djpretzel Posted December 23, 2005 Posted December 23, 2005 Hi there, I am Genesis from the duo Nemesis & Genesis who have submitted the song "And You Must Dance 2097" from Section3Studios. I decided to remix the Menu song from One Must Fall 2097, because people kept screaming for it in the reviews of the last song. It's a solo effort of mine for a change, and with that my first song that I am submitting here. As stated in the Submission Instructions on your site, I will include my remixer name, website and email adress in this email. Remixer Name: Genesis Email Adress: Website: Eventhough there is no link to the submitted song on this website, I have decided to include the link anyway. It's our website ;P (Blanc Games) I hope to hear from you soon ofcourse ^^ Enjoy ;D LINK:
Liontamer Posted December 26, 2005 Posted December 26, 2005 One Must Fall 2097 OSV - "Main Menu" I heard the original a few months ago when voting at Song of the Week, and it was easily the best track that week for me, gr00ve-biasing me with the goodness. It managed to get 3rd place for Week #37. When I finally recognized the source here at :51, I was pretty surprised (even though it obviously came in earlier when listening to it again). Aside from the guitar, the overall texture felt a bit generic, but I may be harder against this than the others. ("Judgez h8 tekno" and all that.) Can't say I'm a fan of some of the sounds in use, as this music isn't my thing, but it's all in what you do with your tools. Although I felt this could have sounded more unique for the genre, the arrangement of the theme seemed fairly well done in terms of the genre adaptation along with, IMO, lots of personalization. The feel is definitely changed enough for me, but could feel too conservative for others. While there were some subtle changes in the percussion patterns, I felt the beatwork that started at :51 was too simple and repetitive overall. It lacked edge. Spice them up to provide some variation and power to drive the track forward. As is, they barely change up and unfortunately drag the whole arrangement down as a result. The piano starting at 1:44 was too loud and the guitar was quiet enough when it didn't seem to be a strong factor when in play (but it's not fake like I thought, thank you Vig). Minor issues, and I nonetheless liked the ideas there. The atmosphere felt a bit dull, though the writing obviously has a lot of energy. But there was seemingly not quite enough energy in the instrumentation and production, which undermined things. This isn't bad at all, and may be fine for others, but to me the sound choices seemed to limit the expressiveness and energy of the arrangement. That's something that separates this from something like Rayza's material, where the use of some conventional sounds is greatly enhanced by effects/processing/etc. The track could use a little sweetening in the higher frequencies. For example, just throwing up the 14K preamp up higher in Winamp, the track sounded clearer and more vibrant as a result. I think DarkeSword and zircon would have the most relevant insight here as to what's working here and what's not. Overall this was alright, but needs more creativity in some of the writing (the beats) & sound choices, as well as attention to the production to enhance the energy level rather than dampen it. Good stuff so far, Genesis. Kind of surprised to see you submit something without collabbing with Nemesis, but it's cool to see you branching out. I've never seen either of you guys resubmit here, but I think you should go for it in this case as this mix has the potential to make it with some quick refinement. Could snag some YESs, so good luck with the rest of the vote! NO (borderline/resubmit)
DarkeSword Posted January 27, 2006 Posted January 27, 2006 You know what? I really like this. I love that lead at 1:19; one of my favorite kinds of sounds, and everything going on behind it really ramps up the energy. I don't have that many technical issues with this song. It sounds clean enough, and the piano and guitar really add some nice color to the synthy stuff. Nice arrangement, nice sounds, nice work all around. YES
Vig Posted February 11, 2006 Posted February 11, 2006 Waiting for tonight....WOOOOAH! When you will be here in my arms...waiting for tonight....WOOOOOOOOOOAAOAOAOAOAOAAH! I something something Love for so Long! [/90's dancepop] So...yeah..take away the guitar, and dont get me wrong, the guitar kicks ass, and you've got a very very generic dancepop song. Listening i pretty much was transported 10 years ago to the local skate rink. the track is listenable, but the arrangement has nothing particularly creative going for it. the instrumentation is tired, the arrangement is straightforward. I feel like this track was done to death 10 years ago. gotta bring something new. the guitar is a start, but it's not enough yet. NO
JJT Posted February 11, 2006 Posted February 11, 2006 I agree with jesse here. The arrangement is too vanilla and the samples/instrumentation are dull and uninspired. It's a good foundation for a remix, it just needs a more creative approach IMO. NO
zircon Posted February 14, 2006 Posted February 14, 2006 I gotta agree, the beatwork isn't as interesting as it could be. Some changeups would be really nice, and perhaps more emphasis on the kick / hats. However, it's really not THAT big of a deal. At 1:44, the piano is overly loud. Gotta tone that down. The lead around 1:58 is pretty cool but also a little too loud. I'd like to hear more harmony stuff. Otherwise I don't have any major issues. The synths could be a bit more varied (LFOs!) but their sequencing is good. Some of the leads like the one at the beginning, and the other at 2:22, could be a little brighter. I do like all the guitar stuff. You probably could bring that out more and put some nice delay/reverb on it so it really cuts through and stands out. You had some very cool textures here, I thought, but I thought that they were overshadowed a lot of the time. The intro/ending shined in that area. Try to incorporate more of what you did in those places. In terms of arrangement, it's somewhat simple but gets the job done. In my mind it's not radically different from what people like blind do - the problem I suppose is that the original is in the exact same style. If you work on the ending/resolution more and add some breaks of some kind, I think that would help quite a bit. As is, just having the constant dance beat is a little repetitive after awhile. A key element to any good dance/trance song is something to relieve the stress from the listener's ears a bit - switch up the percussion/instruments, drop the beat entirely, change the progression for a minute, whatever. Anything to vary it up. This is close to the bar. Some polish and I'll pass it. NO
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