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Is... is that... Kenshin? Awesome. Absolutely awesome.

Why don't we get games like this over here? I mean, with all the anime they dump on TV and release on DVD nowadays, why not just bring the game over? Most of those shows are localized and distrbuted anyways. It's just more money for them to make.

Hoshit! Houshin Engi is on there!

The fact that I recognize the vast majority of the characters on there means one of two things:

1) I watch WAY too much fuggin' anime.


2) They need to bring that game to the States.


It's often copyright issues. Meaning, a company in Japan might own tons of franchises, but when those come to the states, they're spread out to different publishers. So, in the states, it requires more legal stuff because more companies are involved than only 1 or 2. At least, I think that's the issue with some of these games. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me. Mouser X out.

It's often copyright issues. Meaning, a company in Japan might own tons of franchises, but when those come to the states, they're spread out to different publishers. So, in the states, it requires more legal stuff because more companies are involved than only 1 or 2. At least, I think that's the issue with some of these games. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me. Mouser X out.

Actually, that makes absolute sense. Anime that is brought stateside is copyrighted to a bajillion companies.

Of course, we do get many anime games(One Piece was supposed to be a good one, I think). I think these compilation games in particular would be a bitch to move over, especially since many characters in those games might not have corresponding anime/manga here. As an example, Houshin Engi has an english anime counterpart(Soul Hunter) but as far as I know, there is no translated manga to go with it. And in the cover of that game, most(all?) of those characters are their manga versions.


From what I recall hearing, it was this problem (at least, in part) that stopped NAMCOxCAPCOM from coming stateside. That game looks great, and the music is really good as well. I've fantisized about importing it, but I can't understand Japanese at all. Of course, since I don't even own a PS2, that poses another problem.

Anyway, I'm just pointing out that copyright issues have stopped some great games from coming here. At least, from what I've heard. Sometimes I wish there was a way to circumvent that problem... Emulation, perhaps... Maybe in a few years. Mouser X out.

so is it true that an elite beat agents demo can be downloaded at a ds download station?

I sure hope so. This is my most anticipated game right next to Zelda.

Online, real-time voice chat using the microphone in Pokemon confirmed. It's the top-most video. I think Metroid Prime Hunters had it too, but this makes it the second game to use it, right? How has it worked for MP:Hunters? was it s source of annoyance or convienence?

Only five days to go.

in metroid you could only talk in the lobby before and after a game. it worked pretty good, but it would have been a whole lot cooler if there was in game chat. i can understand why they didn't though, the amount of lag in the game was already high without the microphone.

edit: has anyone played pokemon mystery dungeon?

Can't you use real time voice chatting in Star Fox with friends? I haven't tried yet so I have no idea.
i checked out the offical website and wiki for the game and i haven't found anything that says there is. my guess is that there isn't because you'd think that they would say something about it ya know?
Gyakuten Saiban 4 baby!!

No more Phoenix :( , but I hope we get to see him, maybe he works for Wright & Co. Law Offices.

Haha, just watched the video on GS4 again. The guy in the beanie has to be Wright, it looks just like him.

It is, it's been confirmed by Capcom.

So, obviously something happens in the seven years between GS3 and GS4, that turns Phoenix into a bum.

Gee, what a fall. :P


has anyone played pokemon mystery dungeon?

I got it recently (the blue one for DS), and it's a pretty good game so far. Just imagine nethack with multiple dungeons instead of 1 and pokemon rules instead of the AD&D rules, and more of a story then "get to the end of this dungeon for a powerfull artifact". If you've never played nethack, you move a character around on a square grid, for every action you take any enemies on that floor also move or attack. In mystery dungeon you can also attack and move at diagnols. (Which can't be done in nethack if I remember correctly).

Fighting involves either a generic attack, throwing stuff, or doing pokemon attacks. You can also link pokemon moves so you can do two in one turn, so you could link tail whip and tackle together and do them both in one turn, instead of doing tail whip one turn then tackle the next. A max of 3 partners can be brought into the dungeon, but it'll probably be a while before you have more than just two. You also have some control over their "AI" which can be increased by giveing them gummies. (Sometimes gummies will increase their base stats too, if its a gummy color they like).

The graphics are pretty cute, most of the music is very short, less that a minute, but its catchy enough.

Control wise if you get the ds version it's easier to play with the buttons rather than the stylus.

And uh...the story is interesting, proceeds a bit slowly. I've gotten just over 8 hours into the game so far and only 2-ish major events for the story have happened.

I'm rather enjoying the game, although I'm unsure if obssesive levels of play are as good as just playing in small spurts of 30min-two hours. It IS a dungeon crawl game by nature, and would probably get a bit monotonouse if you play too long.

That said, I do get urges to play it when I'm doing other things, much like when I am reading a good book, but can't read it at the moment. I haven't genuinely felt that way about a game in quite a while. So it's a good game in my book. I was very scheptical about it at first, but it seems to have been worth it to buy.

Edit: Oh yeah, and if you find you are stuck in a dungeon that is too tough to survive and you don't have an escape orb. You can chose to "give up" and send a help mail to a friend. They can then go into the dungeon and rescue you. The thing about the dungeons is that once you go into them you cant get out unless you finish a mission or get to the last floor. If you faint you lose half of your items and all of your money (always keep some money in the bank). So the "friend help" option can potentualy be very helpfull.

This works for both versions, but I don't actualy know how it works. I think it uses passwords or something like that.

I can't recall where, but I know I read that it was supported in Star Fox Command. Of course, this was several months ago and things change...

you can't and the game is awful


So I did some investigating. A while back someone had a problem with plastic being loose by the GBA slot right? And as did I. Well, my black DS Lite has the same problem. Well, it's not a problem because every DS Lite is like that.

At work I work in the back, and I send off returns back to the vendor. There were 2 white DS Lites(one was nasty, ick, the kid probably never washed his hands). I checked the plastic above the GBA slot and the plastic was able to be pulled back on both.

I think I saw some site listing this as a defect when it's just supposed to be like that.

Just felt like throwing that out :P I think I'll buy Blue Rescue Team tonight since we still haven't gotten any Megaman ZX in.


I know my post is gonna be a little off topic, but I figured it's better than starting a whole new thread for it. I've been playing a lot of Mega Man ZX recently, but I've run into a problem, and I'm wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them in ZX or in any other game. My DS tends to shut off after a while of playing. Not long enough for me to get to any other transervers (aside from teleporting) or to any major areas.

I thought at first I might have accidentally hit the power button while I'm pressing all sorts of button combinations. Things like climbing walls, shooting, using the saber, dashing, etc. mostly all at the same time. But it keeps happening and in roughly the same spot every time. I'm pretty sure I'm not hitting the power off. This hasn't happened to me before, and I tried some other games to see if it was the cart or the DS itself, but no other game I own has the frantic button pressing that ZX does.

So basically, I would like to know if anyone's ever heard of, or experienced anything like this with either MM ZX, or a DS Lite. Thanks in advance, and sorry for sort of derailing the thread.


The DS Lite is built to be hard to turn off. I've actually failed to turn it off before when I was done with it. :lol:

So it is likely not you turning it off. Have you tried playing while it was plugged into the charger? Does it get hot? Any error messages, white screens, etc? Have you tried Nintendo's website or customer support?


I've failed to turn mine off as well, so I was pretty skeptical it was that to begin with, but it was the first thing that popped into my head.

Actually... yeah, it was plugged into the charger. I then unplugged it thinking it might have had something to do with it. Even if it was overheating, I let it sit for several hours, and it continued to happen. Also, I've played a few other games on it after it happened, with no problems at all. No error messages or anything of that nature; nothing visibly wrong with it. I wonder if I'm pressing the buttons too hard...

I'll definately contact Nintendo if the problem persists.

So I did some investigating. A while back someone had a problem with plastic being loose by the GBA slot right? And as did I. Well, my black DS Lite has the same problem. Well, it's not a problem because every DS Lite is like that.

At work I work in the back, and I send off returns back to the vendor. There were 2 white DS Lites(one was nasty, ick, the kid probably never washed his hands). I checked the plastic above the GBA slot and the plastic was able to be pulled back on both.

I think I saw some site listing this as a defect when it's just supposed to be like that.

Just felt like throwing that out :P I think I'll buy Blue Rescue Team tonight since we still haven't gotten any Megaman ZX in.

Well, that's good to know. I thought I kept getting defective ones.


Mystery Dungeon is pretty fun. I'm only on the 2nd dungeon, but it's pretty fun so far. I like how you can speed up your movement so you won't go crazy if you missed a little area all the way at the other end of the map haha.

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