DarkeSword Posted October 14, 2015 Posted October 14, 2015 First off, not gonna run this because I have other things I need to focus on. So I'd be looking for a director that I can mentor through this as an "executive producer." The idea is Pokémon album in the same vein as The Eevee EP. The focus this time will be on the different starter Pokémon from each generation. There are about 18 starters right now in the core series (not counting Pokémon Yellow's Pikachu). The way I see it there are two ways to do this: We could do an 18 track album with one remix for each starter in all 6 of the regions featured in the core series so far. We could do a 9 track album with one remix for each starter and each of their evolutions (Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise), and then do other regions as followups in the style of Vampire Variations or BADASS. I know ToN is interested in possibly running this, but if we do the second option, maybe we can get a couple of other directors to handle other regions in parallel. So while ToN runs the Kanto album, someone else could do Johto or Hoenn. timaeus222, The Damned and Tuberz McGee 3 Quote
DarkeSword Posted October 14, 2015 Author Posted October 14, 2015 After discussing with ToN, we're probably going to go with the second option, with the following strategy. Let's use Kanto as the example: A remix would be written by an artist for Bulbasaur. Another artist would then take the Bulbasaur remix and use it as a guidepost to write a remix for Ivysaur. The idea would be to make an "evolved" version of the Bulbasaur remix. A little more intense or energetic, possibly bringing in other sources from the game. Another artist would then build off of the Bulbasaur and Ivysaur remixes and write the Venusaur remix. Again, more intense/energetic, possibly bringing in other sources. The same would be done for Squirtle and Charmader and their respective evolutions. Rather than 9 individual, unrelated remixes, we would have 3 sets of remixes that share thematic ideas. This gives the artists in the sets a chance to collaborate in fun and interesting way, while still having the freedom to bring their own ideas to each individual remix. timaeus222, The Damned, Jorito and 1 other 4 Quote
jnWake Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 Cool concept! Sounds very interesting. You plan on using sources that fit each starter, like forests for Bulbasaur, or use whatever source the remixers feel like? Quote
The Damned Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 Much upvote +1. That's a potential 6 albums... making pokémon the most remix album'd series on OCR! timaeus222 and DarkeSword 2 Quote
DarkeSword Posted October 15, 2015 Author Posted October 15, 2015 Cool concept! Sounds very interesting. You plan on using sources that fit each starter, like forests for Bulbasaur, or use whatever source the remixers feel like? That's up to the artists to decide, I think. But the director for the album can make the determination. Quote
The Damned Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 Unfortunately, most of RBY's locations aren't really themed towards types. You could make the argument that the various city's respective Gyms could be used like that, but that idea doesn't work for GSC and later games, where there aren't always Gyms that cover Fire, Grass and Water types. You could use Cinnabar Island for Charmander, and then either the Surfing theme or Cerulean for Squirtle, and then either Viridian Forest or Celadon City for Bulbasaur. Gen 2 (Gold, Silver and Crystal) are going to be hard, as there are no Gyms for Fire, Water and Grass. And there aren't really any areas that could fit Fire and Grass themes. There's lots of Water ones, though, like the surfing theme,. Gen 3 is easier, as you have Lavaridge City for Torchic, Sootopolis for Mudkip and a few other areas that can easily be connected to Grass for Treecko. But not Fortree City. It may be a city of treehouses, but it's also home to the Flying type Gym. Gen 4 gives you lots of options. Turtwig, like Eterna Forest and Eterna City (day or night versions), Pastoria for Piplup and a few locations for Chimchar. Gen 5 gives you Striaton City, which has the first Gym with variable types. Depending upon your starter, the Gym Leader changes to have an advantage. Could be goof for any of the three. Plus, there is a Water-type Gym in Humaliu City (from Black 2 and White 2). Gen 6, is kind of restrictive. There's only a Grass Gym as well as Santalune Forest, but not many areas that would really apply towards Fire and Water themes. The only really Water-themed place is Azure Bay. Just some ideas in case any one was wondering where to start. DarkeSword 1 Quote
Tuberz McGee Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 Just chiming in to say that holy balls yes I would go ham on this. <3 <3 <3 I would be ecstatic to do either Bayleef, Blaziken, Infernape or Emboar. xoxoxo DarkeSword 1 Quote
wildfire Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 I'm interested in participating! DarkeSword 1 Quote
Flexstyle Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 I'd sign up, but only as the last evolution. I'd really like to take someone else's mix to cool new places, and there haven't been a lot of ways to do that on OCR before. EDIT: This might be a fun way to get less-experienced people involved, too, making this somewhat like a RWTS sort of format where you have a beginner for the first evolution, an intermediate sort of person on the mid-range one, and then one of the much more established people here as the last evolution. Just a thought. Quote
DarkeSword Posted October 15, 2015 Author Posted October 15, 2015 I'd sign up, but only as the last evolution. I'd really like to take someone else's mix to cool new places, and there haven't been a lot of ways to do that on OCR before. EDIT: This might be a fun way to get less-experienced people involved, too, making this somewhat like a RWTS sort of format where you have a beginner for the first evolution, an intermediate sort of person on the mid-range one, and then one of the much more established people here as the last evolution. Just a thought. Sure, but the remixes all still have to be good and polished. Can't just let the newbies go wild on the base evolution mixes. xD timaeus222 1 Quote
timaeus222 Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 I love this kind of idea. I'd love to do something for Sceptile. Besides texture, would these necessarily build off of the "unevolved form" in style and structure, or can we simply write something that's just for mostly the same source(s), but potentially different style and/or structure (just to keep things from getting too rigid/same-y)? Quote
Jfaferrie Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 It's a really interesting concept, even if I don't get involved myself I am looking forward to hearing the end results Quote
PokerusVGM Posted October 16, 2015 Posted October 16, 2015 Count me in! I'm really loving the concept! Quote
timaeus222 Posted October 16, 2015 Posted October 16, 2015 Gen 3 is easier, as you have Lavaridge City for Torchic, Sootopolis for Mudkip and a few other areas that can easily be connected to Grass for Treecko. But not Fortree City. It may be a city of treehouses, but it's also home to the Flying type Gym. Verdanturf for Treecko evolutions? ;o Quote
jnWake Posted October 16, 2015 Posted October 16, 2015 I forgot to mention I'd be interested if the chosen director feels like I can participate haha. I wouldn't mind taking a first evo or mid evo too. Quote
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