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OCR Mascot Bios - 20 more up for grabs!

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Shortest bio yet? :-D You could well expand a little more. What kind of game is he the main character of? Bla bla etc.

Picky. :wink:

Keiichiro Washizuka





Once an age in The Last Blade, a band of deities must perform their Sealing Rite on the weakening Gates of Hell. For in every age, demons from beyond the portal scheme to be reborn in the world of the living. In the mid-nineteenth century, Japan, they seek to halt the Gods' ritual altogether. The Shinsengumi police force send one samurai to investigate matters: Keiichiro Washizuka.

This man was chosen for his recent spy work, with a Kenshin-like facial cross scar added to his résumé. Washizuka's honor and determination to restore order to Japan are equally matched by his bark and his bite. With his katana thrust forward, he executes a stealthy array of rush-ins and stabs to penetrate his opponents' defenses. But is it enough to handle the chaos at Hell's Gates?

Quote: "I'll show no mercy to those who would thwart my mission!"

Selected Game Appearances


The Last Blade (1997)

The Last Blade 2 (1998)


The Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny (2000)


The Last Blade 2: Heart of the Samurai (2001)


Wikipedia - Keiichiro Washizuka

Fighters Generation - Keiichiro Washizuka

Bakumatsu Rouman: The Last Blade


You're welcome, good sir.






The main protagonist of The Last Blade, Kaede's name means "maple," referencing the leaf that appears on his back and in the series title. A seasoned swordsman, he commands the battlefield with wide, cutting slashes and the occasional lightning bolt for punctuation. Even when victorious, he's not above wiping his brow free of sweat.

Five years before, Kaede found his master's body slain. Emotionally distraught, the preteen attacked his orphanhood brother, Moriya Minakata, who withstood his outburst and left without a word. Swearing vengeance on the killer, Kaede left to study with another mentor.

Then and now, the young man's maturation has often surprised his teacher and himself. What other skills lie dormant within him? Will he avenge his late master's death? And will Kaede ever talk to Moriya again?

Quote: "When I'm angered, you are cursed."

Selected Game Appearances


The Last Blade (1997)

The Last Blade 2 (1998)


The Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny (2000)


The Last Blade 2: Heart of the Samurai (2001)


Wikipedia - Kaede (The Last Blade)

Fighters Generation - Kaede

Bakumatsu Rouman: The Last Blade






Loosely based on Florentine poet Dante Alighieri, the protagonist of Capcom’s Devil May Cry series is not one for calm negotiations. Being descended from legendary demon Sparda, the mission entrusted to him is to finish his father’s work and destroy the ultimate evil, Mundus. In stopping the rise of hell once again Dante is on a mission of revenge against the death of his mother. With double handguns (‘Ebony’ and ‘Ivory') and inherited sword ‘Force Edge’ Dante takes on hell’s forces as a one man army.

To have devil blood flowing through one’s veins is to be blessed with heightened power, endurance and special abilities, the greatest of which being the Devil Trigger. Once enough damage has been taken from enemies Dante can transform into a form hailing from his father’s side. Characterized by a red aura surrounding him, the Trigger heightens Dante’s power even more, his senses ever more effective; his equipment can also gain special uses.

Of course, with such power and versatility comes a personality to match the body. Dante is known to have a large ego and a penchant for insults to his foes. Being aggressive and competitive is of his nature, not to mention a bit of a womanizer. Yet his connection with his mother is a strong one, propelling him to hunt the demons that killed her. After all, by killing every demon, it figures that he'll eventually end up killing the one that killed his mother.

Quote: “This is what I live for!”


Dante Wikipedia Page

Devil May Cry.org Characters

Devil May Cry.org About

The 99th Floor

Games that Dante has appeared in:


Devil May Cry* (2001)

Devil May Cry 2 (2003)

Viewtiful Joe (2004)

Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening (2005)

* not in database, but mixed in this Metal Gear Solid ReMix

Sounds like a plan. Thanks, Polo.

Also huzzah 40th bio.


Cool, glad that's helped you watkinzez.

Shinnosuke Kagami





Hell's Gates - a portal which links the underworld to earth, through which demons aspire to pass and become reborn in The Last Blade - is protected by four Guardians. They maintain the balance of power on earth, halting whatever pops out of Hell until the Sealing Maiden comes to strengthen the seal between the two worlds. An elaborate effort wasted on the fragile, foolish humans, sneers Shinnosuke Kagami, one of the Guardians.

Dignified, and exuding a straight posture beneath a regal cloak, Kagami opts for a new earth order, one where he alone dominates. He starts by weakening the Gates' seal and joining the emerging demons in a slaughtering spree. The other Guardians now rank among the worthless humans as far as he's concerned.

Those who challenge Kagami face a fiery assault at the edge of his sword. Upward slashes and air-dragging leaps and dives are a fraction of the Last Blade end boss's burn-based repertoire. And that's not counting the damage dealt by the demons he let loose.

Quote: "It all comes to an end... and begins once more!"

Selected Game Appearances


The Last Blade (1997)

The Last Blade 2 (1998)


The Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny (2000)


The Last Blade 2: Heart of the Samurai (2001)


Wikipedia - Shinnosuke Kagami

Fighters Generation - Shinnosuke Kagami

Bakumatsu Rouman: The Last Blade


I'm also working on something for Setsuna (150).







Little did Shinnosuke Kagami realize, when he weakened the seal on Hell's Gates, he freed a demon above demons - Setsuna. His spirit found refuge in a baby's corpse, discarded on a field of battle. With demon-augmented powers, the vessel matured rapidly into a darkly handsome adult, complete with an owl companion - and concealing his unconscionable desires.

Setsuna's electrically charged black blade - the forgery of which cost the smith's life - cuts far and wide, shocking any recipient. If the demon so chooses, he may outright take his opponent's soul, encased behind a mirror. One way or the other, Setsuna craves nothing less than the total annihilation of every human and demon alive - every last one.

Quote: "All is a nightmare. The beginning. The end."

Selected Game Appearances


The Last Blade 2 (1998)


The Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny (2000)


The Last Blade 2: Heart of the Samurai (2001)


Wikipedia - Setsuna

Fighters Generation - Setsuna

Bakumatsu Rouman: The Last Blade


Unless subconsciously pre-called for, I'll write something for Rikku (84) and Cid (140).






Evident in the rather large weapon she carries, Lady is a no nonsense woman. Her purpose is a simple thought in her mind; to take revenge on the demons of the world using said weapon ‘Kalinna Ann’, including half-demon Dante. It is during her search in the tower Temen-Ni-Gru she meets him, viewing him as any other scum walking the earth. Dante doesn’t quite know her purpose in being there, and she isn’t interested in explaining to a stranger. After refusing to tell Dante her name, he christens her Lady.

Being the complete opposite of the young, immature Dante, Lady is a fierce warrior who is willing to do anything to achieve her goals. Capable of impressive combat feats, acrobatics and firepower, her arsenal extends multiple firearms such as pistols, machine guns and grenades. The jet powered motorcycle at her disposal allows her to navigate the twisted tower, with its ability to scale walls easily.

When first meeting Dante, Lady doesn’t believe in the story of legendary demon Sparda, despite his son standing right in front of her. It is through seeing Dante fight that she begins to empathize with there being a devil in this world that is able to shed tears for those he cares about and wants to put a stop to the demons and much as she does. And that’s enough for her.

Quote: “Date a demon? I’m not that desperate. Besides, I really don’t care for guys who stink like blood.”



Devil May Cry.org Characters

Lady Wikipedia Page

Games that Lady has appeared in:


Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening (2005)


Try wat or Watkins. :wink:






Rikku is a purebred Al Bhed, a tribe marked by blond hair, green, swirly eyes, and a handiness with machines, called machina. When not challenging foes with her clawlike arm mount, she's stealing, mixing, and negotiating an exchange of items with them. Such versatility is a must in a world that outlaws machina and persecutes those who tinker with them.

Prone to speak her mind, Rikku tends to babble even though she means well. Unable to talk her cousin Yuna out of a life-threatening pilgrimage, the Al Bhed insists she accompany her as one of her guardians. Together with Tidus, an anachronism untainted by the world's prejudice against the Al Bhed, Rikku's stunted worldview gradually opens, as she matures. In return, Rikku keeps her friends together and motivated, even in dire situations, with her upbeat spirit - like any teenage girl, she only wants to laugh and to love.

Quote: "Memories are nice, but that's all they are."

Selected Game Appearances


Final Fantasy X (2001)

Final Fantasy X-2 (2003)

Itadaki Street Special (2004)

Kingdom Hearts II (2005)


Wikipedia - Rikku

PlayStation 2 Fantasy - Rikku

Upbeat Soul

Final Fantasy X Game Manual (PS2)


say wat? "Watkins" sounds too professional, "wat" lacks the schizophrenia that comes with a name in plural, and taking the first, middle, and last letter ("wiz") is too excrement-oriented, or it might put too much pressure on him to live up to his nickname...

"Bob"? :roll: haha.






Guy has mastered the art of ‘Bushin’ style ninjitsu and isn’t afraid to use it. Teaming up with his sparring partner Cody and Mayor Haggar in Final Fight, the two set out on a brawl across Metro City to save the former's girlfriend and latter's daughter respectively from Belger, the leader of the Mad Gear gang. Guy justifies the challenge as a way to put his skills to the test.

In the original Final Fight, Guy is the speediest playable character. His quick attacks and movement can be used by the player to their advantage, covering up his weakness as least powerful of the three. An off-the-wall jump can catch thugs off guard, launching Guy towards them with a long range kick. His special attack, the Bushin Whirlwind Kick, is an airborne spinning kick that makes quick work of nearby enemies.

Guy is also a fighter in the Street Fighter Alpha series (pictured above), on a quest to find the greater evil, M. Bison. His constant incentive is to become a stronger fighter, seeking out his master in order to become the next Bushinryu leader. His supers are different here; the Bushin Hassoken is a combo of different punches followed up with a kick, and the Goraikyaku, an aerial combo which takes the opponent upward then a kick back down to earth.

Quote: "Shouldn't you be crawling to a hospital right now?"


Final Fight Online

Guy Wikipedia Page

Final Fight Wikipedia Page

Games that Guy has appeared in:


Final Fight (1989)

Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors’ Dreams (1995)

Final Fight Revenge (1999)


Final Fight CD (1992)


Final Fight 3 (1995)


Street Fighter Alpha II (1996)


Final Fight: Streetwise (2006)


Cid Highwind





One of the recurrences in the Final Fantasy series is the inclusion of a character named Cid. Several incarnations are known to build and pilot an airship for the heroes to cross oceans and continents in, helping them reach their goals. Cid Highwind of Final Fantasy VII fills those boots generously, taking his role a step further. The cigarette-smokin', goggle-totin' pilot is driven by his boyhood dream: to be the first man in outer space.

Unfortunately, being a hotheaded cuss machine doesn't deliver the Captain's end goal any faster. Cid's maiden voyage via rocket went kaput when Shera, a faulty engineer, was caught in the path of the rocket's thruster right before ignition. Furiously, Cid aborted the countdown, saving her life, and later learned that the space program chose to withdraw their funding. Now a precariously tilted rocket and a contrite engineer remain with Cid, doing little to ease his pain; the frequency of his blistering swear language is legendary in the Final Fantasy franchise.

But even if Shera, or Cloud and his companions are "numbskulls" in his eyes, he's not above lending a hand or saving a life for a greater cause. Spear in hand, Cid shish kebabs enemies from above, thanks to his Dragoon-classed leap-and-dive mode of attack. Since the sky is still within his reach, it wouldn't hurt to allow Cloud's company aboard the Highwind or the Tiny Bronco so they can find the black-caped terror known as Sephiroth.

Quote: "Sit your ass down in that chair and drink your goddamn TEA!"

Selected Game Appearances


Final Fantasy VII (1997)


Kingdom Hearts (2002)

Kingdom Hearts II (2005)

Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII (2006)


Wikipedia - Cid Highwind

Video Game Character Adaptations - Cid Highwind

Final Fantasy VII Game Manual (PC)


I would now like to claim Voldo (138) and that Heihachi Mishima dude (53).

constant variables

Does not compute.

No seriously, what are you going for here?

Uh... something Squaresoft repeats? Putting a "Cid" in most Final Fantasies...?

If you mean that that's not true (I know there was no Cid in FF1), then I could replace the wording...

constant variables

Does not compute.

No seriously, what are you going for here?

Uh... something Squaresoft repeats? Putting a "Cid" in most Final Fantasies...?

If you mean that that's not true (I know there was no Cid in FF1), then I could replace the wording...

It's the mathematician in me objecting. 'Constant variables' is a contradictory statement that just stood out to me.

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