djpretzel Posted August 28, 2005 Posted August 28, 2005 Remixer Name:- The Trilobyte Real Name :- Matt Armstrong Forum User ID:- 24169 Game Remixed:- Seiken Densetsu 3 Song Remixed:- Religion Thunder I started doing my first few remixes in a rock style since I've always written original music in a math/indie/alt/space rock style. Then I tried a few things like drum and bass (I chose not to subject the panel to anything for a while), then I realised, I'm not the best remixer in the world, and if I'm going to get anything passable done ever, I should at the very least stick what I'm used to. Ok, this doesn't sound very awe inspiring yet does it. This remix is as you probably guessed in a rock style, it's taken from a kind of military march style song. I think the remix holds some of the emotion of the original while giving it some serious noise at the same time. I don't think I'm in the possession of the best soundfonts, I only really have access to free stuff plus my own bonehead approach to mastering. But I reckon, by my standards, I've done alright this time. You may disagree, and you'd probably be right to. Fingers crossed anyway..
Liontamer Posted August 28, 2005 Posted August 28, 2005 - "Religion Thunder" (sd3-3-11.spc) Cool ideas to start, though the drums are way too loud. Some FL Slayer geetar kicks in at :12 and it sounds way too fake. No body or power on it. Something else gets added at :25 to further clutter up the soundfield. From the get go, there was way too much reverb on everything. Except the drums, you can't hear any of the supporting instrumentation over the guitar lead. Too bad, there was some other good stuff going on beneath the muck. Nice ideas for the next section at 1:16. The principle is good, and I'm feeling the arrangement. BAH, it stopped at 1:46 to retread the first section. [/disappointment] I liked that part. Yeah, so the first part is just rehashed for the finish, which ends on the quick "that's it, we quit" quasi-ending at 2:23. Very brief and underdeveloped, which was a shame, because I liked the arrangement for the most part and the genre was good, albeit executed in a cluttered way. Gotta separate the sounds more so they don't bleed together so much. Let the other instruments and counterpoint ideas stand out. Don't let the last section simply repeat itself from the beginning. You're gonna have to create some new arrangement ideas or enhance the last section, otherwise repeating your ideas within a mere 2:29-long mix suggest you phoned in the effort. If you can get ideas on how to enhance that FL Sayer-style guitar lead from anyone in the ReMixing forum, then do it. Continue using the Works forum as well. Very promising ideas so far, Matt, so keep working on this. NO (resubmit)
Sam Ascher-Weiss Posted August 28, 2005 Posted August 28, 2005 The echoing note piano pattern... gets a YES! Bushels of repetition. Larry is right that the reverb drowns out some of the counter melodies [though they're more like sustained notes] however, putting them in different registers would help as well, as would more panning. The bridge melody/progression at 1:17 was very much a relief, having heard the main section repeated so many times. Great tag on the bridge... too bad it leads back into to VERBATIM the first section [as Larry Griped]. This song is unfinished. Just about 1:43 of material, and a lot of redundancy in that small space. Try varying your lead instrument more frequently and not having a crash cymbal on every beat. ALSO, go for some added presence in your accompaniment parts. When all of that is handled... finish the song! You've got AT LEAST another minute and a half in you without needing to copy and paste an additional section. n0
The Orichalcon Posted September 12, 2005 Posted September 12, 2005 I'm in agreement that the echo on the piano does sound pretty cool. The FL Slayer is one tough nut to crack in terms of making it sound realistic. You've done an all right job here in making it sound less whiney than it sounds by default. But the amount of reverb over it is troubling and does drown it out, especially when you rely on it as the sole effect for the entirety of the piece. The drums are all right in the way they're programmed, there are some good variations in them. Having the crash on each beat is all right for a rock song when done right like it is here. This piece falls short in two areas. The first being the quality of the instruments being used. While not everyone can afford the uber-samples, unfortunately when you use the free samples you have to be able to utilise them extraordinarily well to cover up the quality issues. The second area is the repetativeness. This does sound like an incomplete mix, as the guitarline repeats itself over and over in each section with no variation. There's a lot more potential in expanding on the main melody in the source than what we achieve here. The fade-out of the mix sounded like a last minute attempt to end the mix. As larry said "That's it, we quit." NO
analoq Posted September 12, 2005 Posted September 12, 2005 thunder thunder thunder thunder... nevermind. the drum fills are OK, other than that i can't see anything particularly good about this. slayer sounds grating and inhuman, and i don't mean that in a good way. then it.. ends? ok, i'm just gonna close this out. no
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