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*NO* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4 'Infiltrating the Fortress'

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Remixer name: Cyan

Real name: Jimmy Emanuelsson

Name of game(s) ReMixed: TMNT 4



Did put a lot o work into this one, and it has gone trough some revisions as well.

Got the inspiration from zircon and tefnek's great "Waste Water Wipeout" mix.

Did really enjoy making it.

- Cyan

  • 2 weeks later...

I commented on this in the wip forum but let me summarize my thoughts here from a different perspective.

You definitely have some good ideas here in terms of arrangement, and the basic groove elements are done. However, after listening to the original a bunch of times, I think the arrangement is probably a little too liberal. There's not much of a connection to the original outside of the general progression. I think you could tighten up some of your arrangement ideas and condense them so the original tune is more easily recognizable. I liked the section in the middle (starting from right before the piano part) - after that, though, it goes back to the same sort of thing as the first section. You need more variation in the texture and the sounds being used. Finally the ending is also a cop-out. Come on! Give it a real resolution.

In terms of production I would say that the main drumline isn't bad in terms of the kick + snare, but it needs more elements to be filled out. The hat sounds are really weak imo and sound out of place. See if you can get a more cohesive groove going there. Also the synth design is generally nice but you could do to have more pad/harmony synths and less acid-y, upfront synths. Overall, the execution of this mix was definitely solid for the most part, don't get me wrong, but it could use a bit more polish.

Anyway, this has some potential so I would recommend you keep working on it and resub. Good luck!



http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=tit - "Technodrome ~ Let's Kick Shell!" (tit-08.spc) & "Sewer Surfin'" (tit-06.spc)

Pretty much agreed with Andy on both the arrangement problems and synth design. This tries to be like tefnek's stuff, but doesn't have nearly the same amount of meat on it or sophistication behind it. But that's something you'll be able to pick up over time. zirc gave some good, broad tips on how to go about filling and fleshing out the soundfield here. Volume was pretty loud here and could stand to be toned down; some of the synths and especially the hats got blisteringly loud.

The entire first 2+ minutes is all ultra-liberal stuff, only referrencing the melody from 1:35-1:48. Then 2:15 finally used the melody of the arranged Technodrome theme before going back into ultra-liberal arrangement of Sewer Surfin'. It was only until 2:57 that more of a tangible connection could be made, before moving back to Technodrome from 3:10 until 3:37. After that, it was original piano and synth wank that didn't have much connection to the original until 4:10 or so. Ending was definitely an "I-give-up" cop-out, BTW.

You really gotta build a more overt connection with the source material throughout more of the mix. I hear the connections you're going for most of the way, building off the very basic framework and bassline of Sewer Surfin' and Technodrome at various parts, but they're too subtle.

Interesting stuff so far, Jimmy. Looking forward to hearing this or any other future works as long as you keep on learning and keep up the improvement. You definitely have the potential here.



I like your sound Cyan. Listening through this without listening to the sources just yet, you have a very crisp and clear style that you've utilised here. The synths aren't too complex, but the techniques used are creative and always refreshing. Above all, they're enjoyable to listen to.

The drums do their job perfectly. The hi-hats didn't bother me too much, they're quiet but they provide a little complexity to the background of the mix. Good snare and kick combo gives it an electronic feel without being overbearing.

I can see what you've done with the sewer surfin' source in the beginning of the mix, it's hidden but I think it's a valid remix attribute. I'll agree that it's a liberal arrangement, but it seems to be more of an embellishment on the source rather than simply going off and doing your own thing. I think what you've done here is creative and sounds great.

One thing that doesn't work in favour of the mix though is the lack of any evolution. After 3 minutes or so, the piece starts to get old, without utilising any really original ideas or beats. I think this would have been better if it had been 1 minute or so shorter in length. That way you could have worked on a proper ending rather than just stopping.

That being said, this is still a pass from me.



This is leaving a better impression on me the more I listen to it.

My main problems are the synth leads, it sounds too acidy/shrill. The ornamentations in your lead are well composed though.

I don't necessarily agree with the other no votes that this is overly liberal, however, if there are other judges that have that kind of a problem, then obviously it's a problem on some level. On some degree I feel it's overstated.

The synth design is vanilla yes, but it does work. I would not compare it to tefnek too much, it's an unfair comparison.

One criticism I definitely feel applies here is the texture of the piece, the synths all sound similar and have the same tonality throughout the mix. I'd like to hear some evolution in that sense.

Production is fine, nothing fancy, but it gets the job done. I'd like to hear more processing and automation for some more sophisticated type sounds.

Ending was definitely abrupt and kind of cheap.

Polish this sucker up and resubmit. Borderline NO.


Man, old Konami Ninja Turtles games have such a distinct sound to them. You can always recognize a TMNT tune.

Anyway, I think that

You really gotta build a more overt connection with the source material throughout more of the mix. I hear the connections you're going for most of the way, building off the very basic framework and bassline of Sewer Surfin' and Technodrome at various parts, but they're too subtle.

How's that for a cop-out? :P

Yeah, needs more connection to the original. This sounds, for the most part, "inspired by TMNT4," rather than a remix.

Not gonna reiterate what people have said about production, except that I think the sounds and drumwork are pretty solid.


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