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*NO* Tenchu: Shadow Assassins & Street Fighter X Tekken 'It's Raining Zen'

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Posted (edited)

Contact Information

Username: timaeus222

Name: Truong-Son Nguyen




ID: 39971

Username: AngelCityOutlaw

Name: Chris Schmidt


ID: 45057

Submission Information

Game 1: Street Fighter X Tekken

Game 2: Tenchu: Shadow Assassins

Remix Title: It's Raining Zen

Console/Platform of Game 1: PS3, PS Vita, XBox 360, PC, OSX

Console/Platform of Game 2: Nintendo Wii, PSP

Sources: Rain (Tenchu), Credits (Street Fighter X Tekken)

Composed in FL Studio.

Remix: https://www.box.com/s/gymoroj5qwaq7a13poh7


I've wanted to do a serious collaboration with Timaeus for quite awhile. Initially, I had suggested remixing Nina Williams' theme from Tekken 3, but that never went through. One day, I started jamming along to "Rain" from Tenchu: Shadow Assassins and the Street Fighter X Tekken end credits. I noticed some similarities in melody from the songs and realized I could do something of my own with it. After working on some rough MIDI composition and arrangement, I just had to show Timaeus. We kept sending the file back and forth for several weeks, expanding and improving upon the song. I always love collaboration because it's just too much fun to see what the other person is going to add to your ideas and what you can add to their's!

"ACO took the reins on the source interweaving here, and he did the majority of the arrangement and some of the mixing. I fleshed out the soundscape and did the sound design, mixing, and mastering. First time I satisfactorily finished a mix under a hard knee limiter, as I normally opt for the other kind. :)

- Timaeus, AngelCityOutlaw"


Edited by Palpable
  • 2 weeks later...

Nice combination of the source, though you skipped on the best part of the ending theme, which is the re-done menu song. Ah well, maybe i'll just remix that. ;-)

Anyways, pretty good collab here, the sources are well integrated, and the production is solid. It does start to feel a bit repetitive overall, and the sonic palate doesn't change a lot. The leads switched around a bit, which kept the interest up enough. SOmething to be mindful of in future submissions.

Overall the groove was pretty solid, some of the sections felt too samey, and the production was above the bar. I am ok giving this a


  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty much on the same page as Andrew is here. The approach to the sources works well, and the transitions between the two themes is pretty seamless. The big issue here is that the track does feel repetitive due to a lot of the same lines being used and because the soundscape remains fairly unchanged. I think this does squeak past here, but it's pretty close. Definitely something to consider for the future, gentlemen!

YES (borderline)

  • 1 month later...

Holy shit. Best remix name of the year.

The Tenchu soundtrack was amazing, and I think one of the main reasons it hasn't been tackled more often is that, where do you take it from where it already is?

This remix has a pretty cool atmosphere, though the bass is begging for a side chain. My main complaint with this track is a lack of dynamics. There's not a whole lot of variation in the beat or the bass, and it gets a bit exhausting. Especially on energetic electronic tracks you have to have a lot of builds and breaks to avoid fatigue.

I'd say this is a great start, but you've got to add some elements to make it more dynamic.


  • 2 weeks later...

I've listened to this one several times now, trying to form an opinion. This is a tough one for me.

The track does have some great sounds, and some great Timaeus soloing as I'd expect, although some portions of the melody writing are quite straightforward. I have very little to complain about the production and mixing. I agree at points the bass does feel like no sidechaining happened and this surprises me, especially noticeable from 1:23-1:58.

I think I have to agree with the other judges that the track does sound quite repetitive for most of it, both in writing and in textures. The drum writing in particular sounds very repetitive, with the snare and hats bothering me the most. Those loud machine-gun hats are really a bummer for me, they are relentless. If they could have just changed to a lower-intensity pattern at least at 1:56, I might be able to overlook them. But there they are at the same velocity and speed all through the track. (sidenote, track needs moar Percolator, haha!)

Ending was a little abrupt. This one isn't quite there for me yet. Fix it up!

NO (resubmit)

  • 4 weeks later...

I listened to this a couple times and didn't really feel the issues with repetition that others are mentioning. It could have had more variety, sure, but what's here is consistently good and has enough ideas in it to keep me interested. Really liked the key change section - it was a good way to keep the energy moving, and those kinds of changes don't usually add much for me. The low end was a little crowded, which hurt the energy some but not much. I think the sidechaining comments are getting at that, but it's not necessary IMO. You've got a really solid remix here.


  • 4 weeks later...

I think for me, this is a case of a bunch of little things combining to push it in the wrong direction.

I'm hearing a lot of crowding in the midrange, as that's where the meat of the bass lives, it's where the snare lives, and it's where most of the melodics live as well. This is exacerbated by the fact that the track is highly compressed, so everything kinda mushes together even more and becomes a bit fatiguing to hear after a while.

I'm also not a fan of the drums, or rather the hat pattern repetitiveness. The hats are loud, they have little in the way of dynamics, and it sounds like the same 16th note pattern the entire time, punctuated only by a couple 32nd note fills once in a while.

I do dig the arrangement, and I would love to see this on the front page, but at least one of these issues would have to be fixed for me to sign off:

- Overcompression

- Midrange crowding (piano + lead + snare + bass + hat + kick = mess)

- Hat patterns

Let's see this back soon!

NO (resub!)

  • 3 weeks later...

Good arrangement ideas here.

Drums felt pretty stiff for me, especially with the exposed, rigidly sequenced hihat.

Starting hearing some distortion creep in at 1:46 & 1:56 when the piano chords come in on top of everything else in the same freq range. Ending hit also causes some distortion/overcompression.

So yeah, reading up I just basically reiterated Flexstyle's vote. Good stuff here, but I think some tightening up is in order.

NO resubmit, please

  • 2 weeks later...
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