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Wellity well. This my friends is NOT a Trance Remix of Ice Cap Zone. A rare addition for OC Remix, (Don't worry I read all the rules first) - but I decided to upload it here on the forums if anything needs to be fixed up or cleaned out, I made the quality as best as I could. I originally had a longer version of this remix with an extra added piano intro and some unnecessary middle section, that needed to be fixed up or cut out, so i cut it out.

This is the Final (or OC Remix) version of this remix.

I couldn't keep it on Mediafire because that's not working for me today and finding other websites gave me a brain cramp to upload mp3 files on, but then I remembered "hey! I have a Soundcloud account!"

So here it is.

Feed back is welcome.



I get the ambient sort of vibe you're going for, but I don't think it works that well here. In fact, I don't think purely ambient sorts of remixes of music with as much melody and rhythm as the source tune ever work that well. The reason there are so many dance mixes of this song is because its style is quite suitable for that genre.

Anyway, it's probably because of the tempo, but I can't really identify the melodies that easily at all. The track is very ponderous, doesn't have much in the way of melody or harmonic progression, total absence of percussion. I also think that low pad or bass sound is too loud.

In a nutshell, I get what you're going for, but the approach isn't nearly musical enough in my opinion.


Agreed with ACO. Also, everything sounds super lo-fi, which I don't think works for an atmospheric soundscape. There's an abrupt transition at 1:42 that's pretty jarring. Some of your resonant sweeps are distorting, which I don't think is a good sound for ambient.


I can hear the melody. It's definitely there. The mix overall does feel too lofi though, and it's because of the octave chosen for the leads and the apparent volume.

The pads should contribute more than they do now, for an ambient pseudo-glitch mix (I hear some reverses). Those resonant sweeps are certainly distorting with a whole lot of resonance in thar. Especially at 2:03. You can clearly see that even in soundcloud's inaccurate waveform view.

Some examples of great pads/ambience:

Posted (edited)

Having tried submitting this style of genre before...albeit perhaps even MORE low-fi sounding than this, I can sympathize with Azurehedgehog here...sry it's late and I forget the OP's name.

I understand the approach here and personally I think this is actually still pretty musical - it has a melody and all the structural make-up of a song in theory - it's just VERRYYY sparse. However. Yes, sadly there is a However: OCR will not accept this style of music anymore...maybe way back when with ChildrenOfTheMonkeyMachine's older stuff (seriously check him out if you haven't, as I bet he'd be right down your alley for style). I find it kinda sad that there is such a bias against super mellow ambience, repetitive or nay, it's still technically an arrangement. It's still MUSIC, just a very underrated style for sure. I'd DEF. listen to this track, esp. while stoned :tomatoface:

So yeah, don't stop making this style of music, but try out different genres first until you've gotten SUPER SAYAN with your remixin' skills THEN return with this style of music and apply some CRAZY assed filter FX and other thangs to spruce it up and make it OCR worthy, whether they like it or not & knock the SNOT out of those pretentious wankers :nicework:

Just don't quote me later on ;)

Edited by HoboKa
OCR will not accept this style of music anymore...maybe way back when with ChildrenOfTheMonkeyMachine's older stuff (seriously check him out if you haven't, as I bet he'd be right down your alley for style). I find it kinda sad that there is such a bias against super mellow ambience, repetitive or nay, it's still technically an arrangement. It's still MUSIC, just a very underrated style for sure. I'd DEF. listen to this track, esp. while stoned :tomatoface:


Just don't quote me later on ;)

Too late. ;)

Yeah, I don't think OCR "will not accept this style of music anymore". They're open to everything, but the panel still prides themselves on accepting quality music. This ambient style is merely tough to make work, but if it is made to work well enough then what's to say it won't pass?

Posted (edited)
I don't agree that the judges are biased against ambient stuff. Patrick Burns track from Balance and Ruin, which was posted, is a perfect example of an ambient and mellow track with great execution.
Too late. ;)

Yeah, I don't think OCR "will not accept this style of music anymore". They're open to everything, but the panel still prides themselves on accepting quality music. This ambient style is merely tough to make work, but if it is made to work well enough then what's to say it won't pass?

Alright, alright lemme rephrase it then you fact-sticklers =p

I meant super sparse, low-fi, meandering stuff that lacks a cogent direction, is stuff that will never get posted. Doesn't mean that it isn't fun to listen to though. I love meandering pointlessly in mah music lol. Lastly, I'd like to point out that there IS a bias in everything subjective - it's called human nature :tomatoface:


I apologize in advance if I came off as a bit combative - I can get really worked up when it comes to critiquing ambient stuff, as it's a pretty darn subjective field and I personally feel that there IS a bias with this style; it takes a lot of work to make it OCR "worthy", then again, almost any style requires a fair amount...I just feel that ambience is 1 of the hardest - the next would probably be meddley's or "meddley-itis", but Brandon Strader and co. already discussed that one to death lol.

But seriously, if you doubt my assertion about un-cogent, meandering stuff, just look up my some 15+ rejections on OCR. Hit me up via PM if you want to hear my more ambient pieces that were rejected. There is an FF7 remix that I made which recieved a terrible reception due to the melody's being very fickle, semi-sparse and incoherent...albeit there was a lot more going on. IDK, maybe I'm just going crazy and it can all be a misperception, but that's what I've been lead to believe after my experiences with the J panel. Call it a bitter resentment if you will ;) - maybe even a sort of masochistic drive that keeps me posting...heck it got me posted eventually.

WHEW ok that turned out way longer than I intended, so thanks for bearing with me unless u went TL; DR - wouldn't blame u if u did lol.


SORRY Azurehedgehog for hijacking your post, I got a little too overexcited. I hope it won't discourage you from showing us your other works, as I think you've got some great potential. Keep at it dude ;)

Edited by HoboKa

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