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Kickstarter/Indiegogo/Crowd-funding Threads and You


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So Kickstarter has gotten pretty popular in the last year or so, especially in the gaming community; we even ran a pretty successful one this past fall. More and more people are getting involved in small projects and looking for funds, or just finding cool projects that they want to see funded; as a result, we've noticed an increase in Kickstarter threads. Because we don't want Community to turn into one big Kickstarter bulletin board, here are some rules we're enacting, effective immediately:

  • If you are a posted or to-be-posted remixer and you want to promote a Kickstarter that you are involved in (for your new album, a game you're doing music for, etc.), you can make a new thread in Community with the details.
  • If you are a posted or to-be-posted remixer and you just want to promote a Kickstarter you're backing or interested in seeing get funded, please post it in the Kickstarter Central thread.
  • Anyone else, please post your kickstarter in the Kickstarter Central thread, regardless of whether it's your project or you're just a backer.

If you are a posted or TPB remixer and you don't have an OC ReMix Artist Profile link in your forum title, then please provide a link to your artist profile or name the mix that's in our posting queue so that I know not to merge your thread into Kickstarter Central.

EDIT: I'm extending this to other crowd-funding sites like Indiegogo as well.

Edited by DarkeSword
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I think a collected thread is a great idea. Thanks for doing the moderating!


Seconded wholeheartedly.

Just one quick thought: If an unposted, unpassed musician with track(s) on the panel posts a Kickstarter they're directly involved with in the thread, and one of their songs passes the panel before the Kickstarter ends, are they allowed to make another, separate thread for the Kickstarter, seeing as they would then be a TBP artist?

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So... should I make a new thread for Distance when it comes out?

I mean the kickstarter was finished already and it's not like you want every single game in one thread either.

I was kind of planning to have that be the game thread once more content came out, but w/e

Edited by Gollgagh
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So... should I make a new thread for Distance when it comes out?

I mean the kickstarter was finished already and it's not like you want every single game in one thread either.

I was kind of planning to have that be the game thread once more content came out, but w/e

Yeah, make a new thread for game discussion.

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  • 1 year later...

Hey fellow music enthusiasts! I came across a vibrant and passion driven Tactical RPG titled Gravia Tactics while I was on twitter and they just launched their Kickstarter. I backed it, but I would love to see the developers reach their goal and set a new standard to the genre. If anyone is interested please check out the link below


Edited by Schematist
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  • 1 month later...
I think I might need an accountant for my project to help me figure out all the kickstarter tax crap :banghead: anybody know one?

so, I just figured out that my Kickstarter project is gonna need a total of at least $100K(including Shipping & Kickstarter taxes). is that normal?

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