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OCR Mascot Bios - 20 more up for grabs!

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I was gonna do yoshi, but now that you already have, and admittedly better than I would have, I need not. I just want to add this link: http://yoshilore.com/ . This is just the kind of fansite I'd like to find for all characters, but it doesn't seem to be all that easy.

And this one: http://www.legendofzelda.com/ should go with the other bio (as well as ganon's and link's. I'll add them both to their respective bios.

Also, on the Mario Kart bio - I was really not intending us to have one, but since it's already done, and considering its contents, I've changed my mind. While Samus doesn't really need two different bios (and neither does Princess Zelda, btw), Mario in his Kart really represents a whole new franchise and its own series that deserves and needs its own bio and clarification. Good call, watkinzez.

Well, I'd leave most spoilers to common sense, but there's definitely some mascots up there that'd be hard to write for, most notably this one:


Wind Waker is a recent game, and to delve into this character would be spoiling quite a bit. Really the picture shouldn't be up there (the art style gives it away being from The Wind Waker, and people put two and two together..)

You could just say that's from The Minish Cap artwork (seeing as it looks about the same as The Wind Waker anyways) and not put in the bit that she's in The Wind Waker if you want to try avoid spoilers.

Well, I'd leave most spoilers to common sense, but there's definitely some mascots up there that'd be hard to write for, most notably this one:


Wind Waker is a recent game, and to delve into this character would be spoiling quite a bit. Really the picture shouldn't be up there (the art style gives it away being from The Wind Waker, and people put two and two together..)

You could just say that's from The Minish Cap artwork (seeing as it looks about the same as The Wind Waker anyways) and not put in the bit that she's in The Wind Waker if you want to try avoid spoilers.

But then you're back to just normal old Zelda again with no defining elements that warrant a seperate bio.


We'll have the picture of the wind waker zelda link to the other zelda bio. There, done, problem solved. I haven't played wind waker for long enough to find out zelda was actually in it myself, but then again, I doubt I'll ever play it again, so I don't mind that spoiler. Besides, it's not like her being in that game reveals a ton about the series, since the game stories aren't really dependent on each other.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey folks. Update!

I've been talking to The Coop, and it looks like he's soon going to post some pieces covering the Darkstalkers series. He's written several, and is currently editing them in the little spare time he has what with college.

Keep your eyes peeled for 'em, and thank him for eking out time for the project.






If history is to change, let it change! If

the world is to be destroyed, so be it!

If my fate is to be destroyed...

I must simply laugh!!

I'm coming, Lavos!

Magus is a fictional character (EDIT by Dafydd: before I start editing this bio, I'd like to point out that this is really self-evident within this project. :) ), who is a playable character in Squaresoft's Chrono Trigger. In Japan, Magus is known as Maō (魔王), which translates literally to "king of demons" or "king of wizardry." It is interesting to note that he has a total of 6666 hit points as a boss, similar to the Number of the Beast.

Magus, is one of, if not the most popular character in the Chrono series. He mysteriously appeared in Medina close to the Mystics (non humans). He achieved great fame among the Mystics, and later supposedly began a war against the Kingdom of Guardia(Humans). His prior history is largerly unknown to many people at that time.

Some of the things that are unknown about Magus have to do with his basic identity. He has blue hair and pointy ears, and is perhaps the most powerful and adept magic user in the history of the world. However, as a child, his ears were not pointy and he showed no signs of any magical power whatsoever. While his hair was indeed blue, this is simply derived from his genetics. The pointy ears require some explanation, however.

Magus' childhood was scarred and resulted to a life of darkness which did not leave Magus without a little cynicism. Magus's character as a child, Janus, is largely surly and hostile to the party, and remains fairly withdrawn even as an adult. His lines in Chrono Trigger are some of the most quoted and parodied in the RPG community. His most famous lines are revealed in an ending as being uttered shortly before the Ocean Palace Incident, in which he masqueraded as the Prophet.

Some believe that Magus, Magil from Radical Dreamers, and Guile from Chrono Cross are the same character, and that they are from differing dimensions. They all have blue hair, hover along the ground rather than touching it, and use dark magic. Guile was intended to be Magus but the idea was scrapped due to plot complexities.

In Radical Dreamers Serge described his face as stunningly handsome, and often wrote of his seriousness and immense power. Magil retained a quiet and collected personality that, coupled with his uncanny ability to move in and out of shadows, made him an enigma. When he spoke, his words were direct, focused, and cultured, though he was known to joke on extremely rare occasions.

"Apparently a pious being such as this may roll its eyes from time to time."


Chrono Compendium

Magus' Wiki


Chrono Trigger (1995)

Radical Dreamers (1996)


Thanks, chez. I might crop that one down a bit later, as it is a bit long. I'll also add names and tags. Outsider's contributions are as welcome as any. :)

BTW, I'm sorry that progress has been slow lately. There's so much going on right now. I'll have more spare time in May.

Took your damn time...

Who? Me? Until what? If you're referring to when

I have a really tough exam this Friday, so don't except me to post my promised bios until maybe next week. Meanwhile, keep posting your own, if you have any.

which was about 3 weeks ago, I'm really sorry. I don't like the idea of posting my bios of my own that I'm not satisfied with myself. I haven't had the time or inspiration to do any more than coordination/administration work for a long time now, and the bios I've tried to write have all sucked. I haven't even managed to make a decent new sig image for myself to advertise this project. If it weren't for you and Linearity, this project would probably have been terminated a long time ago, despite everyone else's efforts. I understand if you feel like you're doing all the work, because... well, you are. You're all doing more for this project than I am right now, and I intend to change that, but right now, I just can't. I truly am grateful to all of you, even to those who did nothing but identify a single character.

I want to finish this project before school starts again after summer. I'll have all the time in the world to participate more actively when I've written my last exam (which is on the first week of June), but right now, everything just sucks.

Oh, and, if this isn't what you meant, then I don't know what you're talking about. :-/


Dude, you're doing fine. You wrote all the front page stuff and keep it updated, you're active in discussing things with us; you're doing pretty much everything a coordinator should be doing. Don't beat yourself up over doing a pretty good job.

The reason the project is moving slowly is because nobody is writing. I talked to some fans of certain games like The Coop, but he's the only one who even responded, much less actually do work for it (w00t w00t it's The Coop The Coop). All those people at the beginning of the thread are MIA.

I get a feeling that people generally don't know about the project. I think people are under the misconception that the project is either dead or complete.

One thing we might want to do is systematically contact all the people who initially offered to work on the project and just tell them that we could, indeed, use their help. If we want to finish the project by the end of the summer, we'll need more people than just Dafydd, watkinzez, and me (especially considering all of the final work like editing).

Wow, long post. In sum, I feel that the project is healthy, just inert right now. We're doing good work considering we have lives in addition to it. We need more people doing good work.

And here's a funny picture since this post is already massive.


Took your damn time...

Who? Me? Until what? If you're referring to when

I have a really tough exam this Friday, so don't except me to post my promised bios until maybe next week. Meanwhile, keep posting your own, if you have any.

which was about 3 weeks ago, I'm really sorry. I don't like the idea of posting my bios of my own that I'm not satisfied with myself. I haven't had the time or inspiration to do any more than coordination/administration work for a long time now, and the bios I've tried to write have all sucked. I haven't even managed to make a decent new sig image for myself to advertise this project. If it weren't for you and Linearity, this project would probably have been terminated a long time ago, despite everyone else's efforts. I understand if you feel like you're doing all the work, because... well, you are. You're all doing more for this project than I am right now, and I intend to change that, but right now, I just can't. I truly am grateful to all of you, even to those who did nothing but identify a single character.

I want to finish this project before school starts again after summer. I'll have all the time in the world to participate more actively when I've written my last exam (which is on the first week of June), but right now, everything just sucks.

Oh, and, if this isn't what you meant, then I don't know what you're talking about. :-/


chez is a friend of mine. He said he'd write that bio back in December. You're doing great.


Hey! I just found this project again.. you can expect something from me in a few weeks. I just got hired for a job so as soon as I am done with training and stuff I will start working on a few bios... plus it will help my if I write bios...

Edit: Oh snap! No one has done Ryu Hyabusa yet.. I think i found my first bio. :D


That'd be great. I'd love to find out who he is, since I'm 700+ posts right now.

Glad to hear people aren't displeased with what I do... I still feel bad for not spending more time doing this, but at least I try to peek inside at least once a day to see if anyone has written anything... Linearity, I like your idea about contacting everyone who has previously offered their help. Most of them likely won't do it, but I'm sure there's a few who will. I just gave up hope on most people since my initial team of 4 people all quit on me. I'll try doing that later this week (contacting them, not quitting, hehe). Thanks for your support, guys. :wink:

BTW, that last bio just gave me an idea. What if all bios included a mascot's quote of choice (at the end of the bio, not in the beginning, and something really cliché for that character)? Mario's could be "Mama mia!" or something, for example. I don't know what we'd do with the ones that don't say anything though. Megaman's could be *blink* I guess. (fyi, read this) What do you think? It's not really a huge increase in workload to any of us, unless we're doing a bio on a character we hardly know, but it's also not really necessary.

That'd be great. I'd love to find out who he is, since I'm 700+ posts right now.

Glad to hear people aren't displeased with what I do... I still feel bad for not spending more time doing this, but at least I try to peek inside at least once a day to see if anyone has written anything... Linearity, I like your idea about contacting everyone who has previously offered their help. Most of them likely won't do it, but I'm sure there's a few who will. I just gave up hope on most people since my initial team of 4 people all quit on me. I'll try doing that later this week (contacting them, not quitting, hehe). Thanks for your support, guys. :wink:

BTW, that last bio just gave me an idea. What if all bios included a mascot's quote of choice (at the end of the bio, not in the beginning, and something really cliché for that character)? Mario's could be "Mama mia!" or something, for example. I don't know what we'd do with the ones that don't say anything though. Megaman's could be *blink* I guess. (fyi, read this) What do you think? It's not really a huge increase in workload to any of us, unless we're doing a bio on a character we hardly know, but it's also not really necessary.

For Link we could do "EXUUUUUUUSE ME PRINCESS". It's from the TV show..

I am not sure if that would work though ,there are so many silent protaginists it would be kind of hard to do that. Maybe we could just have a quote for the people who say things then just leave the other out...


Quotes? Seems like a good idea.





Wario is in every way the opposite of Mario, right down to the logo on his hat- a flipped ‘M’. First introduced in Super Mario Land 2 as the game’s villain, his jealousy for Mario’s fame led him to steal the six Golden Coins from his castle. Though eventually defeated, Wario’s intriguing character led him to become the protagonist of the Super Mario Land series from then on, becoming the Wario Land games. His devious nature and greed for wealth gave the titles a unique flavour.

Wario is invincible in several ‘Land’ games, instead losing coins that he has collected. The amount of currency gained determines the size and grandeur of his castle at the end of the game, in an ultimate bid to make Mario jealous. The brute force that Wario possesses directs his games as more action centered than other Nintendo platformers. As the series went on the advent of powers allowed Wario to overcome various obstacles; setting himself alight to break through walls, inflating his body to float up towers. Renowned developer Treasure delivered Wario World, Wario’s first solo 3D outing, on GameCube. The company’s action based history shifted the series’ perspective to greater emphasis on fighting, with a more linear structure.

The recent WarioWare series have shown a more humourous aspect to Wario’s character, concurrently introducing some of the most unusual games in the past few years. In an attempt to get rich Wario decides to run a video game company, each title only being a few seconds in length. The quick succession of these games comprises a session of WarioWare and in many ways demonstrates Wario’s madcap nature.

Many of Wario’s appearances have been in various Mario franchises, such as the Mario Party and Tennis series. The above picture of Wario depicts his appearance in the racing game Mario Kart 64.

Quote: "I'm-a gonna win!"


Wario Wikipedia Page

Gamehiker’s Wario Bio

Games Wario has appeared in:


Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (1992)

Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (1993)

Wario Land II (1998)

Wario Land 3 (2000)

Wario Land 4 (2001)

WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$ (2003)

WarioWare Twisted (2005)


Mario Kart 64 (1996)

Mario Party (1999)

Mario Golf (1999)

Mario Tennis (2000)


Wario World (2003)

Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (2003)

WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ (2004)


WarioWare: Touched! (2005)


Look at that list of Wario's appearances. It almost makes me cry to realize that so few game boy games have had their music remixed and put on this site. I realize that there are more people who have played the SNES than the game boy in their youth, but... come on... there are more than twice as many chrono trigger remixes on this site than there are game boy remixes - in total. If I thought I could get past the judges, I'd try to do something about that. I'm not saying the chrono trigger soundtrack doesn't deserve 72 remixes, I'm just saying the game boy realm deserves much more than that. When this project is finished, I intend to start another one that focuses on game boy music of some kind. :)

And yes, most protagonists are silent, for some reason, so we might have to do controversial things like take quotes from official cartoons... I guess they could be inside jokes meant for those who already know the character. :)


I dunno about the quotes as a comprehensive thing. Sure, Magus says some interesting stuff, but other people don't. Like Pac-Man? The idea of a "defining quote" for Pac-Man is almost incompatible with the idea of defining Pac-Man.


Lol :) I guess *chomp* could work. Or we could just leave the quotes out for those that don't have any. Or list the quote as "N/A". Also, I think the Magus quote above is a little long for a quote. But I'll deal with editing that bio later. Anyway, I think any bio posted henceforth should include a quote, if applicable, but the bios that have already been written don't need quotes... yet. Should we decide not to have quotes at all, we can remove them from the bios that have them - then, later, in the final stages of this project.

Also, I've PM'd 8 people who have previously offered their help. We'll see if any of them are still interested. If not, I'll have to find others.

Does anyone know if we still have a lot of chrono trigger related bios left to write? One of the OCR Judges popped in here some time ago and gave me a name of someone who would be able to write those, but I don't know if his help is needed any longer.

Lol :) I guess *chomp* could work. Or we could just leave the quotes out for those that don't have any. Or list the quote as "N/A". Also, I think the Magus quote above is a little long for a quote. But I'll deal with editing that bio later. Anyway, I think any bio posted henceforth should include a quote, if applicable, but the bios that have already been written don't need quotes... yet. Should we decide not to have quotes at all, we can remove them from the bios that have them - then, later, in the final stages of this project.

Also, I've PM'd 8 people who have previously offered their help. We'll see if any of them are still interested. If not, I'll have to find others.

Does anyone know if we still have a lot of chrono trigger related bios left to write? One of the OCR Judges popped in here some time ago and gave me a name of someone who would be able to write those, but I don't know if his help is needed any longer.

Very cool to actually see how far this has all progressed. It's a nifty concept that's for sure. I'd like to help out a little. 5 profiles out of me tops. Is there a converse list that's assembled? One of the characters yet to be profiled?


No converse list yet. Wanna write it, LAOS, and does Dafydd want to update it?

Also, we have Crono, Lucca, and Robo yet to write for the Chrono Trigger characters. Zeality (admin of the Chrono Compendium) hasn't responded to my PM in about a month, so I think we should count him out of dibs on those bios.


Alright, let's give this a try:





Character Summary:

Set apart by his purple outfit, tall, blonde, spiky hair, and frequent bubble gum bubbles; Edge is a teenage delinquent from Gedo High School. He hates school, (especially math), almost as much as he hates his real name: he will go ballistic on you if you call him Eiji Yamada. Edge is commonly seen causing trouble with his two best friends and co-gang members: Daigo Kazama (the leader) & Gan Isurugi (the muscle).

Edge's fighting style is a dirty one, he fights primarily with his hands in his pockets so as to conceal handfulls of throwing knives. One attack involves kicking dirt towards his opponent's eyes. Edge lives with both parents, an older brother and an older sister. He has difficulty holding on to a job and does poorly in school, especially math. Known to cheat, you'd sooner see Edge skipping class or in detention than in the library studying.

Though he is cocky and ego-centric, he isn't above asking for help when he's concerned about a friend. He shows minimal respect for rivals and teachers but has a good-natured heart and has been known to defend the helpless.



Rival Schools Network

Justice Network



SNK vs Capcom: Card Fighter 2 (Japanese release only) (2001)


Rival Schools: United By Fate (1998)

Shiritsu Justice Gakuen: Legion of Heroes (2nd disc: 'Nekketsu Seishunnikki' only available on Japanese release) (1998)

Shiritsu Justice Gakuen Nekketsu Seisyun Nikki 2 (Japanese release only) (1999)


Project Justice (2001)


Now that I know the sources & external info I should be able to hook you guys up with similar profiles for Akira, and Bowman.

Critique; teach. That look ok?


Looks good, LAOS. The only thing I'd add is any changes to his character over the course of the franchise, if there is any. 4.5 thumbs up!

EDIT- Oh yeah and add the year that Edge debuted below the Capcom hyperlink.

Reading it again...

converse was definitely the wrong word. :lol:

*checks dictionary.com*

obverse, adverse, reverse...

Inverse is probably the best word. Or complimentary, if you're into math like me (and unlike Edge, apparently). Set theory!

Nice bio; I got a good, concise overview of the character.

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