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*NO* Space Cadet Pinball 'Braving Deep Space'

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Mixer: DJBren

Real name: Brendan Bennett

Email: knightz@optonline.net

ID: Bren

Game remixed: Space Cadet Pinball

I couldn't find the composer of the track, unfortunately, because I no longer have the game on my computer. Anyway, as a lot of you may or may not know, my style is to try to stay true to the original track, and add my own flavor to the mix...whether or not this is acceptable is up to the judges. Anyway, this mix has gone through several stages, and if you dont think it's ready, Im up for all suggestions. For judges who choose NO, please give me some constructive criticism as to what you would like to see in a newer version.


A copy of the source tune would be nice. The game's too obscure and I've got no clue what you're mixing. Give us a clip next time.

Piano introing things was a lil' bit fakey, but alright. Writing sounded similar to a section of BGC's debut FFA OC ReMix. Not sure how I feel about the synth coming in at :21. Beats entering at :38 didn't really seem to mesh well into the piece, were really tame, and didn't drive the song along. Get more active with that snare.

Oh noooo, I hear it at :48, some FL Slayer-ish lead in there! Alright, I'm just busting your chops, as that guitar synth luckily isn't trying to function like a real guitar, but the synth is pretty rigidly sequenced and unexpressive. The texture got a little better after the changeup at 1:07, especially thanks to that bassline. The Slayer stuff fit a bit better at 1:25, with some notable energy until 1:45 went back to the rigid lead playing 16th notes. 1:45-2:43 essentially retreads both of the previous sections, before amping it up a tiny bit with a louder guitar synth from 2:43-3:23 for the finish.

Everything's too rigid in one way or another during the track, hampering the energy level. When it isn't the rapid 16th notes, the percussion is exposed and playing a really bland pattern. Ironically enough, the percussion patterns are more creative while they're nearly obscured.

Not enough dynamic contrast to speak of either, though there's a bit in there. Ultimately though, the track's too repetitive and static given the length. I know you're asking for more specific suggestions as to what to do, but I gotta leave it up to the others as to throw ideas out as to where to go from here. More could be done with the arrangement besides rinsing and repeating, and the production needs to deliver more energy. Good base so far, Brendan.


  • 4 weeks later...
A copy of the source tune would be nice. The game's too obscure and I got no clue what you're mixing. Give us a clip next time.

Larry, you moron, Space Cadet Pinball has been installed on every Windows machine since what, Windows 95?! It's like fucking Solitaire, except it has music! :banghead:

On to the mix; I think this is a pretty neat rendition of the source tune. I happen to like the texture, but I think that the arrangement could be a bit more varied, and the mix could be adjusted to be a bit more spacious. It feels a bit crowded.

REsub plz


A copy of the source tune would be nice. The game's too obscure and I got no clue what you're mixing. Give us a clip next time.

Larry, you moron, Space Cadet Pinball has been installed on every Windows machine since what, Windows 95?! It's like fucking Solitaire, except it has music! :banghead:


No seriously, I don't care who you are. That's funny. I've half a mind to post this on the "Currently in the J-ing process" thread. :lol:

I'll try to get an actual vote in on this tomorrow.

A copy of the source tune would be nice. The game's too obscure and I got no clue what you're mixing. Give us a clip next time.

Larry, you moron, Space Cadet Pinball has been installed on every Windows machine since what, Windows 95?! It's like fucking Solitaire, except it has music! :banghead:


No seriously, I don't care who you are. That's funny. I've half a mind to post this on the "Currently in the J-ing process" thread. :lol:

I'll try to get an actual vote in on this tomorrow.

Bitches, plz. I don't waste my time installing or playing Windows default games. Minesweeper is for punks.


haha while you guys tug on each other's penises, i'm a get down to the nitty gritty here.

haha, i want to give you bonus points for remixing space cadet fuckin pinball, man. you're nuts.

unfortunately, the mix is, like you said yourself, very close to the original in terms of arrangement. the insturmentation is nice and i dig the atmosphere (and those little sound effects) but try to add a little more flavor to it.

otherwise, haha this is hilariously fun





Yeah, I can see why you'd wanna uninstall all the default games, what with all the disk space they take up.

Larry, you're a strange kid. Anyway, on to the mix...

Brendan, I feel like I should apologize for the fact that this judging thread is focused on either Larry or Space Cadet Pinball itself, as opposed to your remix. That isn't right.

The track sounds alright, but you need to branch out a little more. This is way too close to the original. Spend some more time with it. Make it your own.


For judges who choose NO, please give me some constructive criticism as to what you would like to see in a newer version.

Y'all should have paid more attention to the submitter's request and not my eccentric disregard for MS default crud.

Thanks to Shariq who, in between banging his head on the wall, sent me the MIDI original. Very catchy stuff. Kind of sad that the original composer wasn't credited in the file.

I liked how you slowed down the arrangement in order to change the feel. Though I hated the FL Slayer lead, things were IMO reasonably personalized on the arrangement side for the most part. You still had some parts where following the original structure closely seemed rather uncreative, such as the bassline from 1:26-1:45, but it wasn't a huge issue to me. I agreed a bit with the judges though that the arrangement was too conservative. While you changed the tempo and atmosphere, the note structure was too similar to the original. You need to throw more interpretation into the mix.

Going back to my original vote, the dynamics are definitely a huge issue. The arrangement basically stays at the same intensity most of the time without many significant changeups (and too much repetition), plus the energy level again wasn't very high. You need to figure out how to make the sequenced parts (the piano, the FL Slayer-ish guitar, etc) flow more in a more natural and expressive way. Again, I wish I could give you more specifics, Brendan, but I hope the specific criticisms I did give up top, as well as pointing out the core issues here, provide you enough detail yet allow you the freedom to improve the track however you see fit. Keep working on it.

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