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Ah, save target worked, Rexy.

and suffice it to say that you're in, should you choose to be...I'd like to hear you try Eagle Tower, personally.

Sorry Bladiator. It might seem selfish, and I suppose it is. I'd rather see the song done my way than anyone else's, though.

A-ha, I found something worthy of a previous work.

In Search of that Girl...

Granted, it's not really a remix, but I can change that quite easily, thanks to my AP Music Theory class finally getting somewhere with music-writing.

AP Music Theory?

Wow... We have a Music Theory, but it's practically a study hall, and we get a HUGE binder full of papers that need to be filled by the end of the year...

A-ha, I found something worthy of a previous work.

In Search of that Girl...

Granted, it's not really a remix, but I can change that quite easily, thanks to my AP Music Theory class finally getting somewhere with music-writing.

AP Music Theory?

Wow... We have a Music Theory, but it's practically a study hall, and we get a HUGE binder full of papers that need to be filled by the end of the year...

We've got like, 11 people in it, and every Friday we have a test. Thursday is solfege (nobody fuckin' told me we actually had to SING in the course... :oops: ), and then melodic and rhythm dictation on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Can't wait until the seniors graduate; there will be 3 kids (including myself) and the teacher in the class. That'll be fun...

But Aetherius has not said anything about my arrangement In Search of that Girl.... I know he probably ignored my last batch of "works" cuz they are all shtuff from OverLooked ReMiX, but this one is actually legit, and sound pretty well done. Hell, if it would have just had some arrangement to it, it would have probably been tier 2 or 1 at VGMix...



- School >> 8:00 - 3:10 (Leave home at 7:05)
- Marching Band >> 3:30 - 5:00-ish
- Arrive >> 5:30-ish

- School >> 8:00 - 3:10 (Leave home at 7:05)
- School Store >> 3:10 - 3:40
- Yearbook Meeting >> 3:45 - 5:30 or 6:00
- Arrive >> 6:30-ish

- School >> 8:00 - 3:10 (Leave home at 7:05)
- School Store >> 3:10 - 3:40
- Yearbook Meeting >> 3:45 - 5:30 or 6:00
- Arrive >> 6:30-ish

- School >> 8:00 - 3:10 (Leave home at 7:05)
- Marching Band >> 3:30 - 5:00-ish
- Drumline >> 5:00-ish - 6:00
- Choraliers >> 6:00 - 7:30
- Scat Cats >> 7:30 - 8:30
- Arrive >> 9:00-ish

- School >> 8:00 - 3:10 (Leave home at 7:05)
- Football Game >> Between 4:15 and 5:30 - Between 9:30 and 11:30 (Depends on Home or Away)
- Arrive 10:00-ish or Midnight

That's my weekday schedule

Sorry it's a little irrelevant, but I just had to...

Xenon, I listened to 'in search of that girl' but I think that I have issues with your sample/sound quality.

Oh, okay.

Well, since I don't have much experience in ReMixing, I won't bother you with any more tries for the project. I just need to get a better sound card and different speakers.

Anyhow, good luck with this.


I know I said earlier that I would see what I could do with the Koholint source tune, and I did, and it's not working out. Sorry. After three separate attempts, I'm pretty sure that song isn't cut out for me. Or I'm not cut out for it. Or something equally clever.

G'luck, though.



Well, no loss there, since Claado's 'submission' was really his audition, and was never on the project to begin with...

Anyway, Just so everyone knows...I've had my internet connection blocked by my service provider because I've exceeded the bandwidth limit by several times. I'll have it back by the third of October.

Please keep arguing over who gets which song and submitting wips. With any luck my 'associates' will listen to them while I'm gone, and then I can listen to them when I get back.

Dance, Puppets!


If my mabe village (super-upbeat reggae) arrangement and my koholint unarmed arrangement (mix with "hotel california," just to thumb my nose at DJP) are both deemed unnacceptable to this project, I think I'm going to have to officially back out.

I'm still happy to record guitars for anybody who needs them, though.


hey, i'm not TheProphecy, i'm The Prophet of Mephisto.


i'm just starting my wip right now. i'm hoping to make something along the lines of a sonata for saxophone accompanied by strings, padsynths and piano...it doens't sound like much on paper, but think some of ES Posthumus's slower stuff. for now. god knows what its gonna be when i'm done.

i'll post a wip soon.


Haha, don't feel too discouraged. I accidentally mistook Prophecy for you in the OCR chat once over the summer, so that can account for something. ^_^*

I wish I could say progress would be on with the WIPs at my end, but considering GrayLightning is offering hands for a collab it makes me wonder if we'd work on Eagle Tower together or do a different one outside from that. If anything rises I'd be back here ASAP.


Just for the record, I'm back.

Also: Rexy, If you collab with Gray, I might like you or both of you to do another song solo as well...I don't have much faith in my list of mixers, since so many of them are 'tentative'

Also of import:

The oficial project start date is now Monday, the Tenth of October. Which tentatively, gives us until the 10th of january to have everything done. First wips are due December 10th, and finals on January 10th, if we even need that much time. I give you this much time so that you don't feel pressured, but just so you know, the pressure's already on, and you really don't need a whole flipping 3 months, kids.


In case you want to show your WIP's to people who follow this project close-up, please join our IRC channel, and DCC send the files to Escariot. He's the person who maintains the site, and gives you a folder in which he puts all your WIP's for download.

The channel is located here : irc.enterthegame.com - #laproject (Click to join : irc://irc.enterthegame.com/laproject )

In case you want to show your WIP's to people who follow this project close-up, please join our IRC channel, and DCC send the files to Escariot. He's the person who maintains the site, and gives you a folder in which he puts all your WIP's for download.

The channel is located here : irc.enterthegame.com - #laproject (Click to join : irc://irc.enterthegame.com/laproject )

If you can't connect to IRC, post a link, and I'll download the file, and put it on the offical file house of the LAProject... Link will be posted soon

EDIT: And on Aetherius' note, page will not be posted until after the WIP deadline


For the record, I'm planning on keeping the wips private for now. I don't want the mixers to have any input on their tracks outside of my own, or that of the other mixers. This is because...Personally, I don't trust the opinions of the general populace of these forums, and In reality, this project is for my own pleasure and entertainment, and not yours, and so I don't really give a crap whether anyone but me likes the results...


Wips are to be kept private/secretive.

Keep your stupid ideas to yourselves.

For the record, I'm planning on keeping the wips private for now. I don't want the mixers to have any input on their tracks outside of my own, or that of the other mixers. This is because...Personally, I don't trust the opinions of the general populace of these forums, and In reality, this project is for my own pleasure and entertainment, and not yours, and so I don't really give a crap whether anyone but me likes the results...


Wips are to be kept private/secretive.

Keep your stupid ideas to yourselves.

fair enough.

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