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Don't waste money on a Krol blade, first of all. Dal'Rends set is very close and that's FREE.

In addition, screw Ebon Mask. In like 3 levels you can get a Ghostshroud which looks the same and has better stats.

With the changes Dal'Rends is a better main hand weapon now, and the cloak from that quest is better for AB, and the Geddon fight.


Dal Rend's main hand, thrash blade off-hand until you complete the set.

After some playing and testing, it seems that thrashblade's proc gives a free main hand attack. Good DPS right there.

If you are ambitious:

Main Hand: Thunderfury

Off Hand: Chromaticaly tampered sword

Deadly. Looks weird on anything, especially on gnomes... I cant wait to see that guy with the updated bloodfang...

Oh, and for anyone who plays horde, (tauren specifically) and who has a good lootlink database, can you use dressing room to show what a tauren in updated bloodfang would look like?

I'm curious.

EDIT: Make it a warrior so that he can dual wield the two weapons I named ...

Thunderfury isn't very good, imo. Chromatically tempered sword has nearly 100 max damage over it. Think about the difference in sinister strikes. Thunderfury seems like more of a Fury warrior weapon, or a Paladin mainhand..

True, but the thunderfury procs once every 2 or 3 hits. And it's proc (I can't look it up right now) deals about 500 damage if I remember correctly. That's 166-250 extra damage every strike. The proc's damage and effect causes no extra threat, and well, DW two oversized swords rock.

Proc rate is about 30%, yeah, but they're apparently nerfing the attack speed debuff in some way. The damage is about 300.

Well, 100 extra damage right there. Unmitigated by armor, mitigated by nature resist...

Oh and the nerf is due to a programing mistake present in every "on attack" procs.

Basically, the proc damage would activate certain proc options like sword spec or lifestealing. In addition, it sometimes added extra damage due to heroic strike, which led to chains like "heroic strike, sword spec proc + heroic strike, thunderfury + heroic strike, random damage enchant (flaming for the proc rate) +heroic, sword spec + heroic, thunderfury + heroic, flaming +heroic" with all the heroic strikes ending up not costing any rage. Throw in a hand of Justice, and a Darkmoon fair card: Maelstrom, and you have an even deadlier chain proc. That's what they are removing. I think they should, on the other hand, increase damage enchants's proc rates because of the actual loss of power.

With my rogues I have seen horrible proc chains as well. But nothing causing as much damage as this one has.



Was grinding with a 60 in silithus.

Dwarven Hand Cannon drops.

I roll 57.

He rolls 59.

SON OF A FUCKING CUNT LICKING WHORE. I almost died from heart palpitations. So I made a post about it.


I almost died frothing in anger over an incident that happened to me in Un'goro. I was level 54 on my hunter, and was trying to grind my way up to where I could do the endgame instances. While I was out there, a paladin requested help with one of the bug quests. Now, I had already completed this quest, but I thought I'd be friendly and help the guy out.

5 mobs into the dungeon, Deepfury Bracers drop. These are leather, but their stats are comparable to Beaststalkers. I immediately and excitedly roll on it, pointing out my level 42 green wristguards to the paladin as I do so.

He need-rolls, and wins, and bases his roll on "Hunters don't wear leather, and I can sell this".


The big problem is' date=' if you can't controll your agro now, thunderfury is a weapon you should never touch. The proc pulls agro like mad.[/quote']

It doesn't pull aggro.

Yes, yes it does.

The proc causes you to do more damage with a sudden burst do to the nature damage.

Thus agro.

The big problem is' date=' if you can't controll your agro now, thunderfury is a weapon you should never touch. The proc pulls agro like mad.[/quote']

It doesn't pull aggro.

Yes, yes it does.

The proc causes you to do more damage with a sudden burst do to the nature damage.

Thus agro.

Okay, let me rephrase that:

The debuff does not cause aggro.

It does not cause aggro like an AOE attack.

And it does not cause more aggro than if you had scored a crit. It causes less aggro than a crit actually. It basically causes the same aggro as a regular Dal Rend sinister strike hit.

If you cannot manage that kind of aggro, you suck as a rogue and should reroll as a priest.

Bliz explicitly posted it was not coming out today. If it is' date=' Tigole is a liar.[/quote']

Bliz had lied in the past.

Seriously it's today or in January.

As you can see, it didn't come out. If they say "the patch is NOT coming out" they are not going to surprise us. They only lie about releasing things early.

Bliz explicitly posted it was not coming out today. If it is' date=' Tigole is a liar.[/quote']

Bliz had lied in the past.

Seriously it's today or in January.

As you can see, it didn't come out. If they say "the patch is NOT coming out" they are not going to surprise us. They only lie about releasing things early.

All part of life, I guess...

Oh well, maybe the one after this one will be even bigger.

Maybe they will be able to cover 2 classes next patch since they probably won't add any notable content...


Well, if you are friends with him and such, just ask him to split the profits.

When I farm with a friend we have these rules:

Roll on the first green, then alternate between people.

Roll on all blues, need if needed, greed if to sell.

If a purple drops and no one will use it, sell it and split the profit.

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