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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to OCR, always nice to see new members!

I enjoyed this remix, well done. The beat has a nice groove to it, really chilled out feel. I like how you varied up the source tune.

I'm not sure about the fade out at the end, which you said was temporary anyway. The mix sounds a little right heavy to me. I don't really hear much panning on the left, I can hear the clap on the right.

Overall, nice work. :-)

Posted (edited)

Hi Cash and Change!

Thanks a lot for your feedback! I'm glad you like it.

I won't let the piece end with the fade out. The piano solo will be much longer and after that the main melody will come in again.

About the panning, for some reason my left speaker is a little bit quieter than the right one (I need better equipment!!). Maybe it has something to do with that? I will check it.

Edited by Nostalvania
Yes I did. The side stick for example is panned left. One of the lead synths is also on the left side as well as the strings of the intro.

I'm hearing the side stick in the center, maybe it is a speaker issue. Either that or my ears are the problem. :smile:

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Just got your message, and I have a couple of thoughts.

That side-stick sound is definitely a bit annoying the way it is; you may want to either lower its volume, or simply adjust the panning. The closed hat sound could stand to be velocity-edited a bit, just to give it a bit more humanization.

Love the keyboard work. The piano and the electric keys alike are really nice. Bassline is also stellar.

Finally, my recommendation is that you put a pad in underneath everything to fill out the sonic landscape. The strings come in really late in the song (and they're panned a bit oddly to the left), and I think the song would benefit from having another pad in there.

This isn't super in-depth, but hopefully it's enough to give you a few ideas. Really enjoyable song as it stands, and I know you can put that final layer of polish on it!


Hi there, I got your pm too. Here are my thoughts *listening*:

In the intro, those string-ish chords could flow together better, they are all starting (and stopping) at the same point and the attack is a bit distracting. Try varying the start times of the notes within the chords, and even varying the velocities within the chords, and overlapping the ends of the notes too... do this randomly (but don't overdo it!)... that will give it a more natural flow. Think about how a group of voilins would play, they wouldn't have perfect timing. Fade-out of strings is nice, though.

Bassline is boss. No complaints! Kick too... and they work well together. Good job on that.

Keyboard sounds excellent, placed well mainly center. The saw that comes in and the brass sounding synth after that both sound panned a little to hard to the sides. Take one or both and place them a tiny bit more centered. What you have here gives it a "big" sound but it sounds a tad unnatural to me. Tame it a bit, at least one of them. This would be especially noticeable when two things are playing the same line (one more centered, one more on the sides, creating a huge yet balanced sound) Think of your song as making a "V" shape as it comes out of the speakers toward the listener, like 3D.

Also, that saw is a little too loud overall.

Yes that keyboard work is very nice! Nice writing, awesome soloing.

The claps are also a tad wide for my liking. The side stick sounds good, but Flex is right, it's over there on the left by itself and that becomes irritating. How about adding another complimentary sound on the right, playing here and there to balance it out. Or, you could just narrow the claps and put them slightly right to balance the stick.

Chimes.... nice, *they* could be full stereo wide! Stretch that out, that can be huge! Another idea for chimes is to quickly pan them left to right.

This is some quality work. Nice chilled-out song. A few tweaks and I'm 100% happy!


Hmm.. nice work here. Love the mood and rythm!

The initial background synth is a little loud and dry for me.

And I think that the lead saw is too agressive.. this contrasts with the relaxed atmosphere of the music.

keyboards solos are amazing! Congratz!

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hi everybody.

Thanks a lot for the feedback guys! Here's the newest version of my remix.


I've changed a couple of things.

- I added a pad. Well, it's actually an organ but i think it has the same function than a pad. Is the pad too quiet?

- Changed the start and stop times of the strings in the intro.

- I used a filter on the lead synth.

- Lowered the volume of the lead synth.

- Adjusted the panning of several instruments.

And a few other tweaks.

Feedback and critique welcome.

Edited by Nostalvania
Dude, I'm just doing the groovy head-nodding dance in my chair right now. I love this! I'd say you should probably go ahead and submit it.

I'm very glad to hear that, thanks! I guess I'll wait with submitting. I think i could still work on it and improve it.

honestly, this almost reminds me of an arranger keyboard demo, particularly the horns. :)

Is it because of the quality of the sounds?

The cheesy 808 side stick doesn't jibe with the rest of the track. I would say swap it out for a better sound.

Ok, i think i'll experiment with different sounds.

Thanks for the feedback!


I still love this... great writing! My previous comments still stand however... I don't care for the wide-panned claps. I would prefer them narrowed somewhat. (they feel stuck-on here, like an afterthought, not part of the mix) Also your leads are all super wide (saw, doubled flutey thing, brass) or super narrow (keys, piano). I think you could make the stereo field work more to your advantage by widening some things, narrowing others, somewhat.

And for heavens sake, at least widen those chiiiiimes. ;-) (or, pan left to right)

Also I feel like the track is overall a touch dry. Make sure you are using some reverb sends so everything gets a touch of the same reverb (even if you have reverb on individual tracks). I have some neat reverb tricks if you want to hear about them, pm me and I'll tell you. (I won't type it out if you're not interested)

All that being said, really nice work on the writing and arrangement!

  • 7 months later...

This track is great, but suffers from almost-there-but-not-quite-good-enough sample quality.

The EP is pretty good, but if you listen to 0:11 a few times, it doesn't have an extremely rich FM quality on the lower notes. Try listening to this Diggi Dis mockup I did. The strings pad is nice, but it lacks movement. Maybe you could give it a light tremolo or route an envelope to the filter. Anything subtle to make it less static, and maybe a very mild low pass to leave room for the EP tines.

0:35 - where did that phaser come from? I didn't hear it before.

0:39 bass could use a richer tone, and it would be interesting to see what you can achieve with some layering. You might get some inspiration from this.

The 808 percussion seems to stick out a bit too much to me. 1:19 synth brass at first doesn't seem to fit the mood you were going for, and sticks out as well. Almost gives an old-school 90s vibe. If you gave the brass here at 1:19 as much attention to detail as you gave the brass at 1:45, it would work much better.

The pauses near 2:12 were interesting, but it would be an effective choice to add something that trails off after the pause has come, as well as reverb with a longer decay (you can always automate a decay length knob if you need to bring it back down later). Take a listen to

, for example. There's a resonant arp there that trails off, and makes sure the person knows the song isn't over.

Nice solos later on, but 3:40 seems to be pretty simple compared to the add2 and sus4 chords you had before. Sounds like octaves to me until 3:50. Last chord at 4:17 sounded ever so slightly stiff, which makes it slightly less of an expected ending.

Keep working on it, and I think it'll be a pretty enjoyable ReMix.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the feedback Timaeus!

This track is great, but suffers from almost-there-but-not-quite-good-enough sample quality.

The EP is pretty good, but if you listen to 0:11 a few times, it doesn't have an extremely rich FM quality on the lower notes.

Yeah I know, the samples :). Do you think I should get better samples or is it possible to "pimp up" my samples to make them sound better? As for the EP, I think I could try to use the EP sounds from my Digital Piano.

0:35 - where did that phaser come from? I didn't hear it before.

The phaser comes from the organ that plays during the intro. I might fade out the organ a bit earlier.

0:39 bass could use a richer tone, and it would be interesting to see what you can achieve with some layering.

Ok, I'll give it a try.

Sounds like octaves to me until 3:50.

Yes, the piano plays in octaves.

Edited by Nostalvania

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