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I've seen this video before. I decide to come to this forum and warn everybody about it. They tell me not to worry because they are not coming after us. But this is SERIOUS MONKEY BUSINESS (no pun "intended").

I've seen this video before. I decide to come to this forum and warn everybody about it. They tell me not to worry because they are not coming after us. But this is SERIOUS MONKEY BUSINESS (no pun "intended").

Looking at the wording of this bill, you could get fined for just telling your friend somthing about your own copyright work. :sad:

Our government is sick.


Okay, so a guy who is currently indicted for copyright infringement in the U.S. (and who is currently living in the U.K. and the U.S. is seeking extradition for) is telling everyone else in the U.S. and the U.K. to freak out that the U.S. is going to do the same thing to them.

This guy is just trying to push his own agenda by fear-mongering.

What he says is going to happen is not actually going happen, and for several reasons.

Legally, it is difficult to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that a user who has downloaded one or a couple of copyrighted works off of MegaUpload actually did so intentionally (the required mindset under the criminal statute). It's too hard to track IP addresses to a single individual at times.

Practically, it would be impossible for the Justice Department to go after every single person whose ever downloaded a copyrighted work off of MegaUpload. There are millions of them. I could see them possibly trying to go after some of the worst offenders, but, it would be too hard to track those people down, and even if it weren't, the above legal complications may prove too burdensome.

Politically, there's no way the Justice Department would do it. I mean, seriously, the political fallout from the Jamie Thomas incident was bad enough. Do you have any idea how badly would Obama lose if he actually, as this Chicken Little is claiming, went after every single user who has ever downloaded something from MegaUpload?

It's just not going to happen.

It is disturbing that the Justice Department has those servers, but honestly, I find it highly, highly unlikely that they are going to do anything with it.

This guy has his own interests he's trying to push, and that's why he's trying to make everyone else afraid.


It's sensationalist to say that everyone who has ever used megaupload is going to be prosecuted, but he does make some very valid points about our prison system, the ridiculousness of our copyright laws, and how the police have grown increasingly aggressive towards ordinary citizens, effectively treating everyone as criminals. This country has a lot of momentum heading in a very scary direction, I'm honestly not so sure that we haven't already crossed the point of no return









Take a look at these seven sheer-horror cases on the America's Most Wanted website, and then try and tell me the American government wants 1/4 of the internet community locked up as badly as these. Need I say more?


my friend on facebook told me this: "It has not done anything because of EU law restricting its power. All that has happened was that more video's are restricted in certain countries. SOPA was the add on to ACTA to give the US entertainment companies more power. ACTA has been around since 2008's G8 summit and was finally signed in july last year with little effect. What most people are thinking is what they could do if they took copyright to mean something it is not. Also it was elected officials because it was the world leaders who made it."

he's wanting to go into law so he would know abit more then me about this.

Edit : and i must say the scare tactic worked well on me >.<

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