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*NO* Kirby's Dream Land 3 'Kirby's Beach Rave 2006 (T-edits)'

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email sub file Kirby's Beach Rave 2006 (T-edits).mp3


This is my first submission here at OCremix. My remixer name is ManInGrey.

Kirby's Beach Rave 2006 is me and my best friend Taylors best attempt at a trance-like song. We tried to give it the electo glide of trance, yet keep the same bouncey, upbeat feeling of the original song. If you think about it, you can actually imagine all the little Kibry characters having a rave on the beach to this song...like King Dedede as DJ or something lol.

Anyway, I wrote the piano solo in the middle myself, and would like to thank Taylors friend from college for sampling Kirby's voice for us. Anyway, here it is and hope you enjoy.

I've done frequent submissions to VGmix...although OCremix is what got me hooked on video game remixes. I've always wanted to join the ranks on OCremix...and I believe this song has a shot at it. Thanks!

~ManInGrey / Brian


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First time ReMixer, eh? Well.. in that case, try not to take the comments you will inevitably be reading here to heart. ;)

The sounds here are OK; you've got the piano, the percussion, the synths. But they are very basic. If you listen to most of the ReMixes on this site (at least the last 500 or so) you will hear that there is more complexity to the sounds. I don't know exactly what tools you are using, but you should do your best to try to get a more varied selection of sounds, and ones that are maybe.. a little more interesting. Check out blind or sgx's stuff for example. They have rhythm patterns just like the one you have in your mix, but they approach it in such a way that it's more layered and dense. I know, it might seem hard to do at first, but it's all about practice. Keep in mind the kind of songs you like, and try to emulate that when you're designing sounds for your mix.

You might consider using more instruments also to flesh things out. Pads in the background would be nice to fill up the sound space. I would really suggest ditching the voice samples though. It's cute, yeah (I played as Kirby in SSB/SSBM all the time) but it doesn't really fit in here or add much to the mix. It just sounds kind of goofy. Also, the original material is a good thought, but that too sounds a bit out of place. Try to connect it more to the source tune. In other words, do some variations of the chord progression or the melody. Also, the ending is a little weak - you should try to 'resolve' things more.

Overall, this would need a lot more work before it could get on this site. But please, understand that everyone has to start somewhere. My first four mixes were rejected from here and as I'm writing this, I'm smiling because you and your friend are doing the same things I did when I started (my first remixes were made with one of MY good friends). I had the same problems as you. But I'd go so far as to say that this sounds a little better than the first things I did. So just keep at it. Practice, practice, practice. Ask around in our ReMixing forum if you need help on something specific. If you heard a sound that you really liked in a particular mix, PM or send an email to that person and ask them how they did it. I guarantee if you keep working at it you'll improve, and before long you'll have a mix here.



http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=kdl3 - "Ripple Field 1" (kdl3-12.spc)

Kirby 3, I had to assume Kirby's Dream Land 3 no thanks to this sub letter. Nice original.

Hahaha! "Hi!" sound effect was overused a little bit for the intro, but was actually a nice touch. Reused again at 2:31, nice! Yeah, I like the groove here, but the instrumentation is thin and generic; creating a very swampy soundfield via effects helped fill it out, but other than that, there wasn't much going on.

Arrangement started getting out there at 2:37 as you seemed to building some decent guitar over your base only to bust out in a terrible, off-key, non sequitur piano solo. Nonetheless, you brought it back to coherence at 3:08 once you had the source tune notes to refer too. Decent variation of your sounds in the last section here to at least have a slightly different feel than when you started.

Pretty much listen to zircon with these basic but informative and critical tips he has, take advantage of the of the ReMixing and Works: OCR forums, and continue to improve. Nice effort for a first submission. You show promise provided you keep at it.



The arrangement in this is pretty conservative. You're sticking to the melodies from the original like a fat guy on a small stool. The piano playing the arpeggio in the background is a downgrade from the source sound, and doesn't really fit in the context of the mix, since it's so dry. The sound is nice, but it's still too basic.

That "Hi!" sound effect is going to give me nightmares. You've overused the clap sample, try a snare or something in place. The sample is so basic.

Apart from these problems, you've actually set up a nice overall soundscape. It's too basic for OCR's standards, but it's good for a first-time submission. Work on improving the overall quality of the mixes and you'll do fine.



Dreamland 3 was an awesome game.

That Hiiiiii is really poorly recorded. Don't even bother with it.

Piano has too much reverb/sustain; the cut on it makes it sound really unnatural too. Arpeggios are boring and loud. Drums are simplistic and sound unprocessed.

There's not a lot of attention paid to balance here. Sounds like you're just starting out with FLStudio. Keep at it. Get some better sounds and pay more attention to how you can place elements of your mix in the field of sound. Everything is upfront-in-your-face right now.

Piano is REALLY mechanical.

You can't just sequence this stuff with note-choice in mind. You have to pay attention to dynamics and velocity. Sequencing isn't just about writing the notes. You have to "perform" when you're sequecing. Think about how a piano player would transition from note-to-note; how hard his finger going to hit that key? Is he going to hit it in perfect time?

You need to try to understand the instrument you're sequencing. Don't just write notes. Play them. This doesn't mean use a MIDI keyboard; it means that you need to think not just about how a note sounds, but how it's played.

Keep at it.


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