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OCR03069 - *YES* Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team 'Times Like These' *RESUB*

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Hey guys! This is a resub of a mix I subbed like two years ago and was rejected on account of poor percussion. This resub sounds a bit more like DnB should sound :)

ReMixer name: TheGuitahHeroe

Remix name: "Times Like These"

Songs remixed: "Great Canyon", "Sky Tower" (


Game: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue Rescue Team

So...after two years of originally submitting this to you guys, I recently decided to just completely re-do this one. Needless to say, the production is MUCH improved, the drums sound much better and sit better in the mix...oh yeah, and everything else sounds better too :)

Here was my original submission description:

"Alright so, got an inspiration to do a remix in a DnB style a la

Pendulum. It originally was supposed to be just a mix of Great

Canyon, but Sky Tower somehow found its way in there.

You guys might remember one of my (really) early submissions called

"To the Hill of the Ancients," a remix of Great Canyon; well, this

one's a lot better than that.

Hope you guys enjoy :D"

Enjoy guys! :)


The builds and falls are really nice, and the sounds are gelling very strongly. The sequencing is exciting and vibrant, and the beat is mixed up enough to feel dynamic. Nice breaks and builds, and a good source selection rounds this out as being a solid track; i'm very glad you revisited this one. :-)


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Opening is a bit thin, but I understand what you're going for here. Part balancing felt a bit off as a whole. The beat is quite prominent (as it should be), but the sustained filler elements feel too weak in comparison. It undermines the wall of sound effect that this type if DNB is known for and feels like unrealized potential. Now that I think of it, this may actually be just as much a mastering compression issue, rather than just a mixing problem. It sounds like it's missing that "glue" at the end of the process that tames the beat a bit and brings up the other elements to fill everything out.

On the positive end, very solid beat work here. Good use of synths and very creative changeups and progressions throughout. Great writing on the lead synths. Solid arrangement, though I'm not hearing a lot of Sky Tower in there (I'm probably missing something). I hadn't heard these before and they're quite catchy.

I'm not going to hold this back for what is quite possibly me being too picky about the nuances of my favorite genre. Still, just to put it out there, I would love to take a crack at mastering the track if the mixer wanted.



Wow check that bass. Super meaty.

Really killer track man. Not surprised, I love me a good GuitahHeroe track and this doesn't disappoint. Impeccable soundscapes, great dynamics, creative arrangement, stellar execution. What a treat.

The part where you pull back the energy around 1:53 is so great. There's a great slow build back up to bringing the dnb percussion back into the mix in earnest, and when we get it, we get this great half-time section that still keeps that great dreamy soundscape going. Fantastic.

How can I say anything but YES?

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