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Pokémon: Forget Ultra Sun and Moon, Core Game for Switch Announced

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Ah, that figures. At least I can bypass the 3DS eshop with the web shop. Loving the demo, though. It's really nice looking. The new battle interface is smooooth, and it's nice learning a little bit about pokemon as you fight them(effective attacks, etc - assuming they'll expand on this a bitin the full game).

Well, my digital copy of Pokemon Y crapped out for some reason - black screen on launch(I hadn't started it up since the last system update and I suppose something went wrong). At least I was able to get a fair amount of my pokemon(and Ditto, which is nice) via pokebank. If I don't get it working, eh. Not a horrible loss.





Got to play the demo at work. The first day of stuff is actually kind of limited, yes. But in a few days some new stuff will open up, so that's cool.

I like the guy at the store in the pokécenter store. "My boss will be back in a month", because that's when Sun and Moon are released. Subtle, Game Freak. Subtle.


Well, I found the problem. Pokemon Y was corrupt(but not my save data) and this was causing the SD card to have issues with other software(like the eShop, which was trying to check the SD card before opening). Copied everything off the card and deleted everything(sans corrupt files), ran a quick chkdsk and problem solved, data recovered and 32GB MicroSD intact.

And now I can get back to the demo. I've already done the main demo, along with the other things(the slowpoke barricade, fighting all the trainers, pokemon catching challenge). That guy outside the Pokecenter is odd though. He says to come back "tomorrow"(not today, not the day after - it has to be tomorrow), and I did but it isn't registering. I'd read a guide saying it was active on the 18th, but the way he talks felt like it should be relative to when the demo was first played. Did I miss that one for good?

I'm curious how they'll implement transferring Gen 1 pokemon to Sun/Moon. A lot of them have different moves(including ones their later-gen counterparts can't learn, like Machop's Fissure) and that would make some Gen 1 transfers truly unique. While I'm sure old things like DVs(and the single Special stat that was split) will be normalized to some extent, I hope they at least maintain Gen 1 specific skill sets.

2 hours ago, Kat said:

Well, I found the problem. Pokemon Y was corrupt(but not my save data) and this was causing the SD card to have issues with other software(like the eShop, which was trying to check the SD card before opening). Copied everything off the card and deleted everything(sans corrupt files), ran a quick chkdsk and problem solved, data recovered and 32GB MicroSD intact.

And now I can get back to the demo. I've already done the main demo, along with the other things(the slowpoke barricade, fighting all the trainers, pokemon catching challenge). That guy outside the Pokecenter is odd though. He says to come back "tomorrow"(not today, not the day after - it has to be tomorrow), and I did but it isn't registering. I'd read a guide saying it was active on the 18th, but the way he talks felt like it should be relative to when the demo was first played. Did I miss that one for good?

I'm curious how they'll implement transferring Gen 1 pokemon to Sun/Moon. A lot of them have different moves(including ones their later-gen counterparts can't learn, like Machop's Fissure) and that would make some Gen 1 transfers truly unique. While I'm sure old things like DVs(and the single Special stat that was split) will be normalized to some extent, I hope they at least maintain Gen 1 specific skill sets.

They've already said you can transfer Gen 1 to Sun/Moon through Pokemon Bank


Really digging the demo. Things I noticed/have thoughts about:

- First off, PLAY IT MULTIPLE TIMES. I almost made the mistake of going "well, that was a good hour" after initially beating it, until I went through the spoiler tag on Serebii and found stuff I hadn't come across yet. Stuff opens up after you initially clear it.

- Walking speed is a lot faster, which I guess I'll owe to the models not being chibi with stubby little legs anymore. lol

- D-pad no longer used for overworld movement AT ALL. This also means that grid-based movement is now completely gone. It can be used for the menus though.

- I like the item menus and main menus, but I'm not a huge fan of the initial battle menu, because the center with the PC sprites of the two Pokemon takes up so much space. It seems like a weird UI decision for me to not have the Fight! button front and center, given that's where you're going to be going most of the time.

- Really dig the game showing what moves are effective and which are not after a species is defeated in battle once. I have a great memory, but with 800+(!!) of these guys, I can imagine it gets really hard for other people.

- Animation quality is aces. The devs finally made NPCs turning not look so damn ugly this time around, and I really like the battle transitions vs trainers, as well as the fact that you can actually see trainers in battle.

- Totally mixed about the music. I really dig the instrumentation, but I don't find the music as catchy. ORAS had killer battle themes, but I guess that could be owed to them being based off of older music.

- Really dig the art direction. The areas in the demo really do have personality and it feels like a good, fleshed-out hybrid of Hoenn and Kalos, which is apt because IIRC the director of Sun/Moon was the director of ORAS as well.

- If I had to hazard a guess, judging by its mapping to the Y button* (unsure if this will be so in the final?) and the messages the game gives you when you click on rocks blocking paths**, it really does seem like Ride Pokemon will be replacing HMs. To which I say: HALLE-FREAKING-LUJAH. FINALLY I can have a main party of just...esoteric types. I don't need to have a Flying type or a Water type in my party anymore. I can go freaking crazy and not have to waste slots for projected HM slaves.

*Which indicates it being intended to be used very often.

**The messages are very similar to ones in previous games about boulders that needed to be moved by Strength or rocks that needed to have Rock Smash used on them, in terms of diction.

- Pokefinder framerate is garbage (and I'm playing on a New 3DS) and I have no idea why. It's really strange how Game Freak is amazing at coding some things (model + animation + rigging compression) and awful at others (framerate performance in certain seemingly arbitrary situations, such as split-screen shots in 6th gen). Though, I've noted fewer instances of framerate drops in battles this time around - which could be owed to how apparently Sun/Moon uses a new model compression format.

- Related, after playing a lot of Majora's Mask 3DS, I found myself actually sorely wanting a gyroscope-controlled option for the Pokefinder alongside the circle pad option, despite the fact that the gyroscope makes that stupidly difficult when you're on moving things such as buses. Given the UI the Pokefinder has, it would just seem natural.

- Serebii says that EVs can finally be checked in the Summary screen, which means that keeping an eye on EVs no longer takes up your entire bottom screen in the overworld, which I thought was one of the more boneheaded design decisions in Gen 6. Also says that maxed EVs will visibly sparkle, which takes out the guesswork (which in Gen 6 I solved via attempting to use a punching bag in that stat to see if the game will tell me I couldn't use it).

- The fact that the game keeps handing me stuff that can be sold for money (Nuggets, Star Pieces, etc) makes me think that Sun/Moon will be like X/Y and Black 2/White 2 in that there will be copious money sinks. The return of Join Aven--er, Festival Plaza would suggest this too, as Join Avenue was pretty much THE biggest money sink in B2W2.

25 minutes ago, Pipez said:

They've already said you can transfer Gen 1 to Sun/Moon through Pokemon Bank

Yes, but that wasn't what I was wondering. I'm wondering how they'll handle moves that Gen 2+ pokemon can no longer learn. For example, Gen 1 Machop/Machoke/Machamp can learn Fissure via TM, but Gen 2 onward cannot. Many TM moves qualify, for that matter. There are also a few Gen 1 pokemon that had their typing changed in later games, but I'd imagine typings will just be updated to current gen.


Bank (and to a lesser extent, Wonder Trade) uses a check system to make sure that certain flags are or are not present when it tries to upload/download to a game. Most of the times it's things like "is this pokémon attached to a Cherish Ball?" or "what's the regional origin?" and the like. It's not perfect, but it does help keep blatant cheats from being tossed around.

I see no reason why they can't just edit that to say "this pokémon now has this move" and let it pass the check.


In honor of the demo release, I actually got off my ass and played some Y yesterday.  Now I have three badges, and I can mega evolve things.  Yelling "henshin a-go-go, baby!" recommended but not required.  I also got a plot-relevant lucario that I feel kinda bad that I can't actually fit in my party.  Between pokemon I need for HM moves and covering a good variety of types, I don't have space for him.  "Lucario really wants to go with you!  You should take him, I'm sure he'll become much stronger with you as his trainer!"  "Sweet, free pokedex entry.  Now get in the box and never come out."


If anyone's wondering, my team is Bibarel and Hawlucha (for HMs, and also because Hawlucha is the best pokemon), Solrock (for sky battles), and Blaziken, Venusaur, and Greninja (for type variety).  Solrock is the only one I can really see switching out if I need to, but I like having a pokemon that can sky battle while still providing two different types that none of the rest of my team have.

9 hours ago, Native Jovian said:

In honor of the demo release, I actually got off my ass and played some Y yesterday.  Now I have three badges, and I can mega evolve things.  Yelling "henshin a-go-go, baby!" recommended but not required.  I also got a plot-relevant lucario that I feel kinda bad that I can't actually fit in my party.  Between pokemon I need for HM moves and covering a good variety of types, I don't have space for him.  "Lucario really wants to go with you!  You should take him, I'm sure he'll become much stronger with you as his trainer!"  "Sweet, free pokedex entry.  Now get in the box and never come out."


I did that to Lucario as well. Mega Gengar all the way. I still haven't gotten around to beating Victory Road(and in turn the league), but I should probably do that. Currently rocking a Ghost dual type team with Jellicent, Aegislash, Gengar, Froslass and Golurk. Havent decided on the 6th yet, but I also regularly bring Hawlucha to carry most of my HMs.

The upside is that despite all sharing Ghost type I have a variety of type attacks. The downside is them all the weaknesses, but I'm doing it for fun and the occasional challenge doesn't bug me.


In other news, I finally got around to checking out the demo, as well.

cannot be the only one who found Team Skull's "gangsta" shenanigans to be cringeworthy.  Like, just...  ow.  Seriously.  It's horrific.

Other than that, pretty good stuff, though.  As others have mentioned, I appreciate the game letting me know what attacks are effective against what, rather than making me memorize and/or guess a million different type interactions.  The fact that they've finally gotten rid of the grid system entirely takes a bit of getting used to, but no real complaints.  The Z-move pose the trainer makes is hilariously dorky, but in a good way, and the z-moves themselves (or the one I've seen, anyway) are visually impressive.  Is there any word on whether mega evolutions are still a thing?  Because it's basically the same mechanic, only z-moves are individual attacks instead of a super mode like mega evolution.  I'm not sure how they'd work together -- maybe you can do one or the other, but not both, in any give battle.


Anyway, short of Team Skull making me want to facepalm my hand through my skull, I'm generally liking what I see.  I'll definitely go back to it when I have more time and see what else it's got for me.


Just a reminder that on October 31st, three event downloads will be ending.

Volcanion and Darkrai from GameSteop/EB Games and the three Regis from accessing Pokémon Bank all expire at the end of the month. That's only four more days.

The Registeel, Regirock and Regice all have a special Ability that you can't get from any other source, so those will be pretty rare.

Volcanion hasn't been given out before, so this is the last time you may be able to get it. Unless there's another chance to get one sometime after Sun and Moon come out. But that may not be for several years.

Darkrai is a pretty cool guy, kinda emo sometimes, but that's only because he's Dark type. But he does learn Cut... so... way to live down that cliche, Darkrai.

On 10/24/2016 at 2:34 PM, Native Jovian said:

cannot be the only one who found Team Skull's "gangsta" shenanigans to be cringeworthy.  Like, just...  ow.  Seriously.  It's horrific.

Honestly I think that's the point - they're kids trying so hard to be "cool". That + them referring to their admin like a family member really makes me think that Team Skull are actually going to be the small fry this time around that you may or may not team up with later in the game to stop the real villains.

The final evos are actually really good. Interesting that the grass one's type combo changes, and that means I don't have to have a 4x ice weakness in my party to boot... The fire one being wrestling-related really made the design a whole lot better for me (I caught a glimpse of it when it was originally leaked and thought it was just utterly forgettable). It's even the Heel Pokemon!

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