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okay. in order. wrong, wrong, good work at reading a mission statement and forgetting that you can't do that for free/i really shouldn't have to make that distinction in a 'will this console be commercially successful' conversation, hobbyists and bedroom programmers will be happy but who else should care, no one

when some sort of legitimate information about this console comes out i'll see if there's anything that changes my mind but until then, if this is it, then i'm done with this thread. at this point neither of you are even debating my points you're picking at my words and trying to bring me down instead of being like 'here's where i think you're wrong.' have fun.

Posted (edited)
in order. wrong, wrong

Oh okay, glad you elaborated. I must be wrong then

good work at reading a mission statement and forgetting that you can't do that for free

Mission statement says nothing about it doing it for free. Ouya will take cut of profits devs make, this is the same exact way Android/iOS works, as stated multiple times.

i really shouldn't have to make that distinction

When the subject you are talking about, and the subject we were discussing , are completely different, yes. You do. Even if you claim that is what you meant, it still makes absolutely no sense in or out of context. Its still shallow no matter HOW you think about it.

I've detailed everything and said "here is where you are wrong" every post. Right now its clear you are just back pedaling and/or trolling and its been really a waste of time to try to decipher your so called "points" so if this was your last post on the matter, thank goodness! Maybe we can get some more people who want to add to the discussion, AND know what they are talking about.

Edited by Crowbar Man
Posted (edited)

Now speaking of new additions to the conversation:

I thought this was probably the case but Ouya has confirmed the console supports up to four controllers.

Namco Bandai is in active discussions with Ouya and plan on taking votes on what games you would like to see on it on their Facebook at some point, if you do that kind of thing

Edited by Crowbar Man
Posted (edited)
lol who's trolling now.

at least i try and stay on topic. you should know better.

So you come in here to call us hipsters, and apparently I'm the one trolling.

Yes, I should've known better. I should've known better than to sink to your level.

Thanks for wasting all of our time. I hope you're happy.

Expect it to be the same Namco arcade museum compilation they put on every thing in existence.

Yep. Though they do mention Tekken...wonder what that's all about.

Edited by Dhsu
Yeah, I was suggesting it does a lot of what the Ouya does for much cheaper. Though the FAQ says the performance is essentially that of a 300MHz Pentium 2 with much nicer graphics.

Ouya is most likely going to have a special version of Android (at least, in the video it didn't show a typical Ice Cream Sandwich OS) and Ouya has a proprietary controller and its own dev kit.

Not to mention a quad core Tegra 3 far surpasses anything RP can offer. >_>

It's more of an educational tool, a chip that you would buy 30 of for your computer science class as you teach low level programming or something like that.

Ouya is most likely going to have a special version of Android (at least, in the video it didn't show a typical Ice Cream Sandwich OS) and Ouya has a proprietary controller and its own dev kit.

Not to mention a quad core Tegra 3 far surpasses anything RP can offer. >_>

It's more of an educational tool, a chip that you would buy 30 of for your computer science class as you teach low level programming or something like that.

A pretty user interface is irrelevant to the programs that will run on the thing.

I seriously doubt they have the engineering staff to put together a custom version of the OS. What they /do/ have is a few decent designers and excellent marketing staff. Skin-jobs are still just toasters.

You're mostly right about RP though; the only thing that RP can probably do that Ouya could do is play SNES emulators. I mostly see RP as something for people who aren't cool enough to use an arduino.

A pretty user interface is irrelevant to the programs that will run on the thing.

It doesn't matter? The point was Rasberry Pi has Linux whereas Ouya has an interface designed like a game console (like Xbox).

I was never implying Ouya has a special OS with exclusive programming/development options. It's already been established that it's Android.

Posted (edited)

Rasberry Pi is very neat, but as already stated, definitely not a console and not something your average joe can pick up and play games on. No controller either. Its really popular among hobbyists though, worth checking out if you like fiddling with junk and want to do a DIY media/console/thing. Someone was even working on an Android ICS build for it, and Team XBMC is also working on it! Power side, its kinda lacking with 700Mhz and 256MB RAM, but GPU is supposed to be half decent (though obviously no Tegra 3). Still a great tool for a hobbyist to fool around with.

Edited by Crowbar Man
  • 2 weeks later...

Power Smoothie posted that article as well.

Another article critical about the pitch. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2407046,00.asp

They don't think the console will ever get made.

Julie claims their hardware guy has experience getting products to market under similarly aggressive deadlines, but I think it's a given at this point that they won't hit March.

If it doesn't materialize at all...oh well. Losing $100 isn't the end of the world.

I don't think the writer of that article understands what a scam is.

It could flop, fail, or whatever, but it's definitely not a scam. They've invested too much into it to have planned it as a giant con for $8 million.

How much is too much? If you're going to con people out of millions of dollars, there's some work that goes into it.

I don't think the writer of that article understands what a scam is.

It could flop, fail, or whatever, but it's definitely not a scam. They've invested too much into it to have planned it as a giant con for $8 million.

do they?

i don't think it's a con but i do think it's negligent business to promise something at a price range and release date they in all likelihood cannot hold to. it takes the big 3 years to make their systems, how can ouya do it in 9 months? manufacture for market takes at least a third of that time.

Posted (edited)

The big game companies have to R&D their own chips, push expensive technology thats usually not actually around, have to develop dev kit models / software and work with 3rd party devs for getting games built and/or exclusive to their own system for launch, develop a BIOS/OS and Copyright protection procedure, manufacture tons of units and get ready for worldwide launches, etc etc

None of this applies to Ouya. Tegra 3 already exsists. None of the technology here is new or unique. Android (OS) already exsists. Their SDK will heavily rely on the SDK already provided by Google for Android I'm sure, and devs dont need a "transition period" because Android has been out for quite some time. Their target audience is much smaller, and basically right now "whoever already bought it"

As far as the tight schedule, yes, it is quite tight, they may have a problem, they may not. Depends on how far they were before they Kickstarted I suppose

Not saying its not a scam, still could be for all I know, but comparing them to other consoles doesn't make any sense as far as how long it takes to come to market

Edited by Crowbar Man
Are you suggesting Ouya is a con?

No, just that the level of "investment" into it is not an indicator its not a con.

I'm on the fence on it myself, could go either way. I didn't add any money to this thing as I never believed in it in the first place, and it did turn out to be a scam, I'd probably be laughing at those who funded it for putting their "OMG WHAT AN AWESOME GAME SYSTEM I MUST GIVE MONEY TO KICKSTARTER RIGHT NOW" mentality over logic and thinking it through further.

That'd be a really dick thing to do, but I can't lie and say I wouldn't do it. :P

No, just that the level of "investment" into it is not an indicator its not a con.

There's a point where even if you did end up planning to take money away from it, you've done so much that it wasn't really a con at all.

I say I can build you a house for $400,000. I build the whole thing, and only spend $399,995 on it.

HAHAHA I CONNED YOU OUT OF $5 NOOB... EVEN THOUGH... i built you the house... wait...

There's a point where even if you did end up planning to take money away from it, you've done so much that it wasn't really a con at all.

And how does that work in this context? If you don't get a working system in a reasonable frame around the timespace you thought you were getting it at, and your money is not returned, you were conned. There's not a lot of gray area in there.

Posted (edited)
And how does that work in this context? If you don't get a working system in a reasonable frame around the timespace you thought you were getting it at, and your money is not returned, you were conned. There's not a lot of gray area in there.

How exactly is it deception if they spend the money to try and get it working, but could fail due to problems? That's exactly what they said they'd do; they're not deceiving anyone. :<

"You should give me money for this. It might not work though."

*spends the money, doesn't work*


Edited by Neblix

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