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*NO* Pokémon Blue Version 'Lavender Syndrome'


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ReMixer name: Psycho Crusher

Real name: Cristián Escobar

Website: http://www.psycho-crusher.com

Userid: 47622

Name of game arranged: Pokémon

Name of arrangement: Lavender Syndrome

Name of individual song: Theme of Lavender Town

Song file:

The music from Lavender Town in the old Pokémon games has always evoked strange feelings on everyone. I always thought that the feeling it causes, is one of the hardest to accomplish through music, so here's my rendition to that.

I took parts from the very original version of Lavender Town, from the Japanese Beta version of Pokémon Green (

) for the intro and bridge of my arrangement.

You can clearly hear a little doom metal and djent influencies on this one.

I hope you like it!

Greetings from Chile!


- Lavender

- weird beta version thing
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Putting aside OCR standards discussion, this sampling of the backing pattern from the source tune was far from tasteful, not because there was something inherently wrong with it, but because it was bone done dry AND sounded lazily stapled into the soundscape.

Ultimately, the sampled chiptune sounded like it was interfering with the rock arrangement whenever it's heard, as there's absolutely NO synergy there. Some effects on the sampled chiptune line would better couch this into the soundscape, so that each part compliments the other.

One reason the chiptune usage through most of the track didn't bother me as a pontential violation was because the rock instrumentation was constantly arranging the source theme, so it wasn't using the chiptune sampling as a crutch to connect the mix to the original. I think we'd want to run this level of chiptune sampling by djp and/or a larger group of the panel, to see if this much is kosher. I'd likely vote to NO this based on how long that pattern was in play coupled with how prominent it was.

That said, we can't do conditional votes any longer, so at the VERY least, I'm going NO until Cristián employs some effects and techniques to make the chiptune usage sound like a much more comfortable fit in this arrangement, i.e. not as loud, dry or prominent. Bookending the arrangement with clips of the source tune is cool, but any other usage of direct source sampling has to make sense in the bigger picture and not pull spotlight away from the primary motive of actual arrangement.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah I agree. The sample is awkward and doesn't really fit. It's a bit of an elephant in the room whenever it's there,

The rest of the mix is really creative and sounds pretty passable to me. I actually really liked the dissonant guitar part that replaces the sample when it's not there. If you can get a different instrument in there doing that part instead of the sample I think this would be fine!


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Overall I feel like this is a little bit too simple of an arrangement, even when you factor out the direct sampling issue. Nothing here is really wowing me... not to say that your work here isn't well-produced and listenable, but the writing and arrangement definitely goes through the motions without really doing much outside the box, either.

Your guitar tones are fantastic and the performances are fine, but since this is going to be a resub vote anyway because of the awkward synth line, I'd urge you to take this feedback into consideration and look for other ways that you could expand this remix into more ambitious territory and really go places with your arrangement.

Either way, at the VERY least rework that synth sample, it's not doing the trick for me here.

NO (resub)

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