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The three consecutive term limit was bones_221's proposal. It doesn't prevent someone from being elected for more than three terms, they just cannot do it all in a row. I agree that it is not necessary, however. Should I change it?
Nah. It just struck me as a little odd. Personally, I don't have a problem with term limits. I just wanted to get a little feedback on that part and see if it hit a nerve. It didn't. Good work. I approve of this charter.

You should clarify in the war part that attacks against friendly alliances that the OCA has an MDP with are not sanctioned. Otherwise it sounds like we will attack any alliance who attacks an alliance who's friendly with us.

Peace is encouraged between members of the OCA and all nations of the world. Any unsanctioned and unprovoked attack by a member nation against any nation friendly to the OCA or any member of a friendly alliance is prohibited, where a friendly nation or alliance is one with a genuinely peaceful disposition or with which the OCA has a Mutual Defense Pact (MDP) or Non-Aggression Pact (NAP).

However, should a member nation be the victim of attack, all OCA members pledge to rally their full military and economic strength in defense of the attacked nation and to aid in reconstruction and war efforts to the extent of their capability and as directed by the appropriate Directorate officers.

Is that better, Falchion?

The three consecutive term limit was bones_221's proposal. It doesn't prevent someone from being elected for more than three terms, they just cannot do it all in a row. I agree that it is not necessary, however. Should I change it?

Nah. It just struck me as a little odd. Personally, I don't have a problem with term limits. I just wanted to get a little feedback on that part and see if it hit a nerve. It didn't. Good work. I approve of this charter.

I have clarified the language in this passage in the charter so that it is better understood that it is only a limit on consecutive terms, not overall terms.

Peace is encouraged between members of the OCA and all nations of the world. Any unsanctioned and unprovoked attack by a member nation against any nation friendly to the OCA or any member of a friendly alliance is prohibited, where a friendly nation or alliance is one with a genuinely peaceful disposition or with which the OCA has a Mutual Defense Pact (MDP) or Non-Aggression Pact (NAP).

However, should a member nation be the victim of attack, all OCA members pledge to rally their full military and economic strength in defense of the attacked nation and to aid in reconstruction and war efforts to the extent of their capability and as directed by the appropriate Directorate officers.

Is that better, Falchion?

The three consecutive term limit was bones_221's proposal. It doesn't prevent someone from being elected for more than three terms, they just cannot do it all in a row. I agree that it is not necessary, however. Should I change it?

Nah. It just struck me as a little odd. Personally, I don't have a problem with term limits. I just wanted to get a little feedback on that part and see if it hit a nerve. It didn't. Good work. I approve of this charter.

I have clarified the language in this passage in the charter so that it is better understood that it is only a limit on consecutive terms, not overall terms.

Even a NAP doesn't really qualify as something for us to get involved with. So I would just stick to the MDP myself. Although the entire clause is kind of redundant if we state we'll attack you if you attack someone we have an MDP with.

Even a NAP doesn't really qualify as something for us to get involved with. So I would just stick to the MDP myself. Although the entire clause is kind of redundant if we state we'll attack you if you attack someone we have an MDP with.

This clause prohibits us from attacking these nations without reason, it doesn't obligate us to come to their aid.


A proposed charter has been posted in the War Room at headquarters for discussion and ratification by members. This proposed charter has been revised in several places from the charter posted to this thread earlier (partly in response to some suggestions).

Now it's time for a little celebratory vacation.


I was just thinking it might be an idea to set up somewhere to organise our trades. The way the trades work you don’t really want to end any of your current trade agreements without being sure that you can start a new one before the next refresh.

I reckon we could do with either a topic in the lounge of OCR Headquarters or even better set it up separately like the War Room. It would certainly make getting the bonus resources easier.

What do you think?


I'm reallly confused at this point, I just got my people to be happy with the national religion/government (Transitional/judaism... And surprisingly I'm not in the middle-east), but I didn't realize we had a forum...


I'm reallly confused at this point, I just got my people to be happy with the national religion/government (Transitional/judaism... And surprisingly I'm not in the middle-east), but I didn't realize we had a forum...


Yep. A base of operations. Eventually we'll have a charter and a government structure as well.

This sounds pretty fun. I was wondering if I could join OCA but place my nation in portugal?

That's perfectly fine. There is no location requirement because it really doesn't impact the game other than your nation map.

By the way, I am just north of portugal out in the ocean...


Alright, I made a nation. The ruler is me, Consciência Etérea, the name's Etéreal and my two trading goods are Gold and Sugar. I'm in Portugal (Lisbon, to be more exact) (Praça do Comerçio, to be even more exact) and in the orange team.

Uhhh... What should I do now?

Alright, I made a nation. The ruler is me, Consciência Etérea, the name's Etéreal and my two trading goods are Gold and Sugar. I'm in Portugal (Lisbon, to be more exact) (Praça do Comerçio, to be even more exact) and in the orange team.

Uhhh... What should I do now?

In the game: Follow the suggestions of your Private Nation Messages. Pay your bills. Play around with your tax rate until you get maximum profit when you go to collect taxes. Buy enough land to get your Population Per Mile under 70. Buy enough troops until it says your military is of adequate strength for your nation size. Pump whatever you have left into purchasing infrastructure to get your nation growing. Turn off peaceful nation status. Look for orange team trade partners. Read about how the game works here. Also, put that you are a member of the OCA somewhere in your nation bio (assuming you wish to become a member of our humble alliance).

Out of the game: Register at the OCA headquarters. Once supremespleen masks you, you will gain access to the members-only area, where you can help us ratify a charter and organize our alliance. You also may be able to find potential trade partners in the roster thread.


eh, I thought I was going to do that too, but you'll boost your income and happyness if you drop it. Also, anybody who attacks you at this stage has to deal with all of your buddies ^_^


My current cost for 1 level of infrastruture is about $880. If this cost goes up after after every improvment in level, wouldn't I be better served saving money up and then buying a bunch at the current price? It will save me money, yes? Thoughts?

I bring this up because it's getting mighty expensive.

My current cost for 1 level of infrastruture is about $880. If this cost goes up after after every improvment in level, wouldn't I be better served saving money up and then buying a bunch at the current price? It will save me money, yes? Thoughts?

I bring this up because it's getting mighty expensive.

Yes, it is most cost efficient to buy infrastructure in blocks of 10 (the maximum that can be bought en masse).

My current cost for 1 level of infrastruture is about $880. If this cost goes up after after every improvment in level, wouldn't I be better served saving money up and then buying a bunch at the current price? It will save me money, yes? Thoughts?

I bring this up because it's getting mighty expensive.

Yes, it is most cost efficient to buy infrastructure in blocks of 10 (the maximum that can be bought en masse).

:evil: Now you tell me. Or to put it more accurately, now I ask it.
:evil: Now you tell me. Or to put it more accurately, now I ask it.

There is also another advantage to saving up: you accrue interest on taxes for every day you don't collect them. :wink:

At this stage it's better to keep buying infrastructure as soon as possible because you're making more money faster. The money lost by buying in chunks less than 10 is offset by the amount of money you make later.

:evil: Now you tell me. Or to put it more accurately, now I ask it.

There is also another advantage to saving up: you accrue interest on taxes for every day you don't collect them. :wink:

At this stage it's better to keep buying infrastructure as soon as possible because you're making more money faster. The money lost by buying in chunks less than 10 is offset by the amount of money you make later.

Is that really true for me with each level costing about $880? I don't know.
:evil: Now you tell me. Or to put it more accurately, now I ask it.

There is also another advantage to saving up: you accrue interest on taxes for every day you don't collect them. :wink:

At this stage it's better to keep buying infrastructure as soon as possible because you're making more money faster. The money lost by buying in chunks less than 10 is offset by the amount of money you make later.

Is that really true for me with each level costing about $880? I don't know.

Later on I did what you're thinking of doing now. But since I'm rebuilding after this war, I'm just trying to get more money faster. Besides, my resources reduce the infrastructure cost way low what I'm supposed to be paying. =D


There are still several members who have not registered at our HQ forums. Effector, MarioRPG, TheWomb, DarkOmenDKA, Methiea, maybe more. We need to complete the ratification of our charter so that we can hold elections! We need a 2/3 majority and right now I think we have about 11/19...

And we are of course always recruiting new members.

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