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Didn't do an in-depth source check, but it seems like a solid expansion on the sound design front. Bass is pumping pretty loudly and the whole track feels a touch overcompressed. Kind of repetitive as well. Could benefit from some feedback, it has potential ~Emu

Hi. This is my first submission to ocremix.



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Submission Information

  • Name of game(s) arranged: Phantasy Star II
  • Name of arrangement:  Red dam of motavia
  • Name of individual song(s) arranged: Mystery
  • Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.
    • This is my first submission. I grew up with the SEGA game consoles and the Phantasy Star series was one of my favorites. Lots of good music in there. This track was made just by rearrange the original track with more modern sounds and then made some variations to it along the way. Hope you like it.




  • 2 weeks later...

Cool source.  The mix feels slightly unbalanced towards the low end but nothing too bad.  I do hear the kick causing the compressor to behave really badly on the bass, and noticeably but not as bad on the rest of the mix. Seems like it has too long of a release time, try shorten that so it matches the curve of the kick's punch instead, as right now there's a noticeable difference in amplitude after each kick hit that lasts almost a full second.  Some of the sounds feel like they don't sit well in the mix, the orch hits are a good example as they get slightly distorted and are affecting the compressor too much, as well as the panned synths starting around 1:48 which feel exposed.

The arrangement I feel is very close to the original, although some variations can be found I would've liked more interpretation than this.  Not only is following the same structure but the same notes, beat and pacing for most of the song.  There are many missed opportunities here to elevate the track over simply the original with modern sounds.  The song also lacks ups and downs in energy levels throughout, feels very static.

I think if the production issues are fixed, and more is done regarding the structure and arrangement this could get a pass, the sound design is good and I liked the retro electronica style but we need more interpretation.

NO (resubmit)

  • Liontamer changed the title to 2015/07/23 - (1N) Phantasy Star 4 'Red Dam of Motavia'

Lots of good advice above. I'd like to add a couple things that stood out to me. The first is the lead synth at 0:34 has a really long attack and Abby of the faster movements feel very sloppy as a result. I like the contentedly you have at 1:11 but the synth doesn't sound like it guys into the soundscape very well and actually takes up to much attention at times. The drums are pretty repetitive overall, I'd have loved some more variation. Similarly the kick and the claps sound pretty weak. 

The arrangement is pretty close to the source, I think you could be more adventurous here. The counterproductive was a good start and more like that would be even better.

Hope to hear more from you.



I think Deia is struggling with autocorrect.  But I suppose she's right that the counterproductive was a good start, and I also like the contentedly at 1:11.  I'm not sure I agree about the Abby of the faster movements, though. :-P 

Interesting idea to open with the theme coming in on a radio, then transitioning into the mix!  I like it.  Once the mix gets started though, it sounds quite repetitive.  I feel like you are trying to vary the writing from the source, but the writing ends up sounding noodley and random even while sounding repetitive and too conservative to the source tune.  If you changed up the drum groove at some point that would help a lot.  You could add/replace new instruments or sounds as you go along too, switch up the lead or backing elements, throw in drum fills or little solos, to add interest to the arrangement.

The mixing needs to be cleaned up too.  I can't hear that you've done any sidechaining with your kick to the bass and/or pads, so the track lacks groove as a result, and that also causes the soundscape to be overcompressed on each kick hit (since everything hits full force each time).  I suggest eqing each instrument so there isn't so much overlapping of frequencies, and also cut lows out of your reverbs.  If you haven't already, I suggest you visit our workshop forums for further advice!

NO (resubmit)

  • Chimpazilla changed the title to 2015/07/23 - (3N) Phantasy Star 4 'Red Dam of Motavia'
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