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Sorry, double-post.

I just realized today that Contact is being released today! So far, critic-wise, it's not doing too well, in fact Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (also released today) is doing better as of right now. As fun as Rocket Slime sounded, I had kinda assumed Contact would have done better critically. Oh well, I'm still excited for it and once I start having time for my DS again I'm probably gonna get it.

Contact has been delayed until October 10.

lol, oops. Damn websites for not always having accurate release dates for me (that's for you, IGN)! :P


OK, so I was checking up on Serebii.net, and they have posted a new screenshot of the in-game map. You can point your mouse arrow to a city (the grey areas) and get the name.

Now, if you have it, open up Google Earth.

Go to Hokkaido, and rotate the map so that North is slightly to the right. Fine tune the zoom so that you can see the entire island by itself.

OK, now compare the shape of Hokkaido to Shinou. See any similarity? It's even more than that. Compare the locations of Trust Lake to Toya-Ko, and Kotobuki City to Sapporo. Repeat with any other in-game town to real-life cities.

Neat, huh? You can also do the same with Hoenn from RSE, Kanto and Johto to Kyūshū (just a mirrored image), the realworld Kanto and Chūbu (slightly distorted), respectively. And the Sevii Islands from the Red/Green GBA remakes correspond to Okinawa (slightly rearranged). They do this even with historical and geographical points of interest.

Sort of old news, but I just thought I would mention it to anyone that might be interested. Most people never noticed the connection before.

Also, Wikipedia has removed the Janurary 3rd, 2007 release date for North America. Finally. So we're back to haveing no date at all, but because we're all reading this, having no dates shouldn't be that big a surprise. :roll:


A new set of videos for Diamond/Pearl has been put out. Check the second one under September 2006, at about 2/3s, and you can see a new level with an elevator... and floors you can see down to. This time, you get to see what's going on below you. It's probably just one special area, but it's nice to see such a big change in the series' graphics and mechanics.


I'm thinking about buying Rocket Slime too, some info on it would be nice, and Star Fox Command, I have gotten mixed feelings about that game from multiple people. I need a little more feed back on the game to consider if I'm going to buy it.

Star Fox Command, I have gotten mixed feelings about that game from multiple people. I need a little more feed back on the game to consider if I'm going to buy it.

I would suggest renting or borrowing from someone. It's one of those games that you need to try for yourself to really know if you're gonna like it or not.

Has anyone picked up DQH: Rocket Slime? I'm thinking about getting it tomorrow when I buy Okami, but I need some hands-on impressions first.

I didn't get it, but while I was working my boss opened one and started playing it. It seemed very kiddish and silly, but he said that all in all it was pretty cool. That's all I can do to help you, though, as I needed to buy Okami and didn't have any spare cash.

Star Fox Command, I have gotten mixed feelings about that game from multiple people. I need a little more feed back on the game to consider if I'm going to buy it.

I would suggest renting or borrowing from someone. It's one of those games that you need to try for yourself to really know if you're gonna like it or not.

Thanks I'll probaly end up doing that, don't want to spend what little money I have on a game I'm unsure about.

Star Fox Command, I have gotten mixed feelings about that game from multiple people. I need a little more feed back on the game to consider if I'm going to buy it.

I would suggest renting or borrowing from someone. It's one of those games that you need to try for yourself to really know if you're gonna like it or not.

Thanks I'll probaly end up doing that, don't want to spend what little money I have on a game I'm unsure about.

Personally, I liked it. It has quite a bit of replay value too.

On another note, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl were given scores of 9, 9, 8, 9 by Famitsu reviewers.


Which puts it rather high on their list, considerng most "good" games get 33 and lower. I tried looking it up, but there's surprisingly little info on how the score system works (what's considered the cut-of points for ranks like "gold" or "perfect", and that's even if they have such a thing).

I would like to see the full list for this latest reviews, as well as the previous versions, just to compare how it did.



The other games that got 35/40 were:

Another Code: Two Memories | 9 / 10 / 8 / 8 | 35/40

Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time | 9 / 9 / 8 / 9 | 35/40

Ouendan | 9 / 8 / 9 / 9 | 35/40

Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon | 9 / 9 / 8 / 9 | 35/40

Tetris DS | 9 / 9 / 8 / 9 | 35/40

Yoshi Touch & Go! | 9 / 9 / 9 / 8 | 35/40


Alright, after working starting tonight through Sunday, I'm going to be off the rest of the week.

I know of Pokemon Rescue Team, and Megaman ZX. Are there any other titles out now that I should think of getting along with the other 2? I need something to occupy my time since I doubt i'll be going out much.


Shit, the Wii thread is falling apart. I'm hiding here until it collapses or mods start cleaning it out. I doubt either one will happen, but still...

For Pokemon fans: I'm going to a US Toys 'R Us store to get some Mews from that special promotion. I should have four of them when I'm done. Once Diamond/Pearl come out in North America, I'm not going to need all four of them, so I'll set up a sort of "who wants a legit Mew" giveaway. If you don't want to cheat or use funky glitches, this is your chance to get it air and square. And since there are version-only poks, as well as ones that have to be transferred from the GBA games, we should set up a trading list in the OCR DS Wifi thread. Or a seperate one. Whatever.

Also, I watched a video for Cooking Mama. I have to buy Cooking Mama now.

Gyakuten Saiban 4 baby!!

No more Phoenix :( , but I hope we get to see him, maybe he works for Wright & Co. Law Offices.

Haha, just watched the video on GS4 again. The guy in the beanie has to be Wright, it looks just like him.



Anyways, there are a few new videos for most the games though and we finally have footage of It's a Wonderful World. Dragon Quest Monsters looks great, it almost looks as good as a ps2 game. Tales of the Tempest looks really fun too, and I can't wait for that.

(video links stolen mainly from neogaf)

Dragon Quest Monsters:Joker


It's a Wonderful World

Tales of the Tempest





just a scan, but OLDER SASUKE AND NARUTO!! Also Frieza makes it into the game along with some Saint Seiya guy and a bunch of others.


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