I think I'll make that the approximate standard of the page art. 450x600 and a filesize of less than 110k, give or take.

Also, I've picked up the official names of some of the "nameless" bosses.

Computer Virus: As seen above.

Wham Bam Rock: The temple boss with the stone hands

Ghameleo Arm: The Chameleon boss


That would be easy, but then again we wouldnt have to write it that way. Like...

"Kirby looked at the Dragon virus and said to himself "Hey, I can handle this!". Suddenly, two more windows popped up! Kirby forgot to update his virus scan! Alt+Ctr+Delete isn't working either! Kirby changed to Ninja form and prepaired for a tough fight..."

I know we cant have the virus scan part (I thought it was funny), but write it in that sort of format instead of RPG format.


Seems I've forgotten about the most important picture of all, the texture for the paper. So far, I can't find any textures that fit the bill, well... no free ones anyway. If anyone could spare (literally) a buck to buy that texture or has something just as good, please help out. Otherwise perhaps someone can make one...


This is a crazy and almost stupid idea, but why not simply SCAN a white piece of paper? Im not sure how it will turn out but its worth a shot or if it will make a difference, unless you want something fancy in the background.

Now that i think about it, I have a replica of the Declaration of Independence laying around somewhere and it has that "old parchment" look on the back side I think. Ill see if I can salvage a background from it by scaning it.

EDIT: I got something from it but the lettering kinda showed up. Not sure if you can use it though, I'll send it to you if you want.

Okay...I just listened to this for a few minutes, and my first comment is that your samples are pretty bad. Most of them sound like high quality midi to me. This makes your song lack a lot of depth, and I really couldn't get into it. I can feel your "style", but as for the sample quality, it really isn't good, and that takes away from your song. I also remember the original version of this song to be very exciting and adventurous, and so far, yours has a very flat and shallow feel to it. (especially your percussion and bass) I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but I think that if someone says something now, and heads this off from the beginning, it would save you a lot of wasted time and energy. I know my WIP needs a lot of work as well, so I don't think I'm perfect or anything, but the sample quality was really irking me.

So I suggest you look on the net for some nice high quality samples, try hammersound, or sf2midi.com, or darkesword's site, etc. You can also try searching google for .sf2, etc. Get some decent soundfonts.

For now, that's the best tip I can give you. You just need to make your WIP feel more dynamic, and better samples (or at least trying to make the ones you have have more range) would be a good way to begin. It has potential, which is why I felt the need to comment :D

No offense taken! As I've said, I'm no master of production. if I had MY way I'd just work in the midi and sheetmusic...

Funny though, these samples are from those sites mostly. Can you recommend me any specific samples:

Piccolo (or a desert flute)


Bells (glock)

Percussion (desert-y)


Pizz strings


Just a thought. Hmm... I'm also not very good at eq'ing / filling things up. If someone could help me out that'd be sweet... just tips and stuff.

Thanks dude... the help is really appreciated.


Okay, I am in need of ideas..or any suggestions so far. I understand "Inside Nova" is kind of a more, tensive, dangerous type of tune, but I'm wondering if this took it a little too far on the introduction implemented.. (Picture it this way, By the time Marx finishes his wish, Nova makes his trek towards Pop Star. Progressively, by the time it is very close, Kirby comes in, right inside Nova, and takes it from there.)

Note: Melodic part (Barely started) will change later.. Channel and EQ mastering will be applied in the final product.


(EDIT: Should work now.)

EDIT2: Hmm...samples eh.. DO you have any VSTi's or extra synths to use in FruityLoops?

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