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Hometown Heroes: Town Themes Arranged - History


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I figure directing an album isn't much different from directing a game or a project at work, so yeah, been there, done that. My main concerns are the time to keep people engaged and not having to chase people in my hobby time since my day job consists out of directing already :P

Anyway, glad to see some activity and a volunteer for director. Now all we need is for Mirby to sign it off and we can get going again ;)

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I think another thing is people put too much weight on the term "director". I even see that happening now outside of OCR with other albums. I mean I get it, you're coordinating this thing, you like it, organizing art, gaining remixers and songs.. how much direction is really going on? 

Here's when I would call it directing.. when you're personally working with a remixer to redo a song 7 times because the pacing isn't quite right, or the atmosphere is a little off. When you specifically tell an artist what to make, and in what style, and throw it back at them a few times for specific revisions. Replacing people when something doesn't come out exactly how you want it. And I think The Shining is kind of a shitty movie personally, but you can't deny that is directing. 

I really wish people would move more towards the term "coordinator" because the way I see it, that's really what this is. You're coordinating a bunch of artists (both musical and visual) to create art in their own way, maybe with a small bit of instruction, but mostly letting them do what they do best and accepting that to be what is the eventual product. I'd like to use the recent Satoru Iwata album as an example. The artist just showed up in the thread and people were like "Yeah let him do it!" Then he did basically what he wanted for the cover. People as a community had some suggestions, but ultimately it was his thing what he did. The music had a lot less community involvement. At least for me, I made a song, and I sent in a WAV. That was the extent of our business relationship. 

I don't know, I don't guess this is really relevant to what is happening in the thread right now, but I find it interesting. It'd honestly be cool if Mirby reconsidered, and shot for an OCRA release with this, because it's possible to do that. Though if time is a concern, it is what it is. 

What I could say though is that in the off chance this actually did land on my desk, I'd have to evaluate what's already been done and who is involved, and possibly make changes to shoot for that OCRA release. 

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Honestly I was thinking of shooting for OCRI anyways since it was never going to be a large album. I mean, I did direct the first OCRI album after all, I know how it works haha. But OCRA would be nice too lol

And I did say someone with experience, which you more than qualify for Brandon so if you want to help out with the coordinating I'd be rather grateful :D

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Oh ye

 I have no idea of what's here. I used to have access to the subform but it went away. They must have realized I wasn't on the album, I was going to make something if I had time though which was a funny idea but I never had the time between all the stuff that was going on.

a small ocra is possible, shoot for around 10 mixes. Being able to pick any town theme would be really helpful and give people a lot to choose from.  The quality bar would be higher because half of the songs would have to pass the panel, preferably more than half would be nice 

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Haha, not focusing on obscure towns was a good idea then, because pretty much all town themes are obscure just because they're town themes, not main themes.. even then for a lot of games main themes are obscure.. if you leave the video game community bubble, I guess. I dunno haha. 

But yeah, the big question here is what are we going to do now here? Maybe sleep on this for a few days and make sure it's what you really want to do (giving up the album). People are getting home from MAG and sleeping for a week right now anyway. I'm a little fascinated to see the tracklist and get back into the subforum, but I could just do that as a remixer, if you decided to keep this. I say let's let this deal simmer for a few just to make sure.

But in the meantime of course if there's people who were remixing on this album now would be a good time to revisit your songs and make sure they kick butt, submit to the panel if they're done...you can get feedback from a NO, or it could pass, either way it'd be beneficial so things could move forward with the songs

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What I meant was town themes from more lesser-known games, as in the games themselves were obscure. So trying to stay away from like Final Fantasy town themes and gravitating towards other games with town themes (like Rogue Galaxy or Digimon World Dawn/Dusk or a bunch of others that I had in the old OP but removed cause videos are huge now) that weren't as well known. That was Darke's original plan for the album and I've done my best to stay true to it. And from the start, I've wanted a co-director to help me out with things. So I don't even need to give up the album entirely necessarily. Just need a bit of help in bringing it to completion.

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Alright, so you just want a co-director then? That can do. Slap that tracklist back up or maybe have them put it into one of my early posts in the thread so that I can edit it freely? Also this did have a subforum right or am I just going crazy? Is this an "official project" with OCR? Even if not no biggie, not being official never stopped anything :-o

The first thing you oughta do (as main director :P) is contact people who were attached and see if they're still attached!

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