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  • 2 weeks later...
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The original Final Fantasy has always had the best battle theme, and hearing the Dual Dragons and Brandon give it a menacing, aggressive, deliberate metal ReMix just appeals to everything I love in a battle ReMix. I actually love the idea they put in as treating the music as a representation of how the battle is faring as the song goes on, rather than remaining constant. Pretty cool idea to produce musically.

  • 1 year later...

For all the bluster of tackling this track in a fresh, new way, I can't really say I am on-board. The somewhat wild up-and-down nature of this just throws me off. I think it's the unsubtle nature of the track that gives me such pause, the way it just decides it's going to do a start-stop thing.


You've probably heard this theme arranged before, and you've probably heard it done metal, so it was imperative that this mix do something to distinguish itself and say something new, while still imparting Uematsu's enduring classic with a metric ton of shreddage.


If you compare this track to, say, the remix of the Zeromus Theme from the FF4 album (Phantom of Zeromus I think it's called), there's a similar thought of distinguishing the remix from the original by expanding/altering the energy throughout. That mix works because each musical section flows naturally into the next, and there's a real feeling of a build up. Here, the track starts off pretty groovy, then it gets kinda slow and boring, then it picks up, then it goes back down, some stuff happens, and then... it's over? Okay then.


It was very smart of them to make the tempo of this track their own, as it really brings out the feeling of being part of an incredible challenge. An incredible metal cover of an NES RPG battle theme that does a successful job telling the story of a battle, rather than just converting the original into a metal as is, and calling it a day.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02516 - Final Fantasy "The Beginning of a Legacy"

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