Liontamer Posted May 11, 2014 Posted May 11, 2014 (edited) ReMixer name - Mak Eightman real name- Max V. Kravchenko email address- c userid: 32137 Submission Information: Title - "Oblivion" link to remix - attached Name of game arranged - Rosenkreuzstilette System: Have no idea xD Name of individual song arranged - Boss Fight, AM3(?) Link to the original soundtrack - BadAss Vol 2 project. Director: The Joker Hello! Actually I didn't want to submit this one because of issues(guitar tuning, drums stuff, etc). Dunno why i'm doing this) This mix was intendet to RKS project but I lost interst due to some circumstances. So I posted it to WIP forum and... Thanks to this mix I received an invitation to BA2. Game.... I have no idea wtf is this game)) Sorry. Mix.. Lot of new stuf to me)) First time I used organ!!! This makes me happy) First time(and last time i suppose) cool leads!! I can't repeat something like this again(( Thats why some tuning problems presents. I love this work because of all this new and cool stuff i MADE!!! sorry for fake bass.. Next time I'll do everything right! SFME!!! Best of all! And LOT of thanks to guys from BA2 forum!!! For feedback, comments, help, everything! -------------------------------------- Edited September 23, 2014 by Liontamer closed decision
Liontamer Posted May 11, 2014 Author Posted May 11, 2014 After a muddy, but otherwise strong opening, the organ part from :19-:26 sounded off-key for some reason. From :59-1:15, there were spots where the key of the melody seemingly didn't quite match with the background chugs. I got more used to it, but it still doesn't quite click all the way. More importantly, the mixing was on the muddy side throughout the whole piece. While I enjoyed the power that was here, the soundscape could use some cleaning up. I'm down with gritty, but it sounds like there's practically no high-end clarity, so this sounded too distant and lossy-sounding. It's not hugely far from being passable, IMO, but the seemingly out of key segments and especially the muddy production quality dragged this down. This is a well-personalized cover, but when you have a 2-minute piece that's supposed to be short and sweet, it's VERY important that everything is performed and presented at its very best. The problem areas need to be tightened up. Sorry if I'm being a grandpa, Mak, but we'll see how the other Js feel, as it's a pretty promising arrangement. NO (resubmit)
Chimpazilla Posted May 30, 2014 Posted May 30, 2014 Larry has covered the issues quite well. Everything in this piece is fighting for frequency space. The lead guitar is loud enough but could use some higher-end crispness, and the backing is pretty indistinguishable. The drums don't have much presence and they seem to have just melted into the background. The arrangement is pretty cool though, very energetic. That organ writing sounds discordant but not off key as Larry thinks, I think the organ writing is ok and is an interesting interpretation of that part of the source song. The track begins very abruptly, as if the very beginning was cut off. That happens to me sometimes unless I add a couple of blank bars at the beginning before I render. That said, I think it would be better to start the song with something a little less abrupt, a snare pattern or one simple guitar riff or something to introduce it a bit. I really like this arrangement, clean up the mixing, bring the drums and backing elements out and separate them using eq, make sure the intro isn't chopped off, and I think this is good to go. NO (resubmit)
djpretzel Posted July 3, 2014 Posted July 3, 2014 Organ's weird but didn't seem downright off, at least to me. Plus there's an expected level of malevolence and chaos here that we'd be disappointed NOT to see I'm closer to a YES than Larry & Kris as this feels like a relatively tight, short, sweet, and absolutely ANGRY mix, but I still agree that it's a little too rough around the edges on the production side. A little more clarity, air, and breathing room - obviously the whole point is to be chaotic, but it needs to be discernible, enjoyable chaos, and right now the mixing/mastering is preventing that. NO (borderline)
Palpable Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 Basically co-signing Dave's vote. The organ detours might have sounded a little better if the guitar chords had also gone off the rails for those short sections, but they didn't sound awful as it was. I liked the idea of them. However, the production is a little too rough around the edges, even for this style of song. With a little clean-up, this would be a shoo-in for the front page. NO (resubmit)
DragonAvenger Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 Yeah, in the end I can jump on the DaVinnie bandwagon here. The high end especially just needs to b cleaned up a bit and I personally wouldn't mind you changing a bit of the organ around . I do want to mention that the mix overall felt a bit like it was rushing, but that may have come from listening to the source first. I think dropping even like 5 BPM might make a difference here, but I wouldn't start over just to do so. I think you're closer than you think, but it will need some good finessing. NO (resubmit)
Jivemaster Posted September 21, 2014 Posted September 21, 2014 (edited) Coming in at 2:08, your track is quite short and straight to the point, and that shorter duration helps to keep things fresh through to the end. Production wise there is some work to be done here. The first thing that struck me when listening to your mix was a lack of dynamics, and checking your track in my DAW confirmed this. It's almost the sonic equivalent of a waveform being squeezed out of a sausage machine. Rock and metal are often characterised by this, but here I think it's a bit too compressed. This is a really easy fix however, if you loosen up the master bus compression and ease off the limiter a little, your track will breathe and make all the elements you have in there more audible. The others have already brought this up and I will concur that your low end is a little too muddy. HPF's on your guitars would pretty much solve this I think. I'm on my own on this one but I felt the guitar playing was a little too out of time occasionally. Particularly at 0:45-0:52, 0:56 and at 1:32-1:47 things felt a little out. Probably all this needs is some slight dragging of the lead track to fit to the beat better. I'm not penalising the track for that, I just think your soloing and riffs could be strengthened by stronger timing. Source wise, you've changed a few things around in the arrangement but I can still hear the tune there. A lot of solid work has gone into this and it'd be great to be able to hear it better. Ease up on that compression and give the low end some breathing room, then we're in business. NO (please resub) Edited September 21, 2014 by Jivemaster
Beatdrop Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 YES I’m gonna be the dissenting opinion here. There’s not much to say about this, really. The arrangement of the source is straight-forward, but holy crap does it work well. I was kind of “eh” when I listened to the source, but rendered unto metal, it’s pretty badass; bonus points for the transformation. While I don’t think the production is especially bad, it could use some tweaking. Definitely strong in the lower mids, and the lead guitar really washes over everything. The drums could do with more volume and more punch. The performance is--as far as I can tell as a non-guitarist--flawless, and in this case, I think that’s the most important factor. It showcases strong instrumentalism and reimagines the original. Plus, it’s so short, it can’t possibly become uninteresting, and I find myself wanting to listen to it multiple times consecutively. At the same time, it doesn’t feel incomplete despite its short length. So, yeah! I honestly have very little negative to say here. If it weren’t weren’t for the ineffective mastering, this would sound quite professional.
Clem Posted September 23, 2014 Posted September 23, 2014 I like the beginning. 1 2 3 4 GO. Loving your treatment of the source’s melody with the screaming lead. There are some production issues, though. I think this would sound better with some mid range mud cut to make room for the bass instruments. The kick drum and bass guitar are not cutting like they could. Compression is running too hot. No need to have the track so loud. Dial that shit back and give the percussion and rhythm guitars room to breathe... Maybe cut the volume of the leads a little bit as well. Early listens gave me the impression that source usage was not prominent enough in the middle section, but honestly, I can hear plenty of riffs from the original showing up throughout the piece. In fact, I think the arrangement is a strong point for this track. Nice dramatic simmer @ 1:17 an improved mix would get a yes from me. NO
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