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DriveClub, the free to play launch racing game, was delayed to 2014.

will be made free to play at launch in its stead, with DriveClub still arriving later as free to play.

All I can say is, dayum, I was excited for DriveClub but now I am DOUBLE excited. Another awesome game to play at launch and it's free. I'll have Warframe's special ultimate fan pack, whatever that is, and Contrast, and whatever else I didn't even think of. And I need to pre-order Knack. These things must be done. MUST.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

So, some Digital Foundry videos / screenshot comparisons coming out for Battlefield 4:

900p on PS4 upscaled to 1080p

720p on XBO upscaled to 1080p, missing some very minor graphical features, and has slightly worse dips in frames (game is aiming for 60fps on both)

They still MOSTLY look the same unless your paying super close attention and side by side, but looks like PS4 is showing some of its muscle right out of the gate. Nothing mind blowingly different but these are probably both super quick PC ports. We'll see as people tweak code down the years if this gap increases

Edited by Crowbar Man
Posted (edited)

A bit of odd / bad news for PS4 (Guess it wasn't all going to be roses!):

At launch:

PS4 will not support external HDDs (XBO does not at launch either, but they definitely plan on adding it later. This oddly is the only field Wii U is ahead in)

PS4 will not support DLNA

PS4 will not support mp3s (???), and actually will not have a music visualizer at all. No word on other music formats. Seems to suggest playing music at (at launch) requires use of Sony's Music Unlimited music streaming services :(

Keep in mind these/different functionalities could be added in later, and aren't a big deal for most. Very strange the mp3 one though. I don't think anybody shed tears for CD compatibility, but mp3 is a pretty big deal.

Edited by Crowbar Man
A bit of odd / bad news for PS4 (Guess it wasn't all going to be roses!):

At launch:

PS4 will not support external HDDs (XBO does not at launch either, but they definitely plan on adding it later. This oddly is the only field Wii U is ahead in)

PS4 will not support DLNA

PS4 will not support mp3s (???), and actually will not have a music visualizer at all. No word on other music formats. Seems to suggest playing music at (at launch) requires use of Sony's Music Unlimited music streaming services :(

Keep in mind these/different functionalities could be added in later, and aren't a big deal for most. Very strange the mp3 one though. I don't think anybody shed tears for CD compatibility, but mp3 is a pretty big deal.

mp3? Why would you need mp3 in a console?

Nintendo fanboys are hilarious. "Ohnooo it doesn't have mp3s or whatever DLNA is this is a killing blow to Sony! All hail blockbuster seller weeu weeu! Wiiu! It has mp3s! It have dlna!!!!!!! Why you not buy it??"

You're the one being ridiculously defensive.

Posted (edited)

I'm not being defensive, I'm just pointing out that this is really the dumbest possible thing that a whole page of this thread could have been derailed about. People can't play mp3s on the ps4. Well good! Use your smartphone or iPod or iPad or Kindle or pretty much any other device in your home that is not specifically made for gaming.

have you people seen the PS4 advertisement which I think is called "for those who have been playing since 1995"

I nearly cried from the beauty in that video

I know even Nintendo has admitted it themselves, but they just suck at doing commercials and marketing compared to Sony

Yes, that was nothing short of brilliant

Edited by Brandon Strader
I'm not being defensive, I'm just pointing out that this is really the dumbest possible thing that a whole page of this thread could have been derailed about.

I think you one-upped the MP3 issue in the 'dumbest possible derailment contest' with your defensive 'Nintendo fanboy imaginary tirade'.

But yeah, back on topic.



I only brought that up because it's a bit strange that it DOES support mp3s (you can even use it as an mp3 player). Not an advertised feature.

And that previous systems supported it. Even the PS1 (though that was the CDs themselves... as with the PS2). So it was strange because if the music playback for PS4 is purely dependent on a paid service when a system that doesn't even advertise its lesser-known support of the format can do so. Nothing more, nothing less.

But yeah, back on topic.

The only launch game I'm lookin' forward to is Knack. And maybe Octodad. And the only other titles that excite me are Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3.

Posted (edited)

Brandon: Where are you even seeing the Nintendo fanboys saying this? Usually when I read comments in articles, its mostly XBO/PS4 people arguing back and forth. Those would be pretty deranged fanboys to think anybody is buying a Wii U for media services. Or that Wii U can land anywhere but 2nd or probably 3rd this gen :/ Though if Wii U does have those features (I wouldn't even know) why the heck is Sony sitting these out? :(

I mostly find it aggravating they shoehorned their media services over a stand alone media player. That sucks, the 360/PS3/XBO? can do all kinds of media-ish type things so its a step backwards for us PlayStation owners. If XBO has these features (mp3, DLNA) that is just one more bullet point for XBO, though they need as many as they can at this point.

Overall it is nothing major just odd and a step in the wrong direction. I'm never a fan of taking out functionality to shoehorn services. As mentioned, hopefully it will be added in a future patch.

mp3? Why would you need mp3 in a console?

Because consoles these days (at least, Sony/MS land) are media devices and don't just play games anymore. PS4 does allow music playing, just through their Sony Music Unlimited subscription, not via your own collection of music like PS3 (or PS2/PS1 with yee old CDs) or other consoles (original XB, 360, XBO?). 360 and certain games on PS3 you could listen to your own music while playing games, certain games even allowed you to create custom soundtracks.

EDIT: MS confirmed that the XBO does not do mp3 either, however, it does support DLNA and can stream music from another PC via MS Play To, and for some reason they actually included CD audio playing which... makes no sense why the mp3 was left out here either. Other than of course to push their music services as well. What a bunch of bullcrap from both sides

EDIT2: Rumors floating around that mp3 support, legacy headset support, and suspend/resume will be added in the 2nd PS4 update sometime by the end of the year. No official confirmation of this that I can see though. If they do add it, no big deal after all then. But was this only being added because people complained? Fishy

Now for some brighter news:

Another advantage for PS4 vs XBO:

COD: Ghosts is running in native 1080p on PS4

720p upscaled to 1080p on the XBO

Edited by Crowbar Man

I remember taking a ps2 apart and it was horrible. Watching this video just shows how far technology has come. PS2, the original one... was so freaking bad. It had a ribbon in it that prevented you from really opening it up well, unless you really knew what you were doing. It'd be easy to yank that ribbon apart. But this, it's so clean and efficient.... shit.... so glad I pre-ordered this thing. :-D AND I CAN'T WAIT

Posted (edited)

Fun PS4 Stuff:

Free Stuff:

PS4 comes with 30 days of PS+, 30 days of Sony Music Unlimited, and $10 in PSN Credit!

Digital Sharing (Downloaded titles):

You can assign one PS4 as a "Home" PS4 which anybody signed into that PS4 can play the the games you've purchased (They can also play online if you have PS+). Your PSN account can also sign into any PS4 and play your digital library as well . So someone can sign into your "Home" PS4 to play a game, while you sign into another PS4, and you can both play the game (even online if you have PS+.) Not drastically different than PS3/360/XBO, though I think PS3 was more flexible with two "Home" consoles.

PS4 has party chat now! Cross game chat, the feature sorely missed in PlayStation land if you've ever used XBL is now finally here. Up to 8 people can chat no matter what they are doing on the PS4.

You can double Tap the PlayStation button to quickly flip between two apps.

"Play As Guest" to log into someones PS4 temporarily, and automatically remove any of your data from that system when youre done.

Trophies will cross over from PS3 & Vita, and a new "Rarity" meter will be added to Trophies indicating how many people have earned that trophy

USB Charging in standby mode! (For some reason you had to keep your PS3 on to charge stuff... very annoying)

Seems like the PS4 is really shaping up!

Edited by Crowbar Man

I haven't owned a console since the Gamecube. The only console game I've really been playing has been smash bros melee for the past 10 years (im uh... really freakin good at it now...). But honestly, seeing these new generation consoles have really captured my interest. I'm really torn between building my own gaming computer, or buying a PS4. The only problem is I would also need to buy a flat screen TV and I have nowhere to put it. My main source of entertainment right now is my computer (iMac).

Hmmm... and that really is a big hmmmmmmmmm. I don't know what I should do!

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