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Working on setting the permission masks up right in the new forum. If you can't see much, it means I haven't upgraded your board status to OCA Member there.

Nice work, supremespleen. I'd recommend revamping the initial post in this thread. You can remove the roster (the Roll Call thread at headquarters and the OCR Member group list should take care of that) and provide a link to the official headquarters forum as well. We should also provide a link to the charter in the first post (which should get its own locked announcement thread in the Information Desk forum (its okay that it hasn't been finalized yet)). Potential members should still apply to join the alliance in this thread.

Working on setting the permission masks up right in the new forum. If you can't see much, it means I haven't upgraded your board status to OCA Member there.

Nice work, supremespleen. I'd recommend revamping the initial post in this thread. You can remove the roster (the Roll Call thread at headquarters and the OCR Member group list should take care of that) and provide a link to the official headquarters forum as well. We should also provide a link to the charter in the first post (which should get its own locked announcement thread in the Information Desk forum). Potential members should still apply to join the alliance in this thread.

Was about to suggest the same thing. What's the deal with the roll call thread? Will that be public or private to OCA members?


Working on fixing the skin and all that. I may not be around though, cos it's my younger brother's birthday today.

Going to do all that was suggested this evening probably, as well as 'borrow' OCR's buttons to use for our board.

Going to talk to Smoke to see if it is alright that I use OCR graphics since it is an OCR Clan.

What's the deal with the roll call thread? Will that be public or private to OCA members?

I think the roll call thread is a good idea. It serves as an organized private directory of ONLY members of the alliance. It's easier than updating an enormous list every time someone joins.

What's the deal with the roll call thread? Will that be public or private to OCA members?

I think the roll call thread is a good idea. It serves as an organized private directory of ONLY members of the alliance. It's easier than updating an enormous list every time someone joins.

Oh, absolutely, I agree with the thread, I was just wondering whether or not it'll be a public or a private thread [Whether or not it'll be shown to OCA members or the public].

Oh, absolutely, I agree with the thread, I was just wondering whether or not it'll be a public or a private thread [Whether or not it'll be shown to OCA members or the public].

I see what you mean.

I may work on sprucing up our charter draft today. I have a question for everyone, though. Would you prefer a more parliamentary system, with a prime minister, an internal affairs minister, a foreign affairs minister, and a defense minister (the names of the positions can change, I am just illustrating the basic structural concept), or would you prefer the war council/alliance council scenario Falchion proposed? It just seems the NPO system may be too robust for a small alliance like us.


I'm working on a new charter draft right now, but I need to know how often you guys would prefer we hold elections.

Also, for your information, I'm basing the government structure of OCA on that of the Legion. It's looking pretty nice.

I'm working on a new charter draft right now, but I need to know how often you guys would prefer we hold elections.
Once a month?

Anything less than that would be tedious. If you go too long without an election, the alliance may not feel quite as connected. I guess two months could work as well.

When you first asked the question, I immediately thought of six months. However, I reconsidered because we need to be active somewhat routinely to create a vibrant group.

So, two months?


Yeah, two to three months sounds good. That way, the elections are regular enough that no one forgets that they're coming (I forget every elections year! :wink:) but they're spaced far enough apart that they seem like they're actually important.

Do we want to write in any term limitations, i.e. limits on how many terms in a row one nation can hold a specific office? I propose -- depending on how long we decide a term is -- six months.

And I nominate (or second the nomination, rather) supremespleen for our...president? PM? Whatever we decide.

Man, creating a nation and alliance is hard. Now I know how Thomas Jefferson felt. (Just kidding. *Chuckles* I know Thomas Jefferson didn't have the internet.)


I've only played this game for about 4 months and the NPO has council elections every month and I forget about them every time. But that's just me. >_> I feel bad because you guys are getting noobed by stupid people who want to have war and I can't just send you about 20k to wipe them off the face of the planet. Of course I've had 8 soldiers kill 1020 soldiers and 37 tanks before and then stole 5 miles of land and 3 tech and destroyed 20 infrastructure on top of that. So overpowering them with soldiers isn't always a good idea. =D

EDIT: Misc. grammar fixes.

EDIT2: By the way, I signed up on the IF forums under the name, Silhouette, to match my ruler name.


I appreciate and accept the nomination.

I've also created a user group for representatives from other nations that does not allow them to see the war room.

However, since Falchion is an OCR member and has helped as along I lot, I agree that F. deserves honorary membership.

Should the chief officer be called "president," "prime minister," "premier," "chancellor," or something else? Right now it says "premier."
I'm a little partial to chancellor, but premier sounds cool as well. It's certainly better than "head honcho". :D
Should the chief officer be called "president," "prime minister," "premier," "chancellor," or something else? Right now it says "premier."

I propose we go wacky with the titles. The head of the government, for example, could be "Head Chef," and the different councils could be Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, or meals or something. That way, we could totally talk in code!

Should the chief officer be called "president," "prime minister," "premier," "chancellor," or something else? Right now it says "premier."

I propose we go wacky with the titles. The head of the government, for example, could be "Head Chef," and the different councils could be Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, or meals or something. That way, we could totally talk in code!

That's pretty hilarious.

Took me all afternoon, but here it is. Suggestions, compliments, and criticisms are welcome. In order to ratify this thing, we need 2/3 of our current members to vote in favor.

Charter of the OverClocked Alliance

Based, in part, upon the Official Charter of the Legion

I. Preamble

This charter is henceforth created to protect the rights and freedoms of the nations of the OverClocked Alliance (OCA). We establish herein the rights of member nations and the internal organization of the OCA. We do this in order to ensure the prosperity of all members and the general welfare of the alliance as a whole.

II. Membership

To gain admission into the alliance, nations must apply in the Cyber Nations thread at www.ocremix.org. Applications must include nation name, ruler name, resources, and team color. Membership shall be granted to applicants by a Directorate officer in short order. Member nations are encouraged, but not required, to join the Orange Team, the official team of the alliance. Membership in the OCA normally precludes membership in all other alliances.

Member nations, by virtue of their membership, are bound by the precepts set forth in this charter. Any member found in violation may be subject to disciplinary action. Members may be expelled at the recommendation of the Premier by a Parliamentary Directive. Members wishing to secede from the OCA must submit a letter of intent to the Premier.

III. Structure

The internal structure of the OCA shall consist of a Directorate and a Parliament. The Directorate shall be the executive wing of the alliance and the Parliament shall be the legislative wing. The Directorate shall consist of a Premier, a Foreign Relations Director, an Internal Affairs Director, and a Defense Director, all elected offices.

The Premier shall act as chief executive for the alliance. The Premier’s responsibilities shall include determining and delegating Directorate priorities and foreign policy, representing the OCA in international affairs, deciding on disciplinary procedures, and coordinating Directorate operation.

The Director of Foreign Relations shall be responsible for acting as an ambassador or deploying one or more ambassadors to other alliances, coordinating relations with all foreign nations, negotiating treaties, and assessing potential threats.

The Director of Defense shall be responsible for the security of member nations, supervision of OCA wars, advising the Premier on the acquisition and use of nuclear weaponry, and coordinating military assistance between members.

The Director of Internal Affairs shall be responsible for recruiting, background checking, and guiding prospective members of the OCA, assisting the Premier in disciplinary procedures, promoting the mutual support and friendship of member nations, coordinating reconstructive aid efforts, and general election oversight.

The Parliament shall consist of all member nations in good standing. A parliament member may at any time move to introduce new legislation or amend/remove existing legislation, and invite other members to second that motion. A seconded motion shall be brought to plenary vote, and shall become a Parliamentary Directive, binding upon all member nations, upon receiving a simple majority of active members’ votes.

A motion to amend this charter seconded by two Directorate officers shall be brought to plenary vote and shall be implemented upon receiving a 2/3 majority of active members’ votes.

III. Elections

General Directorate elections shall take place on every even month, according to a schedule to be determined by the incumbent Directorate consisting of five (5) days for nominations, two (2) days for campaigning, and two (2) days for voting. The incumbent Director of Internal Affairs shall oversee the election process. During the nomination period, member nations may nominate themselves for up to two (2) offices. All member nations may cast one (1) vote for each office. The candidate with a plurality of votes is the winner and immediately takes office. Should a candidate win the vote for two offices, the candidate must retract its candidacy to the office of its choice, such that the first runner-up to that office becomes the winner to that office. In the event of a tie, a run-off election must be held between the tied candidates.

Directorate officers may be elected for no more than three (3) consecutive terms, where a term is a period of two (2) months in length. There is no limit on the number of terms a Directorate officer may be re-elected.

A motion of no confidence in any Directorate officer may be made in Parliament at any time. The affected officer must immediately step down if the consequent vote of no confidence passes with a simple majority.

In the event of an emergency vacancy in the Directorate, the remaining Directorate officers as a whole shall assume the responsibilities of the vacant office or appoint a provisional replacement until such time as an emergency election is deemed necessary.

IV. War

Peace is encouraged between members of the OCA and all nations of the world. Unprovoked attacks against any friendly nation or any member of a friendly alliance is prohibited.

However, should a member nation be the victim of attack, all OCA members pledge to rally their full military and economic strength in defense of the attacked nation and to aid in reconstruction and war efforts to the extent of their capability.

Should the security of the OCA as a whole ever be in jeopardy, an alliance-wide war may be declared by a Parliamentary Directive.

Drafted 08/01/06 by Cardinal Lustro.

I will post this at headquarters later this evening to initiate the ratification process, pending suggestions from everyone here in the meantime.


Sounds good. What's the rationale behind term limits of 3 consecutive elections? That equates to six months. I don't really know if term limits are even necessary. Thoughts?

Sounds good. What's the rationale behind term limits of 3 consecutive elections? That equates to six months. I don't really know if term limits are even necessary. Thoughts?
We don't really need term limits. It isn't like one of us would go crazy with power or anything. Although, it would allow others the chance to be president.
Sounds good. What's the rationale behind term limits of 3 consecutive elections? That equates to six months. I don't really know if term limits are even necessary. Thoughts?
We don't really need term limits. It isn't like one of us would go crazy with power or anything. Although, it would allow others the chance to be president.
Yeah, that entire struture that Antelucan concocted is pretty damn amazing. It's easy to read too, unlike my earlier legalistic quip. :D

The three consecutive term limit was bones_221's proposal. It doesn't prevent someone from being elected to an office for more than three terms, they just cannot do it all in a row. I agree that it is not necessary, however. Should I change it?

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