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OCR02977 - Final Fantasy X "Zanarkand String Quartet"


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The cello part is extremely problematic. There is a large number of wrong notes and sloppiness in the cello performance -- it's actually rather surprising nobody mentioned that. The low end is such an important frequency and so prominent. For a debut mix, though, not too bad at all. Just needs a LOT of refinement and production improvement which you could hopefully address with future mixes.

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I've always thought Zanarkand was a beautiful source, and this is just plain gorgeous. I'm not the biggest connoisseur of classical music or the like, but I do enjoy string instruments, especially quartets, so hearing Zanarkand with those instruments were something I could get behind. Close to the original in it's melody, but still different enough in arrangement to be it's own piece, truly a wonderful ReMix.

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Although I've never played any of the Final Fantasy games, thanks to my friends and OCRemix I've at least heard a lot of tracks, and this is one of my favorite. Like Emblem180, it really moved me, gave me chills and goosebumps; but as Brandon also mentions, the cello's missed notes really hurt the lower voice of this mix when the lower end was already weak enough. But overall, I freaking love this mix. I love quartet performances, and this one was pretty well done.

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  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02977 - Final Fantasy X "Zanarkand String Quartet"

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