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For a while now, I've had a huge problem with my music listening life. Every time I try to sit down at night (even 9 PM on a completely easy day) and listen to an album, I fall asleep after 4 or 5 songs. This is terrible for dark ambient music because night is the only good time. I don't want to use energy drinks or coffee and jack my system up; is there anything I can do?


On my phone so I can't multi-quote. This is not a joke and multi-tasking is not really an option as the stuff I'm trying to listen to is better the more attention you give it.


My dad and my grandma fall asleep watching TV. I don't get it. It's hard enough for me to sleep without any sensory input.

Brandon makes a good point; if you don't want to multi-task or take a walk while listening, at least make sure you're not in a sleep-inducing position. Grab a stool or other backless object that doesn't allow you to lean back and relax. Turn a light on.


If you still fall asleep after all that...get more sleep? I dunno.


Thanks for the replies; I will try a stool or something. I know this does seem silly, but I really want to enjoy some Raison D'Etre and Axis of Perdition right now.


You could always try instrumental metal. Try listening to anything by 'goat.' His Castlevania remixes always keep me awake.

IDK; I fell asleep to this a few nights ago

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