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Done with Elite Beat Agents (if you don't count getting high scores and trying to beat easy mode). The final stage on the hardest mode is freaking crazy and blows the final stage of Ouendan out of the water in terms of difficulty.

*spoilers* (no biggie if you don't click, obviously)

Ouendan's final stage:

EBA's final stage:

That was funnnnn.

especially the superpenis

surge missed it D:

I know. =( But WOT and I had our own fun after you and Bigfoot left, involving lots of shooping and lazers, and I drew a penis-tipped Master Sword; fucking hilarious. It was 4 in the morning over here by the time we quit.

I bought Contact and the gameplay is boring me to death. :( Anyone wanna play online?

In case you forgot Yoshi's Island DS comes out on November 13, 2006. :^D

And FF3 the day after.

Contact is a bit odd at first, get yourself about 45 minutes to and hour into the game and it picks up. Very much extreme fun.


I finally got Elite Beat Agents. My Best Buy sucks :\ lol

I checked the website here and there at school while I was doing work to see if it was "available" yet. Everyone store had it availabile except Daytona Beach's location, so after I got done I went by Best Buy since it's down the road. I went in the back and saw that not one box has been received and it was way past 3pm. The UPS truck usually gets to the store around 8am. I had to find the box myself and asked my supervisor to receive it for me, lol :P

Hmm, I wonder when Best Buy decided to start importing games.

Our store has Jump Superstars and some Naruto game.

I want my Elite Beat Agents, dammit.

Is Jump Superstars good?


I have a question about Deep Labyrinth. What are your people's opinion on it? I bought it (used) about a week ago, and I'm trying to decide if I should keep it. So far, I think it's pretty good. Though, it is a little repetitive, and the campaign/mission (of the 2) I'm playing is definitely too easy... While I appreciate the prominent save spots (I only have time to play for short bits. 10-15 minutes at a time), being able to fully heal yourself from almost anywhere removes much of the challenge. I've played for 2+ hours on it. It's certainly not your standard RPG, but it is an interesting variation.

Anyway, to sum it up, I'm wondering on people's opinions here, and if it's worth my $20 to keep it (personally, so far, I think it is, but I'm wondering what the future of this game holds in store. If the rest of the game is basically identical to my first 2 hours, is it still worth it?). Or, is there something on a similar vein that's better and more worth my money?

Another question I have is, game recommendations for games that are heavily based in exploration (I think this may be why Deep Laby interests me). I could probably be quite happy in a game with no plot whatsoever, as long as the world was big enough that I could just keep walking around, and find new things to look for (scenery, plants, places, things, animals, whatever).

So, any help on that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for anything anyone has to offer. Mouser X over.

I have a question about Deep Labyrinth. What are your people's opinion on it? I bought it (used) about a week ago, and I'm trying to decide if I should keep it. So far, I think it's pretty good. Though, it is a little repetitive, and the campaign/mission (of the 2) I'm playing is definitely too easy... While I appreciate the prominent save spots (I only have time to play for short bits. 10-15 minutes at a time), being able to fully heal yourself from almost anywhere removes much of the challenge. I've played for 2+ hours on it. It's certainly not your standard RPG, but it is an interesting variation.

Anyway, to sum it up, I'm wondering on people's opinions here, and if it's worth my $20 to keep it (personally, so far, I think it is, but I'm wondering what the future of this game holds in store. If the rest of the game is basically identical to my first 2 hours, is it still worth it?). Or, is there something on a similar vein that's better and more worth my money?

Another question I have is, game recommendations for games that are heavily based in exploration (I think this may be why Deep Laby interests me). I could probably be quite happy in a game with no plot whatsoever, as long as the world was big enough that I could just keep walking around, and find new things to look for (scenery, plants, places, things, animals, whatever).

So, any help on that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for anything anyone has to offer. Mouser X over.

Bought Deep Labyrinth the day it came out. Loved it; spent close to 20 hours playing both scnearios. While it never gets hard, per se, it will get a bit more difficult the further you play. And Chapter 2 is harder than Chapter 1 (I've actually died in Ch. 2).

Remember you're only 2 hours in. The mazes get way more complex as you play (the very last area of Chapter 1 actually took a long time to get through totally, several hours if I recall correctly).

But yeah, it's an easy game, on the whole.

I went in the back and saw that not one box has been received and it was way past 3pm. The UPS truck usually gets to the store around 8am. I had to find the box myself and asked my supervisor to receive it for me, lol :P

This happened way too often at the Best Buy I worked at as well. I'm pretty sure the managers are(or were) running the warehouse guys all the hell around the store doing something other than what they were supposed to, but we've often gotten receiving(for Geek Squad) in the afternoon.

Then there was that one time we got a Tennessee's shipments(and they got ours). It took about a week to get it back - the store is only a few hours from ours.

I have a question about Deep Labyrinth. What are your people's opinion on it? I bought it (used) about a week ago, and I'm trying to decide if I should keep it. So far, I think it's pretty good. Though, it is a little repetitive, and the campaign/mission (of the 2) I'm playing is definitely too easy... While I appreciate the prominent save spots (I only have time to play for short bits. 10-15 minutes at a time), being able to fully heal yourself from almost anywhere removes much of the challenge. I've played for 2+ hours on it. It's certainly not your standard RPG, but it is an interesting variation.

Anyway, to sum it up, I'm wondering on people's opinions here, and if it's worth my $20 to keep it (personally, so far, I think it is, but I'm wondering what the future of this game holds in store. If the rest of the game is basically identical to my first 2 hours, is it still worth it?). Or, is there something on a similar vein that's better and more worth my money?

Another question I have is, game recommendations for games that are heavily based in exploration (I think this may be why Deep Laby interests me). I could probably be quite happy in a game with no plot whatsoever, as long as the world was big enough that I could just keep walking around, and find new things to look for (scenery, plants, places, things, animals, whatever).

So, any help on that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for anything anyone has to offer. Mouser X over.

Bought Deep Labyrinth the day it came out. Loved it; spent close to 20 hours playing both scnearios. While it never gets hard, per se, it will get a bit more difficult the further you play. And Chapter 2 is harder than Chapter 1 (I've actually died in Ch. 2).

Remember you're only 2 hours in. The mazes get way more complex as you play (the very last area of Chapter 1 actually took a long time to get through totally, several hours if I recall correctly).

But yeah, it's an easy game, on the whole.

Yeah, I like Deep Labyrinth. While I haven't beat it yet, the game is fun. It's also fun to just laugh at the retarded girl you talk to in the second story. She's kinda weird...


Anybody here tried Scurge Hive yet? Had a go at the GBA version just now (DS and GBA versions are practically identical, except DS is worse according to IGN) and so far I love it, minus the Metroid ripoffage.

And the main char is hawt. Long red ponytail for the win.

I have a question about Deep Labyrinth. What are your people's opinion on it? I bought it (used) about a week ago, and I'm trying to decide if I should keep it. So far, I think it's pretty good. Though, it is a little repetitive, and the campaign/mission (of the 2) I'm playing is definitely too easy... While I appreciate the prominent save spots (I only have time to play for short bits. 10-15 minutes at a time), being able to fully heal yourself from almost anywhere removes much of the challenge. I've played for 2+ hours on it. It's certainly not your standard RPG, but it is an interesting variation.

Anyway, to sum it up, I'm wondering on people's opinions here, and if it's worth my $20 to keep it (personally, so far, I think it is, but I'm wondering what the future of this game holds in store. If the rest of the game is basically identical to my first 2 hours, is it still worth it?). Or, is there something on a similar vein that's better and more worth my money?

Another question I have is, game recommendations for games that are heavily based in exploration (I think this may be why Deep Laby interests me). I could probably be quite happy in a game with no plot whatsoever, as long as the world was big enough that I could just keep walking around, and find new things to look for (scenery, plants, places, things, animals, whatever).

So, any help on that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for anything anyone has to offer. Mouser X over.

Bought Deep Labyrinth the day it came out. Loved it; spent close to 20 hours playing both scnearios. While it never gets hard, per se, it will get a bit more difficult the further you play. And Chapter 2 is harder than Chapter 1 (I've actually died in Ch. 2).

Remember you're only 2 hours in. The mazes get way more complex as you play (the very last area of Chapter 1 actually took a long time to get through totally, several hours if I recall correctly).

But yeah, it's an easy game, on the whole.

Yeah, I like Deep Labyrinth. While I haven't beat it yet, the game is fun. It's also fun to just laugh at the retarded girl you talk to in the second story. She's kinda weird...

Is she ACTUALLY a tard? It'd be hilarious to have one or two of those in a video game.

I went in the back and saw that not one box has been received and it was way past 3pm. The UPS truck usually gets to the store around 8am. I had to find the box myself and asked my supervisor to receive it for me, lol :P

This happened way too often at the Best Buy I worked at as well. I'm pretty sure the managers are(or were) running the warehouse guys all the hell around the store doing something other than what they were supposed to, but we've often gotten receiving(for Geek Squad) in the afternoon.

Then there was that one time we got a Tennessee's shipments(and they got ours). It took about a week to get it back - the store is only a few hours from ours.

Well, see, inventory usually isn't the best treated department(along with media) in the store. People always complain about those departments. They usually only give us 1 person to open, and 1 person to close. It sucks. We are just now finally starting to get 2 closers here and there for a night. I miss the days where there was nothing to do on a weekday night instead of rushing fast as hell to try and get one of the two pallets of receiving.

But anyway, I've bought too many DS games lately, I need another 3-game case pack lol.

Anyone know where to pick up clear 3-game cases? I've spent quite a while trying to find them.

Best Buy should carry ones for GBA and DS. Comes with 3 cases that hold 3 games each. I like them a lot because they're very thing. They should run you around $5 IIRC.

Anyone know where to pick up clear 3-game cases? I've spent quite a while trying to find them.

Best Buy should carry ones for GBA and DS. Comes with 3 cases that hold 3 games each. I like them a lot because they're very thing. They should run you around $5 IIRC.

Hmm... I'll have to check them out. Thanks for the info.

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