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OCR01474 - *YES* Jurassic Park (GEN) 'Concerto for Velociraptor' *RESUB*

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LT Edit - Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=65727

1st RESUB Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=67177

2nd RESUB Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=74621

Remixr: Koelsch1

Game: Jurrasic Park

Name: Concerto for Velociraptor

Changed reverb. Changed EQ. Made Jello Pudding.

I have gotten about 5 YES votes on this. Now if I can just get them all in one submission. If the sound quality is better, its because I can tell the difference between lo-fi and hi-fi now that I finally have some decent headphones that work on both the right and left side.


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You mixed with headphones, praise the Jesus. I'll still say, the performance sounds pretty good. Production-wise, there were still some hits: audible hiss in places (better than before though, and likely unavoidable at this point), and a fairly dulled atmosphere that lacks polish. This is definitely better than before, but if it were a "recording" of a live performance, it would only sound like a decent recording and too lossy, IMO.

If this was a few years ago, I'd honestly say YES, but at this point I'd like to see if someone else in the community could take a look at the source files and give this the extra push it needs with an assist. With this version sounding much improved though, it's gonna come down to whether this arrangement trumps the production. If the two were a bit more balanced, I could YES. NO-borderline

Nonetheless, you've got TO & Vig pulling for this, and the improvements are clearly there, so this version might be enough to sway some borderline votes. I genuinely wish you the best of luck, bro. This is at least what your first resub should have sounded like.


I wish you had better high string samples.

Anyway, the arrangement is (still) good, but the production is (still) lacking. The song still sounds empty, and there's a log of unnecessary reverb that makes everything sound wet. Combined with the sparse instrumentation and the poor string sequencing, the song doesn't quite execute the concept well enough.


  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately, the reverb is a mixed blessing for the mix. He tried it with less reverb, then no reverb, and the YES's and NO's switched sides. I'm thinking it comes down to personal taste.

I personally feel that the arrangement here more than compensates for this silly "too much reverb/not enough reverb" fiasco. Sure the mix has production problems. But it's a really cool mix, combining four themes from Jurassic Park and being played really well by a live musician. Koelsch has a good talent with his saxaphone, and once he gets his mastering down, I have no doubt he'll go far. I think this is the start of that distance.

Much like the last few times, my vote is YES. And I think we need to stop the nitpicking and actually listen to the mix.

  • 3 weeks later...


for the love of christ. what the hell happened?! now the saxophone is way too quiet at some points. is this my imagination? goddamnit!

alright. i'm going to give this a conditional YES with the stipulation that you raise the sax a few decibels.


Another tough one.

The background material is very questionable. I don't like the pan placement, it's like you have 15+ string players all coming from the same spot. I think this could have benefitted from better placement on your soundstage and be a little more spread out. If you were using smaller section sizes and more of a pop sounding string group fine, but in this case you have big sounding strings coming from almost a single point.

I also felt the spicatto-esque passages were fake and ugly sounding, especially without any round-robin/alternating samples.

Great use of tempo changes!

I was ready to NO this, but the sax work is too nice and luckily it's the star role here. The background material while problematic, is sufficient. Now that it has reverb again, it sounds better. Though I would have pushed the strings a bit further back, especially during the solo harp section and the string pizz/spic where they are exposed and very thin sounding. I really don't know what you can do to make this substantially better with your given expertise/sample set/lack of know how. So the question is is this good enough? I think there's enough creativity here, and execution to warrant a very borderline and reserved YES.

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