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So uhh, is it just me or do paladins actually die now. I mean, I can almost actually kill them. Which is amazing because I play the only class that hasn't been buffed into ridiculousness in PvP (hunter). In fact, I would argue that hunter PvP ability is even worse than it was before. As if we didn't suck enough in arenas.

So yeah, paladins die now. But, they can also kill things now. Ridiculously so. Actually they're pretty much overpowered. They burst more than freaking mages. My brother respecced ret on his pally and he does 2-4k white damage per swing, and he's not even that geared. With the seal of command glyph, that shit gets out of hand. That's potentially 8,000 damage per swing. Then you add in hammer of justice and the judgment of command you can kill a decently geared 70 in 2 or 3 hits.

Meanwhile my DPS has been nerfed into oblivion. But hey I can jump 10 feet away now. AWESOME.

So uhh, is it just me or do paladins actually die now. I mean, I can almost actually kill them. Which is amazing because I play the only class that hasn't been buffed into ridiculousness in PvP (hunter). In fact, I would argue that hunter PvP ability is even worse than it was before. As if we didn't suck enough in arenas.

So yeah, paladins die now. But, they can also kill things now. Ridiculously so. Actually they're pretty much overpowered. They burst more than freaking mages. My brother respecced ret on his pally and he does 2-4k white damage per swing, and he's not even that geared. With the seal of command glyph, that shit gets out of hand. That's potentially 8,000 damage per swing. Then you add in hammer of justice and the judgment of command you can kill a decently geared 70 in 2 or 3 hits.

Meanwhile my DPS has been nerfed into oblivion. But hey I can jump 10 feet away now. AWESOME.

I feel ya. Warlocks aren't looking too hot right now either - it's like my DPS got buffed 20% or so while everyone else got 50% or so. Hopefully we'll scale at 80 *sigh*. Good news is, Blizz has plans to tone down the inane burstyness of ye ret paladins.

In the meantime, my guild is gonna STEAMROLL Black Temple tonight. We rofled our way thru SSC in 2 hours on Wednesday, and woulda done the same to TK if the server didnt FATAL ERROR on us. Illidan's going down before Wrath launches, I know it.

I feel ya. Warlocks aren't looking too hot right now either - it's like my DPS got buffed 20% or so while everyone else got 50% or so. Hopefully we'll scale at 80 *sigh*. Good news is, Blizz has plans to tone down the inane burstyness of ye ret paladins.

In the meantime, my guild is gonna STEAMROLL Black Temple tonight. We rofled our way thru SSC in 2 hours on Wednesday, and woulda done the same to TK if the server didnt FATAL ERROR on us. Illidan's going down before Wrath launches, I know it.

yea, raids are kinda rofl right now. I PuGed Kara in about 1.5 hours, just completely random people in pvp gear and stuff.

yea, raids are kinda rofl right now. I PuGed Kara in about 1.5 hours, just completely random people in pvp gear and stuff.

In all honestly, I think it's a good call. This lets more people experience endgame content, and means people dont have to flip shits over min/maxing these new skills and builds to stand a chance of winning. Gives Blizz a chance to fine-tune stuff before Wrath and all. Here's to hoping they do actually know what they're doing...

In all honestly, I think it's a good call. This lets more people experience endgame content, and means people dont have to flip shits over min/maxing these new skills and builds to stand a chance of winning. Gives Blizz a chance to fine-tune stuff before Wrath and all. Here's to hoping they do actually know what they're doing...

Yea, I'm enjoying it. But I'm on a really sucky server so PuG Kara is about as far as I get, and I can only do it once a week.

Yea, I'm enjoying it. But I'm on a really sucky server so PuG Kara is about as far as I get, and I can only do it once a week.

Oh wow there's suckier than us? Now on Aggamagan you actually have people LFM for Gruul/Mag/ZA too once in a while, instead of only Kara. And it doesn't take ages to finish a heroic when it's not guildies. Still a shitty low pop server for anything, they need to offer free xfers to more than Latin realms or merge some together.

I'm enjoying illidown even with the damned lag during peak time. Rolled an alt there to play with starla and co. ;) I hope I can get my toon to Outlands by the time WotLK comes out.

Oh wow there's suckier than us? Now on Aggamagan you actually have people LFM for Gruul/Mag/ZA too once in a while, instead of only Kara. And it doesn't take ages to finish a heroic when it's not guildies. Still a shitty low pop server for anything, they need to offer free xfers to more than Latin realms or merge some together.

I'm enjoying illidown even with the damned lag during peak time. Rolled an alt there to play with starla and co. ;) I hope I can get my toon to Outlands by the time WotLK comes out.

Illidan PuGs all those pretty much about 40 times a day. Hell I've PuG'd SSC and I've heard of BT PUGs too.

Are you guys servers doing Sunwell trash PUGs?


Yeah I know about Illidown, my lock doesn't like it much.

The thing though about my server is that people take ages to get geared up since pratically no guild lets pugged people to roll on items, even if it wouldn't be an upgrade for any of their guildies. And the rest are stuck on Kara-farming forever since the better-geared people leave for those other guilds. Vicious circle.


Any experienced locks out there that can help me with my build? I have a 70 hunter but I'm picking my lock back up (currently level 44). I worked with affliction pretty much the whole time up to this point, but still played hunterlock. With the new abilities and the fact that I'm on a PVE server, what's a good build?

I did the fear kiting for a little bit when I got Dark Pact and it was pretty sweet but I'm not sure what would be ideal.

Since my talent points have been refunded by default, I wanna get input before I assign them.

Thoughts or links I should check out (with updated info from the new abilities/talents)?

Any experienced locks out there that can help me with my build? I have a 70 hunter but I'm picking my lock back up (currently level 44). I worked with affliction pretty much the whole time up to this point, but still played hunterlock. With the new abilities and the fact that I'm on a PVE server, what's a good build?

I did the fear kiting for a little bit when I got Dark Pact and it was pretty sweet but I'm not sure what would be ideal.

Since my talent points have been refunded by default, I wanna get input before I assign them.

Thoughts or links I should check out (with updated info from the new abilities/talents)?

I swear by affliction these days. Fast, efficient, fun, etc. Let me cook up a good build...


Start with that, then get improved Howl of Terror and Contagion. Carry on with Unstable Affliction, Pandemic, Death's Embrace, Everlasting Affliction and then Haunt. That'll get you to level 60. If you want to try the Felguard, wait till level 60 when he has all his trained abilities filled out first.

Basically what you want to do with affliction is send the pet in while warming up a Shadow Bolt. Once the bolt is in the air, start casting Immolate (or Unstable Affliction once you have it), and resume with the rest of your dots. By the time you've got enough dots on the mob, and it's wailing on you, and your pet is munching on him, spam drain life, and switch to drain soul right before it's dead to get a shard + the extra mana. Alternate between dark pact and life tap when needed. With Improved Felhunter, your puppy will get mana back each time he uses shadow bite.

When you get improved howl of terror, and get ballsy, feel free to try dotting up more then one thing at a time, then once they're all on you pop the instant HoT, watch them scurry and finish em off.

That's my reccomendation. Dont even bother with fearing them unless you get more then one, just spam drain life once they're on you. You should have minimal downtime this way, and still kill stuff at a good rate.


Harris Pilton went down like the little slut that she is.

(well she kind of exploded into a big zombie mess)


Org had skeletons everywhere too. BB was a total mess 24/7

The HH mount rate is evil. At least my pally buddy got the sword to get rid of lolOathkeeper. And the broom's somewhat useful in BG. Instamount!


Yeah, too bad Ezra didn't pull through. I just did that tauren quest (the one where you have to feed Kyle the Frenzied his lunch in Bloodhoof Village, if you don't know) a couple days ago while going back to do old quests for the loremaster achievement.

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