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Hi guys!

Just registered to post this - huge fan...

Im really looking forward to a version with lossless quality. Doesn't have to be .wav . I would even prefer .flac files because of the tags and their size. Lets face it: In a couple of years when every smartphone will have 500GB or more space mp3 will be a thing of the past. I know most people don't seem to hear the difference between mp3 and cds, probably because of in-ear headphones, but for a multimedia enthusiast with a good speaker system the difference is imense.

Fujifilm just anounced that by 2015 they will have blurays with several TBs capacity.

File size for music won't matter anymore (if the music keeps getting released in stereo instead of multichannel, which sadly is much more likely). Please consider encoding .flac instead of vbr or 192kbits mp3. Some Albums on your site already feature a .flac download....

Please also consider to make availabity of .flac versions mandatory for future releases...


This is a bit of an offtopic discussion, but...

I don't see mp3s disappearing so quickly - I'm quite satisfied with the quality of 192 kbps mp3s, and storage is still an issue these days. I have about 900 GB of music and it's always growing - I haven't even actively seeked out music much in the past 5-6 years or so.

Sure, storage has gotten cheaper, but now the trend has been to move towards SSD for storage since a wall has been hit with SATA hard drives, and with that shift, storage is still incredibly expensive.

Combine the quality being amenable to almost everyone, storage still not cheap enough, lossless files taking up too much space, and the music industry being highly resistant to file format changes, and you have mp3 likely to be the defacto standard for a long time, if not permanently (at least until quantum computing becomes commercial at the consumer level or something major like that). I'm not convinced that FLAC (or any lossless) will ever become mainstream due to those factors.


I did not want to drift offtopic, but to finish:

If a bluray in 2015 will have 1TB space and lets say will cost 50$ plus another 50$ for a second one as a security backup + the drive for 150$, you will have to spend 250$ to save all your music on discs - nowadays 2TB HDDs cost around 90$ - image the price in 2015 - you could already fit your complete music collection on a single hdd even if it were 2 times the size of what it is now.

I'd rather convert flacs into aac for mobile devices than have mp3 only....

That said it comes down to personal taste and it was not my intent to start a big discussion.

All im saying is:

It would simply be awesome to have a flac download option for every ocremix.That way everyone could choose between flac and mp3 for his/her -self.

More options are always better right ?!


I should clarify - my music collection is ~900 GB of mostly mp3s - storage is still not cheap enough to justify lossless in general, and at some point I will delete all lossless copies I have since I quite frankly cannot tell the difference in quality from lossless and 192 kbps, and I would label myself as better qualified than most casual listeners.

The arguments for lossless in the past decade have been weak at best for anything but archival/master copy purposes given the benefit/cost ratio and widely accepted solutions.


The blatant problem with trying to pull a FLAC torrent together is that hundreds of mixes would be left out, due to people losing project files (thus not being able to render wavs to convert) and people just either not responding to emails or have left OCR in general.

OCR is not some team or company, it's just a bunch of random, friendly people submitting songs.

So as ideal as it sounds, it's probably never going to happen. :banghead:


It's not - there's plenty of evidence to suggest that claims of being able to tell the difference are dubious. Double blind tests have been done comparing listeners' ability to tell the difference and convincingly debunks the hypothesis that self-proclaimed audiophiles can tell the difference (with at least one such test resulting in such audiophiles actually performing worse than others).

It's not really personal preference so much as practicality & benefits being marginal, and if you asked most people, I'm pretty confident you would find that they would agree with me. If they weren't, you would not see such overwhelming popularity of mp3s at around the 192 kbps level or maybe a little higher and a huge clamor/migration towards FLACs. Mp3s on portable mp3 players have replaced the CD player for many people. There is too much evidence that the general public does not agree with your sentiment - if it did, there would be ample opportunity commercially, and it is just not there.

  • 4 weeks later...
For these new torrents, Liontamer sought out and obtained several lossless files from remixers. Now, since those lossless files have been obtained, what would be the harm in sharing those files with the community in the form of a torrent?

Ignore what those people are saying. I try to be forward thinking. We may not do something for a long while, but one day it won't make sense not to offer something along the lines of what's you're talking about.

Would it be possible to create torrents for every hundred releases? A torrent for mixes 2501 to 2600 would be great, and follow this pattern.

We originally offered an update for every 100 mixes, but my project put that on hold until now. We plan to do updated bundles for every 100 mixes.


So in updating my old OCR collection with the newly refinished updates, I've noticed a lot of artist name changes which is really messing with me. The remix changelog doesn't seem to contain info about artist name updates; is there another place I might find this? So far I've been able to match songs up by game/remix title, but a reference chart would be so helpful if one exists. Thanks!

So in updating my old OCR collection with the newly refinished updates, I've noticed a lot of artist name changes which is really messing with me. The remix changelog doesn't seem to contain info about artist name updates; is there another place I might find this? So far I've been able to match songs up by game/remix title, but a reference chart would be so helpful if one exists. Thanks!

There's no chart and no plans to make a chart, though if someone wants to use their spare time to make one, that's cool.

If you use the search function at the top-right of the site, searching any old ReMixer names should bring up the correct results as well. That said, there are probably some gaps, so if you need help on anyone, ask.

Also in the ID3 tags of all the ReMixes, the URL field is the OCR Artist Profile URL of the ReMixer (or lead ReMixer in the case of a collaboration). Every artist page has their list of Aliases, i.e. other handles the artist has been known by.

e.g. halc (formerly halcyon): http://ocremix.org/artist/4793/halc

e.g. Mattias Häggström Gerdt (formerly Another Soundscape): http://ocremix.org/artist/4751/mattias-haggstrom-gerdt

e.g. Jillian Aversa (formerly pixietricks): http://ocremix.org/artist/4659/jillian-aversa

There's no chart and no plans to make a chart, though if someone wants to use their spare time to make one, that's cool.

If you use the search function at the top-right of the site, searching any old ReMixer names should bring up the correct results as well. That said, there are probably some gaps, so if you need help on anyone, ask.

Also in the ID3 tags of all the ReMixes, the URL field is the OCR Artist Profile URL of the ReMixer (or lead ReMixer in the case of a collaboration). Every artist page has their list of Aliases, i.e. other handles the artist has been known by.

e.g. halc (formerly halcyon): http://ocremix.org/artist/4793/halc

e.g. Mattias Häggström Gerdt (formerly Another Soundscape): http://ocremix.org/artist/4751/mattias-haggstrom-gerdt

e.g. Jillian Aversa (formerly pixietricks): http://ocremix.org/artist/4659/jillian-aversa

Thanks Larry, appreciate the quick reply! Here's my list so far, I will update it as I go for anyone else who may need the reference info:

EDIT: Updated the list with as many artist name changes as I found when updating my OCR library. Maybe this will be useful to someone else who might need to update artist names in OCR albums, VGMix remixes, etc.

Former Alias -> Current Artist Name

AE -> A_Rival

Adhesive Boy -> ella guro

Amaterasu -> Chris | Amaterasu

Another Soundscape -> Mattias Häggström Gerdt

Audix -> Sole Signal

CHIPP Damage -> The Legendary Zoltan

Daniel Baranowsky -> Danny Baranowsky

Detuned Logic -> Tuned Logic

Disposer -> Diggi Dis

DJ Carbunk1e -> Xaleph

DJ Velly -> Vyper

Dj Bjra -> Krank

Emperor -> Sleepy Emp

Hornpipe2 -> Greg Kennedy

JigginJonT -> JJT

just64helpin -> JH Sounds

KiMChi -> Miku

LeonHeart of the Flame -> Asterin

Maestrodeclure -> James George

Marc Star -> MarcstaR

MattInc -> Matt E. Waldman

Mythril Nazgul -> Navi

Nighteyes The Wolf -> Action Music

po! -> posu yan

Prophecy -> Jason Covenant

ProtoDome -> PROTO-DOME

Psychrophyte -> CrimsonZeal

Section III Studios -> DigiE

Siamey -> Heath Morris

Silent -> Jason Brian Merrill

Sir Nuts -> Sir_NutS

Starblaze -> Evan Pattison

Stephen Malcolm -> Malcos

SuperGreenX -> SGX

Swarmer -> Lifeformed

SysteManiac -> Danny Baranowsky

the prophet of mephisto -> prophetik

Theory of Nonexistence -> Theory of N

TO -> The Orichalcon

Trace Kyshad -> Trace Dragon XVI K

Trapezoid -> Trapezzoid

Tweek -> Tweex

Unknown -> Tyler Heath

  • 3 weeks later...

In the interest of some general housekeeping and saving of some sanity, could a link to the torrent update changelog be put on the changelog page? It seems kind of buried on the wiki, particularly when you click on that 'What Links Here' link over on the right side and it comes back saying "No pages link here."

Additionally, the changelog page lists quite a few mixes (or non-mixes as the case may be) without OCR release numbers. I've managed to sleuth out quite a few of them on my own via archive.org's cached copies of the site all the way back to April 2000, but for the sake of completionists like me, it would be nice to see them given that number in OCR's history. Heck, even some kind of a placeholder page for the removed mixes instead of a non-informative 404 page would be nice.

In the interest of some general housekeeping and saving of some sanity, could a link to the torrent update changelog be put on the changelog page? It seems kind of buried on the wiki, particularly when you click on that 'What Links Here' link over on the right side and it comes back saying "No pages link here."




Additionally, the changelog page lists quite a few mixes (or non-mixes as the case may be) without OCR release numbers. I've managed to sleuth out quite a few of them on my own via archive.org's cached copies of the site all the way back to April 2000, but for the sake of completionists like me, it would be nice to see them given that number in OCR's history. Heck, even some kind of a placeholder page for the removed mixes instead of a non-informative 404 page would be nice.

The non-numbered ReMixes listed on the Changelog were removed before OCR had a numeric ID system, so they have no ID #. If you want to us to call removed mixes something like #72.5 or what have you to shoehorn it into a numeric order, I can look into it.

A placeholder page for removed mixes based on mix ID sounds interesting. It would be way (way) down the list of things to do, but sounds like something potentially fun to do once the next version of the site is out, and if djp's interested.


Thank you for the link. :)

The non-numbered ReMixes listed on the Changelog were removed before OCR had a numeric ID system, so they have no ID #. If you want to us to call removed mixes something like #72.5 or what have you to shoehorn it into a numeric order, I can look into it.

A placeholder page for removed mixes based on mix ID sounds interesting. It would be way (way) down the list of things to do, but sounds like something potentially fun to do once the next version of the site is out, and if djp's interested.

Technically speaking, while indeed they had no numbers at first (numbering began 27 February 2002 with #549), the current numbering almost perfectly matches the drop down box sorting by date from the 12 Jun 2000 version of the site through to 26 March 2002. There are a few places where things seem to have gotten mixed up though, such as #1 and #8 trading places, as well as a pair of Outrun mixes, which got swapped and one was subsequently removed (#5 and #27.5). Anyways, here's what I've found for the unnumbered tracks on the changelog:

  • 27.5 02/09/2000 OutRun 'Splash Wave'
  • 60.5 06/05/2000 Contra 'Contravirt' (aka 'MEGAMIX Medley')
  • 72.5 07/01/2000 Galaxy Force II 'Nominal'
  • 166.5 11/11/2000 Alone in the Dark 2 'Hell's Kitchen (Zombies & Thompsons Mix)'
  • 167.5 11/11/2000 Darklands 'L'homme Arme (Guided by Saints Mix)'
  • 193.5 12/04/2000 Dr. Mario 'Funky Pills'
  • 213.5 12/23/2000 Faxanadu 'Funk Fusion'
  • 231.5 12/31/2000 Blaster Master 'Rocket'
  • 249.5 01/17/2001 Blaster Master 'Through the Eyes of Tragedy'
  • 250.5 01/21/2001 Guardian Legend '8-bit Rox'
  • 258.5 01/28/2001 Duke Nukem 3D 'Gotham (Distorted Mix)'
  • 277.5 02/14/2001 U.N. Squadron 'The Best of the Best'
  • 282.5 02/22/2001 Half-Life 'Time to Choose'
  • 312.5 03/31/2001 Dune 'Sietch to Sietch (Sekence Mix)'
  • 326.5 04/21/2001 Radical Dreamers 'Intonation'
  • 380.5 07/14/2001 Balloon Fight 'Ska Poppin''
  • 382.5 07/16/2001 Mario Kart 64 'Dream Racing'
  • 433.5 09/29/2001 FF7 DJChubbyCvs.GoGoBoco
  • 434.5 09/30/2001 ToeJam & Earl 'Wake Up!'

Now for some of the leftovers.

  • 05/15/2001 NiGHTS into dreams... 'Good NiGHT'
  • 05/16/2001 Final Fantasy VII 'Aeris Chasm'

These two both could be 344.5, along with a missing 5/15 Lufia2 'OfSinistrals' remix that doesn't appear on the changelog.

  • Final Fantasy Mystic Quest 'Doom Castle Metal'

This one is a real oddball. It shows up in the alphabetical list on 31 March 2001, but never shows up in the chronological list, so I can't get a fix on where it fits in with the current numbers.

  • Adventure Island 'Higgins Goes to Miami'
  • Final Fantasy VII 'Adelante (Mako Reactor)'
  • Super Mario World 'Flat Goom-Beat'

I couldn't find these 3 at all, and archive.org doesn't have copies of the site after 26 March 2002 (or at least it's not loading them), so I'm afraid they'll have to remain numberless for now.

Also found a few more non-changelog surprises in there. Like a Final Fantasy I mix titled 'Beginning' at 324.5 and a Radical Dreamers mix titled 'Far Drama' at 326.5 (same as the known 'Intonation' mix listed above). There are probably more like them, but those two came up only because of how near they were to other changelog files that I was searching for.

  • 4 weeks later...

One question I have I didn't catch anywhere else, but I noticed that there are tracks missing, but are still hosted here. Any idea why? I noticed because one of the Zombies Ate My Neighbor tracks was missing.

One question I have I didn't catch anywhere else, but I noticed that there are tracks missing, but are still hosted here. Any idea why? I noticed because one of the Zombies Ate My Neighbor tracks was missing.

I think you missed one, but all 3 are in the torrents.

http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00924/ is in 1-1000.

http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01202/ is in 1001-2000.

http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01493/ is in 1001-2000.

There are 3 torrent sets, so make sure you have all 3. If you get all 3, they download to 3 different folders.

  • 1 year later...

Hey all! Simple question - since these three most recent torrents (containing tracks 1-2500) were released back in 2012, have any more ReMixes been removed from the site? I didn't see any evidence of that being the case based on the Changelog thread but...

My iTunes is showing that I have two more ReMixes (2741 total) than the number shown on the complete ReMix listing page (currently at 2739 with Street Fighter Alpha 2 'The Strongest!'); the page you get when you click the link 'Twenty Latest ReMixes' on the homepage.

Just curious what I'm missing! Or NOT missing, in this case. Thanks!

Hey all! Simple question - since these three most recent torrents (containing tracks 1-2500) were released back in 2012, have any more ReMixes been removed from the site? I didn't see any evidence of that being the case based on the Changelog thread but...

My iTunes is showing that I have two more ReMixes (2741 total) than the number shown on the complete ReMix listing page (currently at 2739 with Street Fighter Alpha 2 'The Strongest!'); the page you get when you click the link 'Twenty Latest ReMixes' on the homepage.

Just curious what I'm missing! Or NOT missing, in this case. Thanks!

We've removed 2 tracks that are currently still in the 1-1000 torrent.

OCR00138 - ToeJam & Earl 'James Brown in Space'

Reason: Inspired by game. Not from any identifiable in-game music.

OCR00672 - Kid Icarus 'Icarus Orchestrated'

Reason: Removed by request

We'll be removing those tracks from the torrent when we do the next update.

We've removed 2 tracks that are currently still in the 1-1000 torrent.

OCR00138 - ToeJam & Earl 'James Brown in Space'

Reason: Inspired by game. Not from any identifiable in-game music.

OCR00672 - Kid Icarus 'Icarus Orchestrated'

Reason: Removed by request

We'll be removing those tracks from the torrent when we do the next update.

Ah, well there you have it. Thanks for the reply!

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