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Posted (edited)

Jazz is the best, dude. I suppose I understand what he means by restaurant music, though? Maybe?? Like old jazz standards? I'm really not into the recording quality on those, nor am I all that into weirder, freer jazz like a lot of Coltrane's stuff, etc. Anyway, here's some more modern tunes which are a little easier to listen to than ancient jazz.

Casiopea -- chill Japanese fusion

T-SQUARE -- a little more upbeat than Casiopea

Mezzoforte -- nice, accessible contemporary jazz

-- nicer, even more accessible contemporary jazz

-- yummy fusion with lots of electric piano

Jean-Luc Ponty -- electric violinist, very fun to listen to, lots of synth work

-- very 70s brass-based jazz with a little synth work; very easy to listen to, has a really great vibe to it that I love

-- greatest pop band ever? most androgynous bassist ever?

-- highly creative,highly prolific, sort of uplifting clean-guitar fusion

-- fun, funky jams, lots of synth work and electric piano biz

-- needs no explanation, it's Chick fuckin' Corea

Return to Forever -- see above, except that it's a little less accessible and more "progressive" in its harmonies and rhythm

Herbie Hancock -- the man himself; here's some funky Rhodes jams

And if it's chiptune jazz ye seek, I can get you a list three times as long...

Same thing if you consider prog rock to be "jazz"

Metal Man: Al di Meola is straight-up jazz. He'd tell you so himself. Granted, he had some more rock-based stuff in the early 70s (Race with the Devil on a Spanish Highway), but old dude is a jazz guitarist. By the way, Elegant Gypsy is one of my favorite albums :D

Edited by ectogemia

Oh man! That Electrik Band video is hilarious. Such a tight group though. You should check out their Akoustik Band as well.

Anyone into electronica and DnB should check out Mehliana, a live electronica/jazz duet featuring Brad Mehldau (who I happen to think is the finest jazz pianist on the planet) and Mark Guiliana. So tight!

Posted (edited)

No one mentioned these guys? :P

~ Jazz Fusion

Joshua Morse ~ Jazz Fusion

(Neo-Soul Keys demos ~ Soul/Jazz)


https://soundcloud.com/zircon-1/sunshower ~ Funk/Glitch Hop

https://soundcloud.com/zircon-1/level-bounce ~ Jazzy Funkstep

http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01849 ~ Jazz Fusion

http://zirconstudios.bandcamp.com/track/fusion-master ~ Chiptune Jazz

http://zirconstudios.bandcamp.com/track/morsecode ~ Disco Funk/Jazz

Edited by timaeus222
Like restaurant music hahahha!

Dude i don't know jazz well but don't you think that's a little ignorant?

Totally. I'm not very good with styles/categories, but I guess I'm more of a fusion guy ? But I hate it when it gets too confusing or nowhere, it needs to groove.

By restaurant music I meant, more boring that elevator. I'm not really a bosa nova fan, if that helps. You know, the kind of music that you hear whenyou call a helpdesk and they put you on hold ? Like this :

I find that irritating, depressing, sad.

ectogemia: man, awesome bands.. Pat Metheny & Chick Corea are not my type though, but wow, Cassiopea vs T-Square that was EPIC!

Mezzoforte. I love that kind of music, it always reminds me of Sonic and/or Greg Howe. Al Di Meola is one of my favourite as well.

Anyway, will have many things to listen to while doing maths tonight ;)

Would those be jazz : Gentle Giant, Frank Zappa, Orphic Oxtra ?



I'm not a huge fan of traditional jazz but I really love the chord progressions and alterations in jazz music. I've studied a bit of it just to try and insert some of that into that music but I still have a lot to learn.

I do like fusion bands and jazz-inspired stuff, but early jazz and overly complicated songs bore me.


Casiopea -- chill Japanese fusion

T-SQUARE -- a little more upbeat than Casiopea

Mezzoforte -- nice, accessible contemporary jazz

-- nicer, even more accessible contemporary jazz

-- yummy fusion with lots of electric piano

Jean-Luc Ponty -- electric violinist, very fun to listen to, lots of synth work

-- very 70s brass-based jazz with a little synth work; very easy to listen to, has a really great vibe to it that I love

-- greatest pop band ever? most androgynous bassist ever?

-- highly creative,highly prolific, sort of uplifting clean-guitar fusion

-- fun, funky jams, lots of synth work and electric piano biz

-- needs no explanation, it's Chick fuckin' Corea

Return to Forever -- see above, except that it's a little less accessible and more "progressive" in its harmonies and rhythm

Herbie Hancock -- the man himself; here's some funky Rhodes jams

Well I guess I know how I'm spending MY day now. I've heard of some of these but daaaaaaaang that's awesome.

Yeah jazz! I can't think of much to add here, some of my favourites have already been mentioned. One group I can think of is the Modern Jazz Quartet. They've got a vibraphone, which I can never get enough of myself:

Also here's a random dude jamming on a Fender Rhodes, super smooth:

Posted (edited)

Gonna go against the grain here and not name fusion jazz (I'll post like one example for each but they were REALLY prolific):

Bobby Timmons -

Miles Davis - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzDc95WRa8Eh5c

John Coltrane -

Dave Brubeck -

Bill Evans - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IafnG-A5mU

Duke Jordan Trio -

Also lol at "restaurant" music. That's kind of an entire century you're glossing over and lumping into that one specific style of jazz. For decades jazz music was considered "pop", it was the dance music of the age. If you can't find jazz with a groove you're honestly not looking ha-... yeah, not looking.

Edited by Neblix
Gonna go against the grain here and not name fusion jazz (I'll post like one example for each but they were REALLY prolific):

Bobby Timmons -

Miles Davis - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzDc95WRa8Eh5c

John Coltrane -

Dave Brubeck -

Bill Evans - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IafnG-A5mU

Duke Jordan Trio -

Also lol at "restaurant" music. That's kind of an entire century you're glossing over and lumping into that one specific style of jazz. For decades jazz music was considered "pop", it was the dance music of the age. If you can't find jazz with a groove you're honestly not looking ha-... yeah, not looking.

Bill Evans is the man! My favourite musician regardless of genre or instrument. No one puts as much emotion into their playing as he does.

Posted (edited)

i just like to thank you guys, i like jazz but havent really got a favourite artist, so this thread helps with that :P

edit: i do like jamiroquai so i guess thats kinda jazz fusion

Edited by psychowolf

Also lol at "restaurant" music. That's kind of an entire century you're glossing over and lumping into that one specific style of jazz. For decades jazz music was considered "pop", it was the dance music of the age. If you can't find jazz with a groove you're honestly not looking ha-... yeah, not looking.

Well I don't like the pianobar type of jazz nor do I like stuff like Miles Davis (I expect y'all to throw rocks at me now lol) but love old stuff, especially those mofos I discovered with Fallout 3

Anyway it's hard to explain, but yeah I'm not a very open-minded type of meloman to begin with. This thread is pure lust.
I'm a fan of stuff like Jaco Pastorious and the like.

That's a great recording with Peter Erskine on drums....if you like Jaco make sure to check out Pat Metheney's first album Bright Size Life. Jaco plays bass on that and I think it's some of his finest playing in his relitivley short career.

Well I don't like the pianobar type of jazz nor do I like stuff like Miles Davis (I expect y'all to throw rocks at me now lol) but love old stuff, especially those mofos I discovered with Fallout 3
Anyway it's hard to explain, but yeah I'm not a very open-minded type of meloman to begin with. This thread is pure lust.

Looks like you're into "dixieland" (jazz style), then.

Posted (edited)

Huge fan of this performance by the amazing Brad Mehldau Trio:


My favorite performance they did during that gig is at 21:55. But I love the whole thing. Brad is an absolutely AMAZING pianist and Jeff Ballard is probably one of the best jazz drummers out there right now. I'd say Brad may be the greatest jazz pianist alive, but I suppose that's arguable. Their bassist is great but not my favorite.

Nevertheless, fantastic performance. Watch it.

Edited by Garrett Williamson
My grammar is just amazing.
Gmixer...let's talk soon...

Did you see my post on pg1? One of Mehldau's newest projects

I'm seeing him twice this summer, once with Mehliana. I saw him twice 3 years ago as well. So amazing.

Yeah man. Not as big a fan of his synth stuff other than his bassline there, but I freaking love his scales on that Rhodes. Mark is pretty dang great in that too.

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