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Skyrim 'Dovahkin' Orchestral Remix


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And it's finally done! Working out the ending took aaaaaages. I'm really happy with this as a finished arrangement - I can tell a few things sound a little out here and there, but I'm thinking/hoping that the strength of the arrangement can push past some of the less desirable sounding elements of the mix. Hope you guys enjoy! Critique would definitely be nice considering this is probably the most detailed arrangement I've ever worked on. Thanks guys!


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Thought I'd jump on the bandwagon a little late (how long has it been, at least 2 years now?) and make a nice little orchestral arrangement of Skyrim's main/trailer/DOVAHKIN theme as a test of how well I can make these arrangements. Obviously it's still pretty rough, but I've laid down the basic elements for the mix and some sections are starting to sound pretty cool I think. :3



A lot of new material in this one! A bit more original interpretation near the end, as well! Really liking how this is turning out. :D

Edited by Pl511
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Not sure I'd call this an "orchestral" remix, it's a piano backed up by a handful of orchestra instruments.

The piano sounds amazing, and is almost enough to carry this mix by itself. The violins don't sound so great, though--they're a bit mechanical in many places and need some EQ or panning to not sound quite so dry.

The transition to the song's main hook is a bit odd--it has a bit of a buildup, but not enough to really raise the tension. I'd use either more buildup or, if you wanted to try something different, none at all.

I know it isn't done, but the "ending" is almost cool the way it is. A measure of silence right there and then a crash back into the melody would be fun.

This is shaping up to be a great arrangement, and I'm looking forward to more!

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Hi there.

- I like the piano intro; nice samples and tastefully verbed. I could use a bit more of that oboe there. Nice swell.

- I agree that this is more of a piano arrangement with backing orchestral arrangements, but that's just semantics

- The piano "left hand" sounds a bit hammered - as in over-quantized and same velocity. You might want to take some time to humanize it a bit.

- I feel like some bells would be nice in here, like music box bells or glock, but that's me projecting how I'd do things onto you.

- Overall I think it needs more low end support from some double basses, particularly when the whole thing gets big

Otherwise this is nice!

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  • 1 month later...

And it's finally done! Working out the ending took aaaaaages. I'm really happy with this as a finished arrangement - I can tell a few things sound a little out here and there, but I'm thinking/hoping that the strength of the arrangement can push past some of the less desirable sounding elements of the mix. Hope you guys enjoy! Critique would definitely be nice considering this is probably the most detailed arrangement I've ever worked on. Thanks guys!


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Tindeck seems to be adding a ton of distortion to your remix. I downloaded the remix from the site and there seemed to be no problem. I recommend moving to Soundcloud as most people critiquing your work will opt to not download and go with what they hear from the stream.

For the remix itself I really enjoyed it. Everything sounds pretty good. The piano being the highlight. There seems to be an insane dynamic range to this which is great but it doesn't come off as energetic as it could. Probably because there is so much being taken up by the low end. If you thin that out and gradually bring in some instruments that have more information in the mids/upper mids I think you will achieve the effect you seem to be going for. Just so long as you don't let it get abrasive which is easy to do.

If you listen to this when things get loud they don't get overwhelming in bass freqs. Clarity is maintained throughout the entire piece.


Good luck!

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This is a really nice piano concerto; it's fine to have a piano leading within a string quartet, which is what this sort of sounds like.

The low end isn't bad at all. It's not extremely defined, but it's there. With regards to the piano, it's just up to meticulous EQing to get it just right, and in that respect, it can be hard. 1:54 and 1:58 sound like you wanted a powerful hit. Something like this @ 1:36 and 1:50 might inspire you to keep working on that.

The violins are treated pretty well, but they can be improved even more. Overlapping their notes and automating their volumes to add humanistic swells would help make the dynamics more smooth throughout.

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