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(Adding to the list) Mowseler#1221

I recently started playing, despite having the game since release, and I am pleasantly surprised with how hooked I am. Been practicing with Mercy and Pharah - trying to find a sniper and tank I enjoy.

On 7/8/2016 at 1:56 AM, AngelCityOutlaw said:

So they released a teaser of Sombra's rifle. I've gotta say, I love the idea of shooting your own team-mates with a sniper rifle to give them buffs or heals.

However, I can also see that requiring extreme caution balance-wise.

It's an interesting idea but I really don't know how it could be balanced, the point of a support is that they're squishy and have to be in the thick of battle to be functional, as such the other team can counter by focusing it.  A sniper healing from the longest range possible seems like a balancing nightmare.  I can see a hybrid working though, a real sniper that buffs/heals teammates while sniping enemies or debuffs enemies akin to the tf2 sleeper.  

The sleeper was always an underpowered weapon because hey, if you can headshot people why debuff them?  but valve never really cared about balancing all weapons so they're competitively functional.  Some kind of sleeper with a healer functionality built into it, or maybe a sniper that can accrue charges for attacking/headshotting that could be spent on a heal/buff.  In the files mercy hints that the weapon could be modified to be offensive and she doesn't want that, so OF COURSE it will be modified to just do that for Sombra.  Either way, I doubt it will be just a healer that will snipe allies from a safe range, but if it is I'll be very interested in how blizzard will plan to balance that.

29 minutes ago, Bleck said:

maybe they'll put sombra in widowmaker's spot and then take widowmaker out of the fucking game

Just played a competitive match where I was able to "snipe" widowmaker with Soldier 76 from halfway across Anubis. and no i didn't use any rockets. :) Widow isn't really an issue anymore and in mid 40's ranked competitive mode I don't see her used nearly as much as she was in casual. 

Freaking forward flanking genji's though are the worst.  Especially for God Tier Torbs like me. 

looking forward to seeing Sombra.  kinda looks like Tali from Mass Effect but with a cloak.  

1 hour ago, Bleck said:

congrats, you killed a bad widowmaker, who cares

She's really not that great dude, especially since the nerf. As long as you stay in cover, which the payload offers mobile cover that heals you, and have a tracer, genji, reaper, widowmaker of your own keeping the pressure on her, she's not much of a threat.

43 minutes ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

She's really not that great dude, especially since the nerf. As long as you stay in cover, which the payload offers mobile cover that heals you, and have a tracer, genji, reaper, widowmaker of your own keeping the pressure on her, she's not much of a threat.

Don't forget Winston. He's literally a Widowmaker delete button, especially since he can jump to wherever she grapples.

4 hours ago, Bleck said:

congrats, you killed a bad widowmaker, who cares


3 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

She's really not that great dude, especially since the nerf. As long as you stay in cover, which the payload offers mobile cover that heals you, and have a tracer, genji, reaper, widowmaker of your own keeping the pressure on her, she's not much of a threat.

someone just got serrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrved!


5 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

As long as you stay in cover, which the payload offers mobile cover that heals you, and have a tracer, genji, reaper, widowmaker of your own keeping the pressure on her, she's not much of a threat.


5 hours ago, Bleck said:

congrats, you killed a bad widowmaker, who cares




7 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

Let's try this:

Please explain how, post-nerf, Widowmaker is overpowered when pit against a competent team?

She's not.

Looking forwards to sombra, too.  I hope they will be releasing another character alongside her, but I doubt it since they said they will take it very slow with character releases.

23 minutes ago, DarkeSword said:

So she DOES shoot people to heal.  Interesting.  Lots of cc and utility too.  Being able to snipe heal seems really op in a lot of maps on O, specially near spawn,  but we'll see.  I love how she looks/acts though.


Also new patch coming to the ptr:
Zenyatta buffed (yay!)
D.Va matrix changed (good)
Mercy reworked (woah not sure about that right click dmg boost, scary.)

but most importantly:
1-hero limit for competitive (fuck yes)






If a match goes into Overtime for more than 20 seconds, the fuse will now start to "burn down" more quickly
Players now respawn more slowly during Overtime (increased spawn time by 2 seconds)

Another MUCH NEEDED change.  Goodbye koth tracer/lucio/winston spam to keep the match going for 5 minutes on overtime.  NOBODY WILL MISS YOU.



Defense Matrix
Cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 1 second
A new resource meter has been added. This meter will deplete while Defense Matrix is active and then recharge when it’s not in use.
Defense Matrix takes 10 seconds to reach full charge from empty
At a full charge, Defense Matrix will last for 4 seconds
Defense Matrix will now remain active as long as its assigned hotkey is held
Defense Matrix has been reclassified as an alternate fire and is now bound to RMB (by default)
An option to “Toggle Defense Matrix” has been added under Options > Controls > D.Va
Ultimate cost decreased by 15%
Explosion delay reduced from 4 seconds to 3 seconds
Explosion no longer damages D.Va (the player who activates it)

Actually more changes than I expected, all pretty good! Like I said DVA was pretty OP in beta but she got massive nerfs that brought her to her current state.  These buffs bring her closer to her beta state but I hope we don't get back to that point, she was really oppressive when OP.


Soldier: 76

Heavy Pulse Rifle
Spread recovery will begin after a short delay (rather than instantly)
Tactical Visor
Ultimate cost increased by 10%

An actual very sneaky nerf here.  Not the ultimate cost, since self-healing now fills ultimate and heroes are compensating for that, but the spred recovery nerf is pretty damn important.  Anyone who plays S76 knows that there's no penalty for burst fire and it's the correct way to shoot 90% of the time, now it's being nerfed quite significantly, we'll see!

2 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

Honestly, as cool as she looks, I'm banking real hard that she'll be nerfed pretty quickly after release.


Actually, I agree.  But we'll see.  I'm bad at sniping so I doubt I'll play her much, just like wm, but it'll be interesting to see what they'll do with such an unique archetype mix.


Taken from "Niche Gamer's" site

"...Sniper whose skillset seems to mix long range combat with several support abilities including the ability to shoot her teammates with healing bullets and use her ult to give an ally a “Nano-boost” which appears to increase their speed, damage, as well as reducing their damage taken.

She also has some offensive abilities such as a poison grenade that damages enemies while healing allies, and a tranquilizer attack that can stun one enemy. However, any damage dealt to the sleeping hero will wake them back up."

Yeaaaaah. Let's not forget she headshot and kills widowmaker in the trailer, so I doubt her offense game is lacking. On paper, it sounds like in the hands of a decent player, she has potential to easily be the best character in the game. From what little we have, it seems like they're relying on her lack of mobility compared to Widowmaker to be her cryptonite. However, on the comments on Facebook for the reveal trailer, one user asked how she got up so high and they replied with "I'm sure you'll find ways ;)" or something like that. So they may be implying she does have some way of getting up high quickly...

2 minutes ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

Taken from "Niche Gamer's" site

"...Sniper whose skillset seems to mix long range combat with several support abilities including the ability to shoot her teammates with healing bullets and use her ult to give an ally a “Nano-boost” which appears to increase their speed, damage, as well as reducing their damage taken.

She also has some offensive abilities such as a poison grenade that damages enemies while healing allies, and a tranquilizer attack that can stun one enemy. However, any damage dealt to the sleeping hero will wake them back up."

Yeaaaaah. Let's not forget she headshot and kills widowmaker in the trailer, so I doubt her offense game is lacking. On paper, it sounds like in the hands of a decent player, she has potential to easily be the best character in the game. From what little we have, it seems like they're relying on her lack of mobility compared to Widowmaker to be her cryptonite. However, on the comments on Facebook for the reveal trailer, one user asked how she got up so high and they replied with "I'm sure you'll find ways ;)" or something like that. So they may be implying she does have some way of getting up high quickly...

I'll take a 6 second stun (her tranquilizer) over mobility any day.


In a pre-made of six with all communicating, her stun could be extremely effective. However, in a team of randoms, I can see it being really frustrating. Without coordination, her stuns will be interrupted by her fellow players not knowing she's going to use it. Of course, similar stuff can be said about any ability not seeing it's full potential used when playing with randoms, but since this stun is so dependent on other players knowing exactly what the Ana intends, it's effectiveness gap seems especially wide.


I mean more in a way to defend yourself.  WM has a couple counters, tracer, genji, and winston all can get wherever she is very very safely and kill her, she may get ONE chance to escape a tracer if she acts quickly and hooks to higher ground, but genji and winston WILL get her.  With Ana though, all she has to do is stun them.  Since we know she can kill a wm with one shot, we can safely assume she will be able to oneshot a stunned tracer and genji.  As for winston she'll have PLENTY of time to go to her team and find safety.  That's why I said I would take a 6-second stun over mobility any day.   Let's not forget the fact that unlike wm's mobility, her stun can be used effectively as an offensive tool if on a coordinated team.

I'm hoping to see some real drawbacks to Ana when I get to the PTR, otherwise she seems like a balance nightmare.  A lot of utility, damage and healing with no real counter? smells like trouble (well, a better wm/ana is a real counter I guess)

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