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I thought he was just saying that he doesn't like superficial lyrics on his tracks, which he puts a lot of extra expressive effort into.

It's like spending an entire day preparing the perfect ham dinner for your family, so everyone sits down and gets ready to eat, but then your obnoxious uncle comes in and says "you should put some ketchup on that shit, awww yea"

Bingo, my thoughts exactly

I'm surprised you think that. Besides some weird descriptions ("soft automaticity", "smell of ozone") I think it's decently written. It's just written in a very classic style.
ray bradbury? horribly written? what is this i don't even
this house which clothed and fed and rocked them to sleep and played and sang and was good to them.
I mean, c'mon, that's terrible grammar right there. Most of those 'ands' should be commas.
More like welcome to creative license. It's ok to purposely break grammar rules for effect, unless you're a newspaper columnist or textbook writer.

This, exactly. I didn't see that as a writing error--I saw it as a way of conveying the thoughts in the head of the man and his wife.

ray bradbury? horribly written? what is this i don't even

Yeah, I'm utterly shocked at how few people here seem to be familiar with Bradbury. I mean, The Veldt is up there with A Sound of Thunder and Fahrenheit 451 for stories I figured everyone's read, at least in middle school English class or something.

But yeah, although there were a few digs at "mainstream" electronica which sort of had a bitter hipster, "I was doing this before it was cool" vibe, I think his main message was more about studios trying to pressure him into collaborating with people who don't share his particular vision and passion. I can understand not wanting to be involved with soulless, profits-driven schemes like that.

This, exactly. I didn't see that as a writing error--I saw it as a way of conveying the thoughts in the head of the man and his wife.

Slap my ass and call me pretentious, but it just seems to be poorly articulated. I know the classic style of writing when I see it, and this is not it.

Perhaps having to vomit out grammar perfect essays monthly does this to you, but I just can't enjoy the 'style'. /justification


I have mad respect for Deadmau5 as a producer. He deserves his success. That being said I feel like he sort of 'phones in' some of his tracks with basic synths, clean 4 on the floor kicks, simple repetitive hooks... maybe that's label pressure but I wish he would push outside his own comfort zone more.

I feel like he's more about image (and DJing) than his music now.

He hasn't come out with a phenomenal track in a long time. Great beat, great bassline, and a couple blips.

I actually agree with Neblix. Out of all the people who should be ranting about substantial music, deadmouse isn't among those that would come to mind.

I feel like he's more about image (and DJing) than his music now.

He hasn't come out with a phenomenal track in a long time. Great beat, great bassline, and a couple blips.

I did like a chunk of the songs on 4x4=12, but it's not too hard to please me :P


I mean I do enjoy him fiddling with sending Castlevania MIDI's through his giant analog synth rack, but I wish he'd be less about OMG I'M DJING MY TECHNO and actually write some good techno to DJ. >_> You have a giant analog synth wall, stop making "pew pew" portamento blips and throw some awesome synth solos and fat basses and pads in there.

I feel Skrillex does a much better job of filling up his tracks with material.


When doesn't deadmau5 rant? In this particular rant, he has a more or less good moral, if you can dig under the ridiculously pretentious tone he used to write it.

Or maybe you dont like/tired of his style, he is not exclusive to one style of electronica music, and modulars are screaming devices waiting to be "pew Pew!!!" :tomatoface:

I like his music when isn't his "style", like

I like his music when isn't his "style", like

He used to make alot of songs in that style, and alot of break beat, then again, he usually only shows them on stream or post them on soundcloud nowadays.

When doesn't deadmau5 rant? In this particular rant, he has a more or less good moral, if you can dig under the ridiculously pretentious tone he used to write it.

I dont think he is trying to be pretentious, but he does rant alot lol. His "3D Movie rant",Beiber, and his Skrillex rant was so funny on his stream, wish I had a link.

He used to make alot of songs in that style, and alot of break beat, then again, he usually only shows them on stream or post them on soundcloud nowadays.

I-I know... :cry:


Joel Zimmerman is always on a rant about one thing or another, whether it's his hatred for Dubstep, the reason why he signed Skrillex to his label, or a myriad of other random things, all I know is, the dude is freakin' cool.

Back to the dubstep rant though...he has every right to hate on the genre...he thinks artists cop out doing dubstep...that didn't stop him from making the original version of Raise Your Weapon from 4x4=12 a badass dubstep song..

Rant on Deadmau5!!!

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