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Edit: yes please, Dafydd, that would be great.

I consider my social life more important than my "internet 'community' based on video game music re-arrangement" non-life.

Remixing is not a career for me, it's a hobby.

I prefer to WRITE original material (as opposed to remixing. I HATE when people refer to this re-arranging as "writing").

My BotA track has terrible mixing, and I really didn't want to finish it, not that that's an excuse. My music is only as good as it can be. Not that that's at all relevant, or that you, taking time to even mention that you don't think my music is all that great is at all useful or helpful in getting the project done.

I'm not holding out on you guys because I think I'm awesome, I'm not holding out at all. I'm simply taking a laid back approach, because my priorities lie outside of spending in excess of 3 hours a night trying to work someone else's source material into something that a bunch of people (judges)-- that I have little respect for, musically-- will think is super great, so that a bunch more people will listen to it, and think "Man, this originally great song has been made to sound another way which is only marginally more or less interesting by that guy whose name I can't pronounce."

Furthermore, it is not my responsibility as the coordinator to complete tracks, it is my responsibility to coordinate. Failing that, it is my responsibility to attempt to coordinate that which will allow itself to be coordinated.

I realize that I took on the responsibility to complete a track when I took on a track, but I have not set any deadlines for any of you (barring that first month and a bit where I set deadlines, and you all failed to meet them,) apart from "As soon as possible."

That said, it has not been possible for me to complete, nor make much progress on my tracks, because I have not had much in the way of creative ideas about the piece coming to me, and if I want to make something better, and more well thought out than my BotA track, then I will continue to wait until I do have more creative ideas coming to me.

That said, MY inability to complete my track does not somehow excuse the inability of others to stay committed. I check this thread more than once daily. I have given the go-ahead to at least 4 mixers in as many months, and after receiving a "Heck yes I'll get right on that!" response, they are never to be seen nor heard from again.

So, mephistopholes, if you really can't hold it any longer, submit your remix, and get it posted.

Know, though, that if you do, I will not include it on the project (What would be the point?) thus hindering the progress of the project further, which doesn't matter much to me, as I'm willing to let this project go on until I'm at least 30 (or at least until I lose interest in Link's Awakening, which probably won't happen.) Complete tracks are over and done with. It's the incomplete tracks that matter, and while (as usual) your indignant response is "Well, why aren't you doing anything about your incomplete tracks?!" one more complete track by me doesn't ASSIGN the UNASSIGNED tracks to COMMITTED REMIXERS who will COMPLETE THEIR OBLIGATIONS which they are NOT ACTUALLY OBLIGATED TO DO, and WHO ARE NOT YOU.

Your ability to complete tracks with such speed is admirable, but it is not a template with which I would feel comfortable forcing other artists-- who do not have your work ethic, your facilities and methods, or your education-- to fit into it.

That said, either drudge up some patience, or go away.

I'm simply taking a laid back approach, because my priorities lie outside of spending in excess of 3 hours a night trying to work someone else's source material into something that a bunch of people (judges)-- that I have little respect for, musically-- will think is super great, so that a bunch more people will listen to it, and think "Man, this originally great song has been made to sound another way which is only marginally more or less interesting by that guy whose name I can't pronounce."

Wow. If that is your attitude, then I have completely lost interest in ever listening to this project when it is completed. If you dont have the time and dedication to head up a project, maybe you shouldnt?

Wow. If that is your attitude, then I have completely lost interest in ever listening to this project when it is completed. If you dont have the time and dedication to head up a project, maybe you shouldnt?

Not that this helps other people in assessing my attitude, but I am not concerned with your patronage.

You are a troll.

Wow. If that is your attitude, then I have completely lost interest in ever listening to this project when it is completed. If you dont have the time and dedication to head up a project, maybe you shouldnt?

Not that this helps other people in assessing my attitude, but I am not concerned with your patronage.

You are a troll.

Troll? Just pointing out the fact that you are dissing remixing and dissing the judges. You pretty much said that remixing is pointless and tallentless.


Wow. If that is your attitude, then I have completely lost interest in ever listening to this project when it is completed. If you dont have the time and dedication to head up a project, maybe you shouldnt?

To be honest, I'm not sure I understood what you said there, either. I don't care much for the judges' opinions, either, (unless I'm asking them to give their opinions on my music, of course,) but I would care for an explanation of the above quoted post. I guess what you were trying to say was that you're not remixing to satisfy the judges, but...

"Man, this originally great song has been made to sound another way which is only marginally more or less interesting..."

If you're not criticizing remixing in general, then what? How are out remixes different from the ones that you apparently don't like? How's e.g. my remix more than marginally more interesting than the original song?


...why does everyone quote koelsch's posts, and then respond to me?

Dafydd: I AM; The fact that I like them differentiates; More than marginally more interesting is a rare occurrence when it comes to source material which is already quite interesting. I would say that MORE than marginal is reserved for original material, but then you'd be comparing apples to oranges.

...why does everyone quote koelsch's posts, and then respond to me?

Dafydd: I AM; The fact that I like them differentiates; More than marginally more interesting is a rare occurrence when it comes to source material which is already quite interesting. I would say that MORE than marginal is reserved for original material, but then you'd be comparing apples to oranges.

So... these remixes are, unlike other remixes, not pointless, because the source music is so cool to start with? :whatevaa: Well, no matter - the game at hand deserves some remixing whether the coordinator likes remixes or not.


shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything shut up koelsch you ruin everything


Honestly, I am pretty appreciative of Starky being so lax...I can understand the frustration of the people who have finished tracks in this project, and are waiting...But I have the same predicament in the Kirby Superstar Project. My song is 99% done...But I have been waiting for months on the artwork to finish so the project can be released. My song was finished back in March...As well as many other people's music...but I don't see any drama in that thread regarding the wait.

So guys, if you REALLY want this project to fall apart, then keep up this angry, angsty ranting you're doing (Koelsch) and it will all crumble to pieces. It has been precariously on the edge for so long, and either we accept how Starky runs this project, or we walk.

A lot of people have walked from being committed, I myself have had so much shit that I've barely worked on ANY music in over six months, because I don't have the means, my computer sucks, and I haven't had much computer or internet access whatsoever.

At this point, I don't care if I get kicked off of the project for not having a song done, and I apologize that my song isn't done at this point...But at least it isn't the only one...And there are still a lot of unclaimed songs...Unclaimed because from the get go, this project has been an underdog and the "established" remixers in the community showed little or no support for something that could have been incredible within half the amount of time. The theme is great, the source material is awesome, so what the hell? I really appreciate the people that have stayed on and have been dedicated. I just wish you guys would be patient.

It just goes to show you what has happened to this site, honestly. I can't really put my finger on what exactly HAS happened...but it does show you...somewhat...yeah.

And Starky, I do wish that you'd uh...show that you care just a little more, I know you do, but I don't think it's coming across as much on the screen as it could, honestly, too much may be left up to interpretation for these guys.

Remixing is not a career for me, it's a hobby.

I prefer to WRITE original material (as opposed to remixing. I HATE when people refer to this re-arranging as "writing").


my priorities lie outside of spending in excess of 3 hours a night trying to work someone else's source material into something that a bunch of people (judges)-- that I have little respect for, musically-- will think is super great, so that a bunch more people will listen to it, and think "Man, this originally great song has been made to sound another way which is only marginally more or less interesting by that guy whose name I can't pronounce."

Why the fuck are you even on OCR?

That said, MY inability to complete my track does not somehow excuse the inability of others to stay committed.

Yes, it does. Ever heard of a "role model"? If the project head doesn't seem to want to get shit done, there's no pressure on anyone else to do anything.

Your ability to complete tracks with such speed is admirable, but it is not a template with which I would feel comfortable forcing other artists-- who do not have your work ethic, your facilities and methods, or your education-- to fit into it.

Because you aren't pushing them to work. Communism worked in theory too, you know.

To be honest, I'd almost rather see this project fall apart, so that maybe in a year or so we can have someone else try again, so it will be done two years from now. At least it would get done quicker.

Some naughty words

Hush Child.

Katie: I care DEEPLY for this project, mostly because I care even MORE deeply for the game and its music, as opposed to the 'art' of remixing.

However, I do not care much, if at all about the people on it. (excluding you, because I love you forever and always). Not to say that I dislike them, or feel that their contributions are invalid, but if it comes down to brass tacks, i'll point to the first page of this thread, and say: "Hey, I said from the get-go that this project's for me, not you, or for OCR." And you basically all agreed to be my sexy (?) music slaves. So, That's where we stand.

I'm pretty sure I didn't perpetuate any illusions that I'm not a contrary, selfish, elitist, bastard.

So, don't go running around like I pulled a rug out from under you.

Some naughty words

Hush Child.

Katie: I care DEEPLY for this project, mostly because I care even MORE deeply for the game and its music, as opposed to the 'art' of remixing.

However, I do not care much, if at all about the people on it. (excluding you, because I love you forever and always). Not to say that I dislike them, or feel that their contributions are invalid, but if it comes down to brass tacks, i'll point to the first page of this thread, and say: "Hey, I said from the get-go that this project's for me, not you, or for OCR." And you basically all agreed to be my sexy (?) music slaves. So, That's where we stand.

I'm pretty sure I didn't perpetuate any illusions that I'm not a contrary, selfish, elitist, bastard.

So, don't go running around like I pulled a rug out from under you.

I really dont get it. Why are you even on OCR?

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