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I imagine most people have heard of this game before, but since it's going F2P I'd like to draw attention to it. TERA is an originally Korean MMORPG with an emphasis on a fast, combo-based combat system. Almost every single attack in the game has to be targeted (only a few rare spells use a lock-on system), and has to physically connect to count as a hit, which also means that attacks can be avoided by physically moving out of the way or blocking them, rather than through some evasion stat, which is quite unlike other MMOs. It can best be described as something like Monster Hunter or a faster Dark Souls.

Other neat features of the game are open-world PVP (i.e. you can become an outlaw and hunt other players in quest zones, rather than having to go to designated battlegrounds), and so-called BAMs (Big-ass monsters), which are

that can either be taken on with a party, or by yourself if you're good at reading attacks and dodging.

Instances and questing are so-so, but the combat system makes up for a lot. While the

adheres to the holy trinity pretty hard, there are plenty of distinctions between the different classes, and even the three melee DPS classes (Slayer, Berserker, Warrior) all play very differently.

Graphically the game still holds up very well thanks to UE3, and the aesthetics are quite gorgeous, if occasionally a bit too 'sexy' for my taste.

While the F2P starts in february, you can do an unlimited free trial (2 character slots, up to level 28 ), and your characters will carry over into F2P. Also, you can play as a pipesmoking dog/cat/rabbit/panda, so you should absolutely at least give this game a try.

I play on Mount Tyrannas, the PVP server.


Man I loved TERA when I played the open beta before it released, I just didn't really have the time to justify the subscription fee when it released. I may try to play again now that its free, even if I wont get to play much. I loved playing a tank in this game, it was so fun and felt really rewarding.


cool to see an mmorpg that isnt entirely based on states and autocombat stuff. i enjoy games where you can "cheat" it a little by taking on beefier enemies if youre good at dodging. I personally think that makes it more engaging and enjoyable. I might give it a try!


I played a little yesterday evening and came to the same conclusion I did when I played during the beta: having to stop moving to do an attack is extremely annoying. It's particularly frustrating after playing games like Guild Wars 2 or Skyrim that don't require you to be firmly planted in order to pull off an attack. It's a fun game otherwise; I just need to get used to it. =/

Oh, I rolled an elven archer named Jovii on Tyrannas. I'm still only level 2 or 3 though.


I set up an OCR guild on Mount Tyranus to make it easier for people to meet up, just apply for it (it's simply called Overclocked Remix due to capitalization restrictions) and I'll probably recognize you from your forum name. You can apply through "Guilds on Server" in the social menu.

Here's some random screenshots I took, I especially like the way deserts look in this game.



Figured out my problem. I somehow managed to register and download the Euro client.

Look for a friend invite from a castanic berserker named Inistris on MT later today.

EDIT: 3 hours into my queu, i'm still nowhere close to entering. Sigh.

Having to stop moving to do an attack is extremely annoying.

This differs by class but as a rule ranged characters have pretty prohibitive cast times on their spells so they can't kite melee classes forever (which they already do anyway). A lot of the melee classes incorporate some form of forward or backward motion into their skills so they're generally a lot more mobile even while attacking. Especially Warriors can just dance around enemies all day.


I'm really enjoying this game. I started about a month ago, the day they announced it was going F2P. So I'm a noob, but damn if i didn't get sucked in immediately. Combat's really fun. Historically I have only ever played warrior/sword class characters in games, but I'm really loving sorcerer. Plus, we got Tron mounts: TERA_ScreenShot_20130207_084525-1.png

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