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just so you all know and are warned, one of my friends recently told me i was a bit obsessive with things that i put work into, so it would take a lot to make me let this go :)

once some of the projects are closer to being completed, such as project chaos, summoning of spirits and milkyway wishes are done, we should be able to put together a tentative timeline

  Doomsday said:
The simplest way of putting it:

Have you ever heard a DJ Mix? If not, download one, and hear how it sounds, the "super mix" is essentially going to be a DJ mix full of remixes from the project. If you don't get it, then just wait until it comes out.

the main problem with this is going to be going between the various styles that you'll have on this project. megamixes work because the songs all have a pretty similar style and speed to them. how are you going to compensate between, say, a classical piece at 72 bpm and a techno rock piece at 158 bpm?

  The Prophet of Mephisto said:
  Doomsday said:
The simplest way of putting it:

Have you ever heard a DJ Mix? If not, download one, and hear how it sounds, the "super mix" is essentially going to be a DJ mix full of remixes from the project. If you don't get it, then just wait until it comes out.

the main problem with this is going to be going between the various styles that you'll have on this project. megamixes work because the songs all have a pretty similar style and speed to them. how are you going to compensate between, say, a classical piece at 72 bpm and a techno rock piece at 158 bpm?

Check the first post to get the details on the "supermix" idea. For however many styles/genres are covered that's how many 'supermixes' there will be. So for instance with the WIP's we got going right now there will defiantly be an orchestral supermix. The super mixes will be done after all the remixes are done.

  rpggamer180 said:
  Jormungand said:
You should really check that tracklist... Really, CC's is the most accurate you'll find.

Especially track 2-04: it's October Mermaid. Kind of a significant difference. :P

actually, everywhere i have checked it is june mermaid

Unfortunately, that's what happens when the mistranslation comes first. The wrong information gets spread around. Here's a portion of the back cover of the album:



Kaminazuki no Ningyo

October Mermaid

"June Mermaid" would be 水無月の人魚, or "Minazuki no Ningyo." Rather similar, if you notice.


Hey guys I got a certain "demo" of a certain song, I need you guys to go and check out on our forums to see if you dudes are feeling the "concept" i got goin for it. Leave comments for it on our forums and not this topic.

Gotta give a shout out to Doomsday for some wicked good progress on his WIP so far. Also if anyone in general hasn't checked out Siamey's Pirates mix in the wip: other section. It's pure goodness.


  CHz said:
  rpggamer180 said:
  Jormungand said:
You should really check that tracklist... Really, CC's is the most accurate you'll find.

Especially track 2-04: it's October Mermaid. Kind of a significant difference. :P

actually, everywhere i have checked it is june mermaid

Unfortunately, that's what happens when the mistranslation comes first. The wrong information gets spread around. Here's a portion of the back cover of the album:



Kaminazuki no Ningyo

October Mermaid

"June Mermaid" would be 水無月の人魚, or "Minazuki no Ningyo." Rather similar, if you notice.

...This is worse than being told that Santa is a lie.


I'm planning on doing a mix of Tears of the Stars, Hearts of the People when my Bonds mix is done with, but I don't think I'm like, "good enough" for a project, especially one of the magnitude of Xenogears.

  rpggamer180 said:
just so you know, i am leading this on a regular basis, it's just that the majority goes on behind the scenes over at the project forum, and there will be a major update of the main post here pretty soon

Yeah there's a lot going on behind the scenes with PM's and on the forums. We have not had the forums for very long and we already have over 200 posts.

  Shadix said:
I'm planning on doing a mix of Tears of the Stars, Hearts of the People when my Bonds mix is done with, but I don't think I'm like, "good enough" for a project, especially one of the magnitude of Xenogears.

I sent a PM to rpggamer180(Foxhull) about it. As a remixer you def got potential. We'll get back to you on it soon. There are def some good arrangement ideas on that Bonds mix. Speaking of the Bonds mix...update?

  avaris said:
  rpggamer180 said:
just so you know, i am leading this on a regular basis, it's just that the majority goes on behind the scenes over at the project forum, and there will be a major update of the main post here pretty soon

Yeah there's a lot going on behind the scenes with PM's and on the forums. We have not had the forums for very long and we already have over 200 posts.

  Shadix said:
I'm planning on doing a mix of Tears of the Stars, Hearts of the People when my Bonds mix is done with, but I don't think I'm like, "good enough" for a project, especially one of the magnitude of Xenogears.

I sent a PM to rpggamer180(Foxhull) about it. As a remixer you def got potential. We'll get back to you on it soon. There are def some good arrangement ideas on that Bonds mix. Speaking of the Bonds mix...update?

I'm currently fighting a battle for ideal volume and making everything just sound better. It's kind of annoying that I have like 4 levels of volume adjusting nonsense (I'm trying to remaster everything softer so I have a wider dynamic range, pain in the butt. Plus knowing where the velocities need to be to achieve X volume level... The most annoying part is the varying volumes at which the samples were recorded.)

It was Zirc's suggestion though, so I have faith that what I'm doing is gonna turn out good.

Minimum: 20 Tracks

Maximum: 30 Tracks

There will be a ratio of, at maximum, 60% of the tracks on one disc and 40% on the other.

OMG you mean we don't have to remix every single song, that'd be around 50 in total. 8O Haha, well I was curious as to what the final number would be. It's a more realistic goal to do this number of tracks.

  avaris said:
Minimum: 20 Tracks

Maximum: 30 Tracks

There will be a ratio of, at maximum, 60% of the tracks on one disc and 40% on the other.

OMG you mean we don't have to remix every single song, that'd be around 50 in total. 8O Haha, well I was curious as to what the final number would be. It's a more realistic goal to do this number of tracks.

WHAT!??! you already knew the max track amount :banghead:

just a friendly bit of chat


ok i found a couple websites with in depth help on orchestration and posted them on the private forums, so anyone who is doing an orchestral mix, go check it out! Also some more updates to my WIP, in the form of an update to my last poste


Aight guys just wanted to make an announcement. I asked Tyler Humphrey an old buddy of mine from high school if he wanted to do a mix for the project.

The past few years I've played piano with him on occassion and omg... He would take my simple 20 sec melodies and turn them into full blown piano solo pieces right on the spot. Granted if you know music theory well enough and have the chops to play the piano that well it's easy. Of course how many us can say that...

Well anyways he chose to do graaf emperor of darkness as a piano solo. He is not an OCR member, but I gave him the link here so if he stops by that's great. Whatever he does, all u guys need to know is there is a kick ass piano mix of Graaf's song on the way.

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