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Email sub file Intromix.mp3

Hi! First i'm new at remixing video game music, I usually beatmake for hiphop instrumental and also I usually do some 100% compos thing (sorry if i do some spelling mistake, I speak french) so, im kinda new at sampling and remixes, this one was a request of one buddy to remix tha intro melody of FFX (dunno the title lolz) for him so that he can kick on it, after I seen your site and I thinked that it could be a good idea and funny to post it here so, here it is! An hip-hop remix of FFX! I attached it to the email cuz I didn't really have the choice (soundclick but... don't want the people close to me to have it all right now lolz)... Anyway just take a look and I'll wait til it'll be posted ;)


Title: Intromix.mp3 (original hein? lolz)

Remix by: BeatZee (BeatBreaka Praduktion inc.)

Original by: Squaresoft - Nobuo Uematsu (I know... not an original choice but... a request...)

Filesize: 2.49MB, 128kbps, 44khz, MP3

Compos: Piano by: Squaresoft, remaining by: Me! (Guitar, violon, bass, drum, effect, ect.... 100% Compos, No sample)

My email: alex_10_15@hotmail.com

Did I forgot something?

--> BeatZee <--


http://www.tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FFX_psf2.rar - 102 "In Zanarkand"

Decent ideas off the bat with the piano, though it's not really anything new. Did like the idea of guitar added on top for to double the harmony, but it was pretty thin-sounding. During the chorus, the guitar was used lightly on support but was basically a non-factor.

Already at 1:05 the composition is simply retreading itself, so I don't really have major hopes for the development to be good. The hip-hop beats here are decent, but are overbearing compared to the rest of the instrumentation, plus they sound really dry. The beats don't really mesh well with the rest of the piece, and if you took them out, the arrangement's awfully exposed as not being very interpretive. Decent, but underdeveloped to be sure.



This is hillarious! The way you put the beat over the original, it makes the piano part sound like it's playing triplets rather than eighth-notes. Everything else is splashed on top without much regard for the way in which it interacts with the original. The guitar doubling the melody is funny... but I wouldn't say it works.

Also, based on what you said in your submission e-mail, and judging with my own ear, I'd say you sampled the original DIRECTLY and then wrote on top... that is a submission violation if it is the case... but you weren't 100% clear in your sub-email. The piano part is note-for-note [sure it's been transposed up half a step, but my guess is that was doen in audio to help bring up the tempo without having to do too much time-stretching]. Uematsu + Slightly relevant yet crowded and akwardly layered material = this mix. If I hadn't only been here for 2 months, I'd EASILY give this a NO OVERRIDE! I think this is because you don't completely understand the rules of the site, so it's not your fault but.... now you know.


PS: Can someone please NO OVERRIDE this?


I agree the mix has several problems. The key ones is it's not interpretive enough. There's barely any arrangement, the new material sits over the original in layers and they sound off to me. Don't try to take stuff wholesale and just lump new things over or under it. Try to expand the concept from start to finish.

The guitar and strings seem to clash with the piano in both textural and how it sits in the mix terms. Beats are way too simplistic and repetitive as well. Most of all this needs actual arrangement material. Production is average as well. Nothing fancy going on in here on all the elements we judge. Not bad, but it needs a heck of a lot more.


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