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Yeah, I've noticed that a lot of the DS games I have are like that. I haven't spent this much time playing into the morning since I got my first Gameboy. That blocky light thing that you could slip onto the top? Yeah, that thing. I must have used up more batteries playing at night than anyone other point in my life.

Yeah, I've noticed that a lot of the DS games I have are like that. I haven't spent this much time playing into the morning since I got my first Gameboy. That blocky light thing that you could slip onto the top? Yeah, that thing. I must have used up more batteries playing at night than anyone other point in my life.


Good times.


Hey I had a Light Boy. Bet it's still around here somewhere, but it probably doesn't work anymore.

So why is Canvas Course still $34.99? Wasn't that a launch title? I'd like to pick it up along with Meteos, but not for that much. I also can't find Meteos anymore. :(

So why is Canvas Course still $34.99? Wasn't that a launch title? I'd like to pick it up along with Meteos, but not for that much.

Nope, Canvas Curse came out in June of 05, and you know how Nintendo doesn't mark down their games for a looong time. :wink:

So why is Canvas Course still $34.99? Wasn't that a launch title? I'd like to pick it up along with Meteos, but not for that much.

Nope, Canvas Curse came out in June of 05, and you know how Nintendo doesn't mark down their games for a looong time. :wink:

I've seen Pokemon Red (not the GBA remake, the original) in several stores, and they still have their original release price. I thought it was just some stores forgetting to mark them down because of their age. But then I also saw other games from the same time (roughly, maybe a couple of years or so either way) that had lowered prices. And these are pristine, unopened boxes in major chain stores, not some used ones in an EB. The price tage were recent, maybe a year or so old. I have even once asked the people behind the counter why such a high price for such an old game. They said that something along the lines of "we haven't been told to mark it down."

Now, did he mean Nintendo jasn't told them, or their sections's supervisor hastn't told them?

Incidently, if anyone wants pristine, unopened Gameboy games for $40 CAN, let me know, I can hook you up. :lol:


Sometimes I question the point of the internet, and then something like this comes along and I remember why I find it so useful.


Thank you, YouTube.com. A three minute long trailer for Diamond/Pearl, with new areas never seen before, new effects, shots of evolution, trading, and other stuff.

Points of interest:

  • -A ship going under a drawbridge at 0:35
    -Walking under some sort of railway or tracks at 0:36
    -The new "Fly" animation at 0:39
    -A grass effect when entering a battle at 0:45
    -Pokedex features at 1:11
    -The new evolution animation at 1:41
    -Some footage of the new Contest stuff at 1:51 (including some sort of costume change for the player at 1:52... this is strange. When you enter a Contest, you change outfits? That's new. I wonder if it's just for show, or actually does something)
    -The new trading animation at 2:14
    -Verification of online voice chat at 2:26
    -Footage of some giant mansion at 2:46
    -And of course, a Japanese release date and price at 2:55 (September 28th, at 4800 yen

Looks like that graphical upgrade fans have been asking for the last five or so years has finally come through. And the new areas, wherever they are, look very interesting. I haven't felt excited over a new game in quite a few years.

Note: if you hear a sound, like a messaging program bleeping, that's from the video. ISomeone recorded this on their computer. It turns out that the original video was only available for viewing in Japan, as the server it was on rejected addresses from outside the country.


Slightly off-topic, but whatever happened to the PDA for the DS? Was that something that a lot of people hoped for but never happened? Something just in Japan, or what?

I also can't find Meteos anymore. :(

According to EBGameStop's coming soon, there is a DS game called Meteos coming in March. Not Meteos 2 or anything, just Meteos.

EDIT: Upon examining their site, it appears to be Meteos: Disney Edition


Hey, it's my right to vomit at Disney-themed games that don't actually add anything to gameplay. Kingdom hearts, at least, was an original story (as original as RPGs get these days) with varied settings. I suspect that Meteos: Disney Edition will simply throw a bunch of Disney faces and logos on everything, leaving it almost exactly the same as the original version.

Hence, puke.


Fine, though they COULD add something to the gameplay, but much like the disney sports games, probably won't.

So what about my other comment about that PDA software for the DS? Any news?


Now if only I could get this equation to work:

Time^5 + Money^10 = I PLAY GAMES!!!!

Sorry, that's dumb. It gets the point across though. Can't wait for Christmas!


So I just beat Phoenix Wright. I really can't wait for the next one now. Gosh, that game was too good. I really can't wait for Justice for All, I have to remember to preorder that so I don't have to wait for a year to get the game.


Alright, so I'm looking to someone who's played that new DS puzzle game Konductra. Is it any good? It seems like a more complex version of Polarium, and I'm curious if it's any good.

I love portable puzzle titles, and now that I've mastered both Tetris and Meteos, I need another fix. Gunpey is coming out later this year (the PSP version will probably be better), but in the meantime, how is Konductra?


Holy! That Pokemon video was awesome! So awesome it's time to speculate!

I noticed there was a section with snow and I wonder if that weather will have an effect on the battles in that area. For example accuracy could automatically be lowered because of the heavy weather. Certain attacks like fly could also be harder to use and/or less effective. That could get pretty crazy. Although I doubt it, that snow could mean that every area could be randomly effected by weather depending on it's climate. It would be an interesting feature, but I doubt something like that is being put into place. Perhaps they will have a season system similar to Animal Crossing. When it's fall in your area it's fall in the game. That could be interesting too. Most likely though it will just be that area that's snowy and none of this will ever happen. :P

The video demonstrated the voice chat. I wonder how they are going to solve language barriers. Maybe they will disable voice chat when playing with someone in another region.

Alright, so I'm looking to someone who's played that new DS puzzle game Konductra. Is it any good? It seems like a more complex version of Polarium, and I'm curious if it's any good.

I love portable puzzle titles, and now that I've mastered both Tetris and Meteos, I need another fix. Gunpey is coming out later this year (the PSP version will probably be better), but in the meantime, how is Konductra?

I haven't personally played it, but a friend told me it plays alot like internet games like Zuma and Luxor.
Has there been no real news/screenshots/vids of Tales of the Tempest yet?

GAF has a scan from Famitsu.

I didn't like Tales of Symphonia so I don't think I will be getting Tales of the Tempest. Still it's nice to see the DS get some RPG support.

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